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Archive for 'Montana Bounty Hunters'
Saturday, February 3rd, 2018
So, I know you don’t come here to hear from a “Debbie Downer”. However, these days, it’s getting tough for me to hold onto my normally sunny disposition.
Maybe I’m just tired. I mean really, really tired. My dd and I are taking shifts to cover grandma’s personal care, here at home, 24/7. Yes, we’re getting hospice to come in and provide things like a hospital bed and bed table, an aide to give her baths, a nurse to visit to ease the impossible burden of bringing her to the doctor for checkups… But everything else is on us.
So, I steal moments to post a blog, check my mail, edit a story, etc., all the while glancing constantly over my shoulder to make sure grandma isn’t trying to climb out of bed to “go to the dance.” Yes, she’s out of her mind more than she’s in it. It’s sad for us, but she’s having very interesting conversations with friends and family who have been long gone.
In the meantime, my productivity has been hammered. I had to postpone the release of Dagger, the sequel to Reaper, which caused its own horrible consequence. I’ve lost my ability to set up pre-orders on Amazon—something that all authors need in order to get books into readers’ hands. Readers don’t normally hover over their computers, waiting for a book to drop. They read a story, see what’s coming out next, place that pre-order, then move on to the next author, knowing they won’t miss a thing, and don’t have to think or remember that they will need to make a future purchase. So, yes, losing pre-order privileges—for a year—is killer. But what can I do?
For those of you waiting for the next Montana Bounty Hunters story, my goal is to have a shorter story, Reaper’s Ride, ready to release as part of a mini-launch in my sister Elle James’s Brotherhood Protectors Kindle World at the end of this month. Of course, I am having to fit in the pages for that story as I can, while I plug along on Dagger for a March release.
If you’ve been reading the Texas Cowboys stories, another is coming soon—Night Watch! I’m also working on getting the first three books of the series into print. That could happen as soon as next week!
In the meantime, I’ll offer one commenter a chance to win a free copy of their choice from among the Texas Cowboys stories #1 through #5.

Click on the covers to learn more about the stories!
Tagged: Montana Bounty Hunters, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books... | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Michelle Duhon - Colleen C. - Jana Leah - Pat Bohn - Kristi Robbins -
Wednesday, January 24th, 2018
I’ve been working hard the past few days, and I figure maybe some of you have to. So, take a break! Here’s something fun to do. Enjoy the puzzle, and make sure you’ve read this book before February 6th—when the sequel releases!
Tagged: bounty hunter, jigsaw, Montana Bounty Hunters Posted in About books... | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Shirley Long - Peter Perrin - Delilah - ButtonsMom2003 -
Saturday, December 30th, 2017
Just one more day until we party like it’s 2018! Woohoo! Do you have big plans? A party? We’re still on grandma duty, so likely, we’ll raise our glasses early before my dd heads to grandma’s, and I bed down on the sofa at her place to watch the kids, while my SIL’s watching over restless prisoners at the county jail. Well, they do say you should start the year the way you intend it to go. We’re thankful for jobs, thankful to still have grandma with us, and I do love spending time with the kids, so there you are!
I’m busy still looking at this last chaotic year and making plans for 2018. Plans that include new stories for you! And, hopefully, a few of trips. I’ll be in Nashville in March for a readers’ conference, Hawaii in April for a writers’ retreat (!!!), July in central Arkansas for another writers’ retreat, and lastly, I plan to be in Florida in October for a big writers’ conference. Four trips! I feel guilty about the expense and the time away—don’t most mamas feel that way, too?
Anyway, below are three stories dropping into Kindles very soon! Bound & Determined is coming January 9th! The other two are February releases. Drool away!

