Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'Memorial Day'

Memorial Day: Remember and Honor…
Monday, May 27th, 2024

In His Memory

And if you’re looking for the perfect Memorial Day book, I have one…

Hot SEAL, In His Memory

Click on the cover to read more…

On Memorial Day, he will stand by her side when she visits her husband’s grave, but he wonders if she’ll ever see him as anything more than her husband’s best friend and the man who accompanied his body home for burial…

Remember the fallen…
Monday, May 29th, 2023

It’s Memorial Day, and while the kids are gleeful they don’t have to go to school, we’re planning a feast, and the pool is almost comfortable for more than a 10-minute dip before my skin welts up from the cold, it’s not a “happy” holiday. So, today, give a thought or two to the men and women this day is meant to remember—those who fell in service to this county.

And if you didn’t already know it, I have a book centered around a Memorial Day—but only pick up a copy if you’re ready for a good cry.

Hot SEAL, In His Memory

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Memorial Day: Remember and Honor
Monday, May 31st, 2021

This is what it’s all about — remembering our fallen warriors…

This is my mom receiving my dad’s flag.