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Archive for 'Montana Bounty Hunters'
Saturday, January 22nd, 2022
UPDATE: The winner is…Miki!

Before we play, I’d just like to remind you that Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT, will add a new title this coming Tuesday! This is what Eli’s story is about in a nutshell…
An ex-SEAL sniper, who has spent his life experiencing everything from a distance, finds his self-imposed solitude challenged by the one woman in the world who might have been made just for him.
Reserve your copy now!
Plus, it’ll be FREE in KU!
You know it’s going to be a sexy good time! ~DD
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, and then tell me what happens next to the people in this picture! Have fun with your answers!
Tagged: action-adventure, bounty hunter, contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, Montana Bounty Hunters, puzzle Posted in About books..., Contests! | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Christy Smid - Beverly Blank - miki - ButtonsMom2003 - Delilah -
Saturday, January 15th, 2022
UPDATE: The winner is…Roxie A. Jones!
Happy Saturday!
I’m busy finishing Eli’s story—my handsome silver fox! If you’d like to read a snippet from the opening of the story, it’s right here: READ AN EXCERPT
While I’m writing, my SIL and daughter are right next door repainting my bedroom. Now, when I say it’s a major undertaking, I’m underrepresenting just how difficult this task is. I’ve lived a lot of years, and I have a bunch of stuff. So, they shift everything one way then the other to get to the walls. That sounds like I’m a major hoarder, doesn’t it? Like I have so much crap they have to make tunnels to get to the walls. I swear it’s not that bad, but I do have a couple of cabinets—one large—full of collectibles (Russian boxes, Fenton glass, snuff bottles, fortune-telling teacups…) that had to be emptied, and all that stuff is now sitting carefully stacked on a banquet table IN MY OFFICE. It’s a wee bit distracting—all that activity and clutter overtaking spaces…
So, me writing with things piled up around me—get the picture? And I have to have Eli finished by next Friday!!!! I’ll make it, but getting there won’t be pretty. Good thing Eli is! 🙂

Pre-Order your copy here!
Puzzle Contest
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what treasures you collect. Do you have bottles of buttons? (I do! Still haven’t figure out what to do with them!) Do you collect crocheted afghans? Share for a chance to win!
Open Contests
A New Short Story and a Puzzle Contest! You couldn’t ask for more on a Saturday, right? — This one ends tomorrow! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Diana Cosby: Nature’s Beauty – A Year to Remember! (Contest) — This one ends tomorrow! Win a SIGNED book!
- Tell me a story… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Flashback: Ride a Texas Cowboy (Contest–Two Winners!) — Win a FREE book!
Tagged: contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, Montana Bounty Hunters, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jennifer Beyer - ButtonsMom2003 - Roxie A. Jones - Christy Smid - Beverly Blank -
Wednesday, October 27th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly Blank!

Amazon link to Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT
I’ve had fun building this “world”—my little Montana town called Dead Horse, named after a dead horse that the town’s founders came across.

And there’s a story inside the story about how the town was named and how the hunters became a part of that story. It all goes back to the first story, Cage. All along the way, I’ve introduced the characters who “people” the little town. My favorite is Nadine, the ornery waitress at the Dead Horse Walk-in Diner. The town’s shops all feature that “dead” theme in their names. It’s fun, and makes me smile whenever I play in Dead Horse, writing a new story.
I hope you’ve followed along, because I have more in store for Dead Horse—not just the hunters, but the townsfolk, too. I hope you picked up your copy of my latest installment, Cowboy, or that you’re going back to pick up previous stories to catch up. I promise, they’re all fun, filled with action, sexy times, and people as real as I can write them.
I’ve named some of the businesses in the town: Dead Horse Walk-in Diner, Dead Easy Saloon, Dead Center Guns & Pawn, Dead Heat & Air, Dead as a Doornail Hardware (which is now closed, due to the arrest of it’s owner, so I suppose I need a new hardware store!), Dead End Cemetary, Deadly Delights (the bakery), Dead Horse Realty, Dem Bones Package Store, and the Drop-Dead Gorgeous Salon.
My challenge to you is to name a new business. It can be a competing business, so you can have another hair salon or barbershop, or how about street names? I’ve only named Main Street, but the town could use some more streets! Play for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: bounty hunter, contemporary romance, Montana Bounty Hunters, romantic suspense, Western Posted in About books..., Contests! | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Stacey Kinzebach - Beverly Blank - Delaine McLafferty - miki - Pamela Reveal -
Tuesday, October 26th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…bn100!