Click on the covers to reserve your copy!
For a chance to win a free download of one of my recent releases—your choice—tell me what your New Year’s Eve plans are!
When the DJ’s speaker set crashed to the floor as the first women to arrive rushed the tables nearest the stage, Tara Toomey scrambled for a replacement and chalked the mishap up to high spirits.
When one of the volunteers carrying a tray of Jell-O shots tripped, and cherry and lime gelatin slid in glistening trails down his face and naked chest, she laughed as eager women offered to lick him clean.
However, it wasn’t until one of her staff whispered in her ear that she knew she was in for a long night. The main attraction had yet to arrive.
She crushed her dog-eared copy of the “Hook-up” program in her fist and headed toward the old-fashioned, double swinging doors, ready to stomp all the way to Redbone Ranch to drag his butt to town.
As she passed excited, tittering women her smile felt strained, and her nerves stretched taut. The “Annual Honky-tonk Hook-up” had always been a good time, but this year she wished she hadn’t been so quick to volunteer her bar again. Sure, it was good for business and many of the “blow-ins” from Houston, San Antonio, and San Angelo returned throughout the year because they enjoyed the event and Paraiso’s authentic western ambience.
But Tara wished she could return home, crawl into bed, and pull the covers over her head. The last thing she felt ready to do was watch one particular cowboy strut his stuff across the stage and land in some other woman’s clutches—even if it was just one night, completely innocent, right, and for a really good cause. The fact he might blow off the auction pissed her off almost as much as the thought of the spectacle he’d cause if he did finally make an entrance.
If anyone thought splintered speaker casings or a little spilled Jell-O were trouble, they hadn’t seen a room full of women erupt in the wake of one seriously sexy cowboy. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: anthology, bounty hunter, excerpt, Montana Bounty Hunters, pirates, short story Posted in About books..., Contests!, Real Life | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Elysian Fields - Misty Dawn - Jennifer Beyer - Colleen C. - ButtonsMom2003 -
Friday, December 1st, 2017
UPDATE: The winner is…Tamara Kasyan!
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I can’t believe we’re entering the last month of 2017 or that Christmas is just around the bend! Where did the time go? We have the tree up and are starting the countdown with the kids. Advent calendars are on the counter. Our “Elf on the Shelf”, Zoe, has made her first appearance. The children are holding their breath to know what Santa’s verdict will be concerning the naughty and nice bit on Kris Kringle Nacht, when we leave the children’s shoes outside to see whether they are given a lump of coal or a toy. Then it’s all the fun things we do up until Christmas—decorating cookies, making a gingerbread house, the town’s Christmas parade… All that stuff. I’m already tired. And yes, I’m looking forward to it almost as much as the kids! 🙂
Tell me which activities are part of your family’s holiday traditions for a chance to win one of my November releases, listed below!
New in November!

Montana Bounty Hunters, Book 1
Former Marine, Reaper Stenberg is a bounty hunter, running his own satellite agency of Montana Bounty Hunters, along with his partner, Jamie Burke. As a general rule, Reaper doesn’t like working with a partner, especially female partners. When chasing a bail-jumper, he prefers to keep his head down and follow the leads. He doesn’t like the “chatter” that usually accompanies working with a woman.
However, partnering with Jamie has taught him a few things. There are women who can focus on the job at hand without letting silly distractions get in the way of his concentration. Jamie is one of those rare creatures who doesn’t gossip, doesn’t get into his business, and can actually be useful when shit goes sideways and they have to get physical. Over the months since their boss, Fetch Winter, put them together, Reaper has come to admire the woman’s grit and ingenuity.
And then Jamie up and gets busy planning her wedding…
See what happens when Reaper has to deal with a ride-along author, Carly Wyatt, who–when shit goes sideways–proves his first female partner’s grit and ingenuity aren’t just lucky happenstance, and who challenges Reaper’s strict relationship rules.
Get your copy here!
* * * * *

Big Bad Wolf
Night Fall, Book 13
Ginnie Martin is a badass. She was born that way one horror-filled night. Forged in blood—her own and her family’s. All were ravaged by savage beasts. Her vampire savior recruited her to fight with his small army against the creatures responsible for her devastating loss. But now, he’s asking too damn much. He wants her to open her home to new allies who, until only recently, were their fiercest foes. Wolves.
Calum Fletcher already bristles against providing muscle to a vampire force. Content living in his remote mountain cabin, he’s never been much for mixing with other wolves, much less making nice with vampires. He was already having a hard time dealing, but the woman letting him bunk in her home wears an even larger chip on her shoulder. Quickly, his new favorite sport is goading her into losing her temper—because everyone knows a vampire’s bloodlust leads to very sexy places…
Get your copy here!
* * * * *

The Cowboy and The Widow
Texas Cowboys, Book 2
Following her husband’s death, Maggie McDermott faces the onerous task of running the family ranch. She’s through mourning her husband and the children they never had. The problem? She doesn’t know the first thing about running a ranch, so she knows she needs a capable hand. When Daniel Tynan applies for the position, she’s flooded with guilty memories of the time she tempted the younger man.
Daniel is more than willing to show sweet Maggie the ropes. His gentle ways melt her heart, and his sensual passion burns away her inhibitions. He may be younger, but he’s not without the right kind of experience…
Get your copy here!
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With His SEAL Team, Part 5
I’m Sara, and most days my life is wonderful–better than wonderful. I live with three handsome, sexy Navy SEALs, who see to my every need–one of whom is now my fiancé. My stepbrother, Hunter, is the love of my life. Everything couldn’t be better, but two things worry me. I wonder whether our open arrangement with Hunter’s buddies will end after we tie the knot…and our parents are coming for a visit! Will my SEALs be able to pretend we’re only housemates? Will our parents approve our wedding? After all, Hunter and I were raised as siblings…
Get your copy here!
* * * * *
Coming in December!
I have four releases planned for December, but I’m still missing a cover! You can pre-order the first two below. Ready for the next sexy Texas Cowboy? It releases next TUESDAY!! Wolf Moon Rising releases a week later. Happy reading!

