Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'memory game'

Memory Game: Places I would like to go… (Contest)
Thursday, January 16th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!

I’m thinking about vacation destinations this morning because my daughter and I were talking about it this morning while she was getting the kids ready for school. Last year, the family had to cancel a cruise they’d planned for two years due to my diagnosis. I still feel guilty about that, but they never said a thing about being disappointed about not going, and we made the best of December, which was when they’d planned to go and still had a lot of fun.

My future’s up in the air, but I do still have a few places in the world I’d like to see. I traveled so much during my twenties and thirties while in the military. I did see a lot of Europe, and I have been on a few cruises all around the Caribbean. I decided to share some of the places I’d still like to go and see whether any of those destinations appeal to you!

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether any of the photos you uncover appeal to you or where you’d like to go!

Memory Game: The OG — Montana Bounty Hunters (Contest)
Friday, January 10th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Cara!

We never see this. Well, almost never. We can have years in between seeing a blanket of snow, so we savor it. Strange, I know. But the kids have dug through drawers to find gloves they never need and find boots that won’t soak up water in a second to go play in the snow. Mind you, the “kids” are 11, 16, and 20—plus my dear daughter, whose age I won’t mention.

Other than ensuring our many animals (goats, horse, geese, and chickens) are all safe and have food and shelter, they are in play mode. Mom (my dd) made two big pots of soup yesterday for us to nosh on whenever we get hungry—taco soup and tortilla soup. What is the difference? Oh, big difference the way she makes them. One has beans and beef the other is purely veg and spice. They had a karaoke night last night in the living room—always hilarious. We all nap when we want (me, more than the others).

So far, no power outages other than yesterday morning’s inexplicable loss. The temperature will warm up above freezing tonight, but not long enough to melt everything. So, tomorrow, we expect a lot of ice on the roads and patches of snow. We’ll be stuck inside another day, which I love, but which may be kind of confining to the kids since one day of snow is fun, two is boring, right?

Anyway, strange day. Terrible fires in LA, a president-elect sort of held accountable for his crimes, continued weirdness about which countries we’re going to annex/conquer because we can… I’m happy to turn off the news, enjoy the winter wonderland outside, and simply be happy I’m here to see another snow fall.

I hope you are all safe and cozy in your homes.

For fun, I’m including a memory game for you to play! Exercise that gray matter! It’ll help you keep sharp, promise. I’m using the images from my OG bounty hunter series set in Bear Lodge, MT—Montana Bounty Hunters.

Enjoy the game. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you see when you look outside. Do you have snow on the ground? Is it raining, sunny? Do you have big plans for the weekend? Have fun!

Memory Puzzle: Dead Horse Bounty Hunters (Contest)
Thursday, November 21st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Sandra Marlowe!

I decided to do a different kind of puzzle for a change. Hope you enjoy it!

For a chance to win a download from among the stories hidden in this puzzle, tell me which cover appeals most to you!

Memory Game — Match the Covers! (Contest)
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve this puzzle, then let me know whether you enjoyed it as much as the Saturday jigsaw puzzles or the word searches. I’m trying to switch it up a bit! Plus, this time around, I get to not-so-subtly remind you about some recent releases!

Sorry for all the space left beneath the puzzle.
The puzzle generator does that—not me!

A Memory Puzzle (Contest — and More Open Contests!)
Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Courtney Kinder!

I used to be a traveler. In fact, it was my top thing to do. It’s why I joined the military in the first place. The captain who lured me into ROTC in college promised me I’d see Europe, and sure enough, I spent my first assignment there and was lucky enough to spend my last one on active duty there as well. While I was in Germany, I took advantage of the rails and boats and picked off many, many countries on my bucket list. I love road trips here in America, too—but COVID and kids have kept me homebound for a while.

When life gets a little less complicated, I’m going to take some trips. The pictures in the puzzle are some of the places I’d love to go.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, and tell me where you’d like to go (even fantastical places)!

Open Contests

  1. Flashback: Breaking Leather (Contest + Open Contests) This ends very soon! Win a FREE story!
  2. Favorite Romance Settings Word Search! (Contest)This end soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. September into October (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle Contest! — Win a FREE book!
  5. Books need bookmarks, right? (Contest) — Win a hand painted bookmark (by me!) THREE winners!
A Memory Puzzle! (Contest)
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Alison Rush!

I’m trying out another game for you to play. It’s super easy to play. Just click on a block, and then match a picture or description from another block! All pics are of animals. So enjoy!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, play the memory search and let me know what you think of the game! How does this memory search compare to the word search and crossword puzzles I posted in the past couple of weeks?