Cowboy is out! At least, it’s out on Amazon in both print and ebook. In a couple of months, I’ll take it wide, meaning: publish it in all the usual places. For now, if you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s FREE.
I can’t believe I’m already five books into this series. I can’t believe I’m still having a blast writing about bounty hunters, but the secret, for me, has been making sure I have unique characters every time. No cookie cutters.
This time around, my heroine isn’t as confident about her appearance as she would like, especially when she meets the perfectly buff, perfectly handsome Cowboy. It takes a while for her to see herself through his eyes. In the meantime, there’s lots of sexy times, lots of funny shit happening, and of course, we have the Dead Horse crew to add dimension to the excitement.
I hope you pick up a copy. And if you have time after you’ve read it, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave a review. Reviews aren’t for me, they’re for other readers who need to know your experience with the story. I can say it’s sexy and fun, but readers believe other readers. 🙂
Cowboy’s out now!

A lonely, bounty-hunting cowboy looking for one last great adventure may have found it in a girl with serious curves…
Order Ebook: Kindle
Order Print: Amazon
What’s next?
And in case you were wondering what’s next…you can pre-order Eli’s story! I don’t know much about Eli now, or who his heroine will be, but if you trust me to deliver his story, you can pre-order the book now!
Pre-order Eli!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, give me a sexy name for another Montana Bounty Hunter! Have fun with it!
Tagged: bounty hunter, contemporary romance, cowboys, Montana Bounty Hunters, SEAL, Western Posted in About books..., Contests!, New Release | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Elaine Howell - pat - Stacey Kinzebach - Beverly Blank - Delaine McLafferty -
Sunday, October 24th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly Blank!
Sooooo, I already told you Cowboy‘s coming out tomorrow night at midnight. Yesterday, I uploaded the cover for the book that follows it, Eli. Have a look! Just thought I’d get that out of the way first before I start chatting.
Click on the covers to pre-order!
I have a long To-Do list to conquer today. 23 items on it. Zero interest in accomplishing anything other than “feed the cats”. Yes, I put that on my list—otherwise, it might be forgotten. I’ve completed two books this month already, and I’m simply out of brain cells and “give a shit”.
Which is not a good thing, since I have three editing jobs to wrap up this week!!!!! Okay, I’m using all those exclamation points, hoping they would tell my mind to light a fire under my ass to get it all done. Whatever works, right? And I have yet to unpack from last week’s art festival. And my studio looks like a tornado rolled through it. And my floors could definitely use a vacuum. I have a stack of laundry that has risen well above the height of the laundry basket… I could go on. Every chore was set aside while I wrote the books.
So…for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, I’d love a funny or simple stern admonishment from you, telling me to get the lead out of my ass and get to work! Have fun!
Open Contests
- Diana Cosby: Inspiration From Nature – Fall! (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a signed book!
- Getting in the Halloween Spirit! (Puzzle-Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
- C. Marie Bowen: Unable to write! (GIVEAWAY) — EVERYONE gets a FREE book!
- Cowboy’s coming in 5 Days! (Contest & Excerpt) — Win a FREE book!
- Scary Halloween Puzzle & a Cowboy Reminder! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tagged: bounty hunter, Montana Bounty Hunters, SEAL Posted in About books..., Contests! | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: bn100 - Alison Rush - Mary Preston - Beverly Blank - Delilah -
Saturday, October 23rd, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Connie Bowen!
Just a quick reminder before we jump into the puzzle!
Cowboy releases this coming Monday night at midnight! Have you pre-ordered your copy? I loved writing this story! There are some very funny scenes, some great action, and lots of sexiness!

