Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'jigsaw'

Happy May Day! (Puzzle-Contest)
Saturday, May 1st, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Laura Tavares!

You might ask, What is May Day? Well, it’s rooted in old Celtic/pagan celebrations. It marks the halfway point between Spring and Summer, and in the old days, May Day poles were erected, flowers gathered, wreaths made to wear atop heads, and everyone danced around the pole as a way to appease the gods to give them a fertile year—crops and humans.

So, Happy May Day! 

Today’s the high schoolers’ Prom Day, so we’re hoping no fertility rites will be goin’ on at the venue! 🙂

My dd and SIL have been busy getting the homestead cleaned up after a harsh winter. They’ve been putting up fences—hundreds of feet of horse fence and barbed wire. They’re nearly done. They’ve cleared land, planted a garden. I bought rose bushes for my dd because she needed some flowering plants and prefers perennials to annuals. One of the 2-qt bushes I bought had a picture of a gorgeous floribunda rose with deep purple blooms. The first bloom opened and the puzzle contest will show you what we got!

Enjoy the day, dance a little, celebrate! 


For a chance to win the download of your choice from my vast backlist, tell me what you’ve been doing to celebrate/mark the changing season! And enjoy the puzzle!

Puzzle Me This!
Sunday, April 25th, 2021

I’m late! For the first time in forever, I forgot to write “Post Blog” at the top of my to-do list. So, here’s me, posting something quick and fun. Solve the puzzle–I think it will be challenging! Then tell me whether you’d be eager to be whisked off to some alien destination in a galax far, far away if your hero looked like one of these handsome fellows!

Puzzle-Contest + Open Contests!
Saturday, April 17th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Damaris Schuler!

I’m nearing the end of the book I’m writing! So, I’ll be quick today! Have fun!

Puzzle Contest

Solve and tell me what you think is goin’ on for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Open Contests

  1. Tell me a story… (Contest)Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. What are you reading? (Puzzle-Contest)Ends soon! Win a FREE book!
  3. Hot SEAL, In His Memory — Coming April 27th! And a Ramble. (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  4. Ava Cuvay: That’s My Theory (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. I love Fridays! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!


What are you reading? (Puzzle-Contest)
Saturday, April 10th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Margaret!

Puzzle contest

For a chance to win a FREE book from my backlist, solve the puzzle and tell me what you’re reading this weekend!

Happy Easter from my family to yours! Enjoy the puzzle!
Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Easter Puzzle

Enjoy the puzzle! ~DD

Cowboy Puzzle Contest
Friday, April 2nd, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

It’s Friday but feels like Saturday. I’ve been a day ahead all week. I even woke the 17-year-old to put out the trash the day before the trashmen came. Gah.

We had freezing weather last night, so dd was looking for sheets to cover her newly planted garden. The local hardware store didn’t have any garden mesh. So far, it looks like everything survived, except perhaps, the lettuce. 🙁

The pool is still green, but I hope to get that fixed over the next two weeks. The long-range forecast isn’t great for swimming in April, but I’ll be ready for May!!!! I’ve hit it with algaecide, floc, and lots of chlorine. And I’ll have to do it all again in a day or two. The pool is a time and money suck—but so worth it when the summer heat is miserable. We love swimming at night and watching the bats fly overhead. (Yes, that wasn’t a typo!) We also moved our grill to the pool enclosure and have big plans for meals, drinks, etc., at poolside this year.

As for this weekend, I am hoping not to work too hard. I do have a looming book deadline, but I’ll try to only write the # of words I need for the day. I do have a set of edits that need to go out, but again, I’m not killing myself this weekend. I want some rest and to spend some time outdoors since it looks like we’ll have sunshine! I hope you all find some balance this weekend, too!

Puzzle Contest

For a chance to win a Texas Cowboys or a Cowboys on the Edge story, solve the puzzle then tell me what this cowboy is thinking!

Even the best mousetraps… (Puzzle-contest)
Sunday, March 28th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…AnnaMarie Melchiorre!

Psst! Check out yesterday’s post.
I haven’t closed out all of those open contests! Enter now!!

I’m just poking my head in the door. Lots on my plate (what does that mean, anyway?) to do today. I need to make words (write-write-write, or at least come up with a page–I’d be happy with one!), edit a boatload of pages, and do some organizing in my bathroom cabinets. Gah. I hate housework. Did I mention I convinced the 12-year-old to be my housekeeper by offering her a monthly “salary”? Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts, but for now, it’s awesome!

Anyway, I’m sharing a puzzle. Hope you love it. The subject is mice because, with the recent cold spell we had, at least one mouse took up residence in our house. We set those humane capture-and-release traps. Nada. Then we went for the old-fashioned snap-traps. And ta-da! I hope he was the only one. The cats (all five!) were too fat and lazy to catch him. 🙁

Puzzle Contest

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me a mouse story. Pet, pest? How did you rid yourself of them?