Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'jigsaw'

Puzzle Play
Saturday, October 20th, 2018

I’m late posting today. Not because I was blowing off work. I did work. But I was working on one little fire and a lot of little nits, and time got away from me. And then, I had to spend time with the 5-year-old (good Lord, she’s getting tall!). So, knowing it’s late, and you’re likely playing games on your phone anyway while “multi-tasking” watching a little TV, why not play with this puzzle…? Have fun! DD

What I’m working on now…
Saturday, August 25th, 2018

Work the puzzle! See what I’m working on, pounding on the keyboard until my fingers are nubs. Oh, wait. I was born with nubby fingers. Work the puzzle anyway! 🙂
This one releases September 11th! Pre-order your copy here!

I had to use a different puzzle generator than usual, because the other site isn’t working, so you’ll have to click on the picture and it will take you directly to the puzzle! Enjoy!



What will you read for free?
Thursday, August 9th, 2018

Hint #1, it’s coming in this weekend’s newsletter. Are you a subscriber? No? Click on this link to join!

Hint #2 is this puzzle!

Still puzzled? 🙂 Sorry about that. Well, you’ll just have to join then wait and see.


What I’d rather be doing…
Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

I almost forgot to post today because I’m covered up in edits. Enjoy the puzzle!

You know, if you love puzzles, scroll down the page until you see the “Search” box on the left. Type in “jigsaw” and you can try some more fun puzzles!

Words I Write
Sunday, July 15th, 2018

Yes, I have a book coming on Tuesday. Something very, very dirty. If that’s your thing, see the post below and order your copy now!

If you’re looking for something to exercise your gray matter on a lazy Sunday, look no farther than the puzzle below! When you’re finished, you’ll see so many of your favorite words. You’re welcome!

Psst! Don’t forget to enter yesterday’s contest! It’s still open!!

What’s going to happen when little sis arrives…
Saturday, July 7th, 2018

My sister is arriving today around noon—soon! She’s coming for a “sisters’ writing retreat”. Her goal for the next week is to write like her hair’s on fire. I’ve been suffering with vertigo for days, and the nausea is getting to me, but I’ll try to hang in there. I do have several projects that need my attention!

In the meantime, I’m sharing an appropriately-themed puzzle for you play-uhs. Have fun! And remember, if you haven’t read Cochise, why the heck haven’t you? Those who have are loving it! 🙂

What’s coming Tuesday? (Game)
Friday, June 22nd, 2018

Have fun! ~DD