A lonely, bounty-hunting cowboy looking for one last great adventure may have found it in a girl with serious curves…
Pre-order your copy here!
In Kindle Unlimited, too!
Puzzle Contest
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me this…
What’s your favorite Halloween story or movie?
Tagged: bounty hunter, contemporary romance, cowboys, Montana Bounty Hunters, Western Posted in About books..., Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Jennifer Beyer - Stacey Kinzebach - NJWalters - Delilah -
Thursday, October 21st, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Charlene Whitehouse!

Coming next Tuesday!
Order your copy now!
I’m writing my stumpy fingers to the bone to get this book done! I have to load it TOMORROW! But the good news is I’m almost there! I can’t wait for you to read Cowboy and Colleen’s story next Tuesday! They’re a mess. Or at least, she is. And fun and funny! My girl’s a beautiful girl carrying some extra pounds, and Cowboy has his work cut out for him convincing her she’s the only one for him. And of course, you have the entire Dead Horse crew interfering/assisting in their romance. I’m soooo going to hate it when I run out of Dead Horse bounty hunter stories. Maybe I’ll have to write some Dead Horse resident stories after that… I think Nadine needs a man.
Anyways, happy Thursday! Wish me luck. Just a few pages more…
For a chance to win your choice of one of my Montana Bounty Hunter stories, tell me whether you’ve read any of my bounty hunter stories! If so, which was your favorite? If not, why the heck not?
An excerpt from Cowboy…
He was sleeping with the back of his head against the wall and a cowboy hat tilted over his face to shut out the overhead lights. His chair was a curved hard plastic and looked tiny in comparison to his large body. He wore jeans, very scuffed cowboy boots, and a plaid shirt rolled up to his elbows with the sleeves of a thermal shirt stretched to his wrists. The hat shouted that he probably wasn’t from around here, but the thermal shirt in mid-October sealed it.
Colleen Bradley lowered the top of her magazine just a little more to give his body a onceover, knowing she was safe because no one else was around to see her ogling the hot cowboy.
Lord have mercy, the man had muscles on his muscles, a thick chest, tapered waist, thighs like tree trunks. The beard sprouting on his cheeks and chin was dark, maybe black. She wished she could see more of his face so she’d have a reason to lose interest. No way could he be handsome as well or the world would just be too cruel.
A man like that wasn’t meant for a woman with curves too soft and rounded. He’d need a woman with stamina, while she huffed and puffed climbing the stairs up to her apartment on the second floor. Well, it didn’t hurt to look.
Until it did.
Suddenly, he straightened in his chair and tipped back his hat.
Damn, the man was fine, fine, fine.
He stood, removed his hat, and raked a hand through his short black hair.
Darn, he wasn’t bald. Did the man have any flaws? Maybe he had a high squeaky voice. Maybe he was gay—which would be disappointing, but then she’d turn her eyes elsewhere. Maybe he had a horrible temper, was a narcissist—someone as hot as he was might be entitled to think he was the moon and stars and all that…
He turned to peer into the room he sat outside of, his hands on either side of the wide doorframe, which gave her a view of his toned back and ass, and man, she had the sinking suspicion the man really was perfect.
His gaze shot sideways, toward her, and she quickly lifted her magazine to cut off the sight of him. Maybe he wouldn’t know she’d been eating him up with her gaze for a while now. How embarrassing would it be to see him smirk? And again, how disappointing. Then again, if he was a jerk, he’d be a whole lot less fascinating.
Colleen lowered the magazine to find him staring right at her.
“Was I snorin’?”
Shit, was that a southern drawl? “What?” she asked, pretending she hadn’t been watching him while he’d slept.
“You know, that magazine’s upside down.”
Her jaw dropped, and she glanced down at the magazine. It was not upside down.
“You had to look, though, didn’t ya?” A grin stretched across his handsome face, revealing two perfect dimples in his cheeks.
Tagged: bounty hunter, contemporary romance, cowboys, Montana Bounty Hunters, Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, romantic comedy, Western Posted in About books..., Contests! | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra Guyette - Jennifer Beyer - Katherine Horvath - p - Delilah -