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Archive for 'jigsaw'
Saturday, March 16th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown!
First, a reminder of what’s coming your way next Tuesday!
Have you ordered your copy?

What happens in Bozeman stays in Bozeman…unless it’s a cowboy!
Stranded in Bozeman, Montana, for the night while snowplows clear a mountain pass, Kelly Willis decides to throw caution to the wind. After being jilted by her college sweetheart, she’s determined to have one no-holds-barred night, her way of seeking revenge against a lifetime of conformity, before she settles down in a new town to live a very circumspect life as an elementary school teacher. She chooses another stranded motorist, propositioning him with the offer of a no-strings, no-names night of pleasure.
No one is more shocked than rancher Ryan Mobley when he appears at his daughter’s parent-teacher meeting to discover the angel he’d made love to is his daughter’s new teacher. Now that she’s here, he’s going to do everything he can to convince her they have a real connection, something they can build a lifetime on.
While she wrangles the class bully and he tries to figure out who’s rustling his cattle, the two of them grow closer with the help of a classroom full of mini matchmakers.
Pre-order your copy here!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest
 For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what this scenery does to you. That’s all. Happy Saturday!
Tagged: contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, Montana, puzzle, small town romance, We Are Dead Horse Posted in About books..., Pre-Order | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen - Diane Sallans - BN - cindy - Steph -
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy!

I’m busy writing, writing, writing! And I have no idea how the story will unfold. It’s kind of fun being in the dark until stuff happens I never expected. I let the characters do their thing. I know. It sounds nuts, but it’s usually how my stories happen. I know how they begin but after that…?
Anyway, I have so much to do. Write another mystery chapter, edit some, and then read more Secret Identities stories. I’m up to my eyeballs in work—and then, before I can go to bed, I’ll have to paint something to stay on track with the challenge.
What do you get to do? Well, I have a challenge for you, too! Are you excited? 🙂 Solve the puzzle then add some ideas for what you think a romantic date night should include for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle, romance Posted in General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen - Beverly - BN - Debra - Delilah -
Saturday, March 2nd, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!
I’m currently doing the #the100dayproject. Basically, I paint or create some kind of art for 100 days straight and post it. Trying to find subjects for so many days is a challenge in itself. So, I poured over the work I did in last year’s challenge and found a photo of a postcard featuring poppies. I really liked it at the time, but I like it even more now, so I’m going to try to recreate it. I don’t know if I can do a better job. It depends on my patience and whether I use the right paper and paint. Whether I have the brush pen I used before. Maybe I should choose another subject so I don’t disappoint myself, but painting is a lot like writing. You find a niche or topic you like and try to repeat the pattern so you reproduce something you love.
Anyway, enough talk. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me about something you’ve done you were proud of and tried to recreate. It can be about anything. How successful were you? Have fun!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BN - kerry pruett - flchen - Diane Sallans - Beckie -
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown!
I watched a TikTok where a man played a prank on his girlfriend while they were eating at a restaurant. While she was in the bathroom, he paid their bill and then waited for her to return. When she sat, he leaned toward her and dared her to do a “Dine & Dash” where you eat and flee without paying. She was reluctant at first, but then her eyes brightened. They ran from the restaurant and jumped into his car; then she told him, “Go, go, go!” while she patted her chest because she was so frightened and excited. After they pulled away, he told her he had paid, and she said, “Oh, thank God!” He asked her, “But was that fun, right?” Her smile was everything. He’d invited her to do something naughty but had protected her from the consequences. I thought, “Damn, he knows her.” And, “How romantic.”
Okay, so maybe you think that was risky and weird for a date, but it got me thinking about what makes a dinner romantic.
So, today’s challenge: For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me what your ideal romantic dinner would look like.
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle, romance Posted in Contests! | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Diane Sallans - Debra Guyette - flchen - Beckie - kerry pruett -
Saturday, February 17th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Margaret!
I skipped breakfast, and now my tummy is taking over my brain. So, here’s today’s puzzle!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me what you want for dinner tonight!Â
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sara - Becky - flchen - Diane Sallans - Debra Guyette -
Saturday, February 10th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Dana Zamora!
My daughter said the 10-year-old has a “dinner date” with the boy who’s her Valentine this year. Of course, both moms are taking the kids. I think it’s so funny. And the kid is so cute. They’re both GT nerds, and his glasses and thin frame with her towering height are going to be so CUTE in pictures. They decided on a meal since the kids aren’t allowed to exchange gifts at school. What’s up with that!? What happened to those little cards everyone exchanged that you spent a Sunday cutting up and addressing? I’d come home with a bag full of them. Oh, the days.
Anyway, we’re running up on Valentine’s Day, so I thought a puzzle to commemorate the holiday would be fun.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (it is really pretty!), then tell me what you’ll be doing on Valentine’s Day. If you don’t have someone to give you a Valentine’s Day gift, what can you do to treat yourself? You deserve a heart!
And just a reminder…this book is coming out the day before Valentine’s Day. What better way to celebrate love than read a sexy book?

Get Malcolm!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: kerry jo pruett - flchen - Steph - Beckie - Dana Zamora -
Saturday, January 27th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!
It’s Saturday! I’m so ready for the week to be done! On Monday, we had one last “snow day” for the kids before the weather changed and the rains came. It rained long and hard for two days—long enough for us to discover our roof leaks. Long enough, we had roofers come out to give us estimates to fix the leak. Yay. Grrr…
Well, we do seem to move from one crisis to the next, but we are resilient! This too shall pass…until the next crisis.
In the meantime, I chose a fantasy image to make me happy. Solve the puzzle, then tell me what world you’d find inside your fantasy book for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Have fun!
Tagged: fantasy, game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: cindy - Debby - Carol - Katherine Anderson - Delilah -