Tagged: contemporary romance, Montana Bounty Hunters, Texas Cowboys, witch Posted in About books..., Contests! | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra Guyette - ButtonsMom2003 - Tamara Kasyan - Tiffany M - Delilah -
Tuesday, November 14th, 2017
Can you tell I’m jumping up and down? No? Well, if my foot wasn’t sore, I would be! My baby is out in the world today, and I can’t wait until you read it! After you do (see that note of positivity?), I would love to hear what you think! And if you have time, consider leaving a review. Other readers will depend on what you say to make a decision about buying my book. Your opinion matters. Okay, enough from me. Enjoy a peek inside Reaper, and don’t forget to enter the contest!

Former Marine, Reaper Stenberg is a bounty hunter, running his own satellite agency of Montana Bounty Hunters, along with his partner, Jamie Burke. As a general rule, Reaper doesn’t like working with a partner, especially female partners. When chasing a bail-jumper, he prefers to keep his head down and follow the leads. He doesn’t like the “chatter” that usually accompanies working with a woman.
However, partnering with Jamie has taught him a few things. There are women who can focus on the job at hand without letting silly distractions get in the way of his concentration. Jamie is one of those rare creatures who doesn’t gossip, doesn’t get into his business, and can actually be useful when shit goes sideways and they have to get physical. Over the months since their boss, Fetch Winter, put them together, Reaper has come to admire the woman’s grit and ingenuity.
And then Jamie up and gets busy planning her wedding…
See what happens when Reaper has to deal with a ride-along author, Carly Wyatt, who—when shit goes sideways—proves his first female partner’s grit and ingenuity aren’t just lucky happenstance, and who challenges Reaper’s strict relationship rules.
Get your copy here!
Win an Amazon gift card! Because I believe in the power of things said out loud, I’d love for you to say something out loud—or at least in the comments below—about how you feel readers will embrace my bounty hunters! And because I’m already looking for more Montana Bounty Hunter character names, I want you to take a turn naming them! I already have Reaper, Dagger, and Fetch. They always have macho nicknames that mean they’re either big and badass or there’s no escaping them. So, give it a try and maybe you’ll win!
Read an Excerpt!
As a general rule, Reaper Stenberg didn’t like working with a partner, especially female partners. When chasing a target, he preferred to keep his head down and follow the leads. He didn’t like the “chatter” that usually accompanied being paired with a woman.
However, partnering with Jamie Burke had taught him a few things. Women existed who could focus on the job at hand without letting silly distractions get in the way of his concentration. Jamie was one of those rare creatures who didn’t gossip, didn’t mess in his business, and could actually be useful when shit went sideways and they had to get physical. Her methods for subduing a target weren’t ones he’d ever employ, but she knew how to compensate for her smaller frame and lesser strength. Over the months since their boss, Fetch Winter, had put them together, Reaper came to admire the woman’s grit and ingenuity.
Case in point was their present predicament.
No, this time she hadn’t tripped bail jumper, Mark Rebos, with a Jackie Chan move, and no, she hadn’t gripped his balls and twisted so hard he begged for mercy. This time—while she’d run all out—she locked a cuff on her right wrist, jumped onto his back, and snagged his right with the other cuff. Now, they faced each other, squinting in the rain and ankle-deep in mud, and Rebos couldn’t swing without dragging her closer.
The big man looked ready to explode. His pockmarked face was red, and his eyes bugged. Although Rebos was six inches taller than Jamie, and outweighed her by about eighty pounds, Reaper’s money was in Jamie. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: alpha males, excerpt, Montana Bounty Hunters, romantic suspense Posted in About books..., Contests!, New Release, News | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jennifer Beyer - Tiffany M - Cindy O - Pamk - Terri Jor -
Saturday, July 15th, 2017
UPDATE: The winners are: Confused, Brenda Gremli and Michelle!
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Today marked the end of my weeklong writer’s retreat with Cynthia D’Alba, Parker Kincade, and my sister, Elle James. 🙁 We’ve had a terrific, productive time! Thanks, ladies, for including me!
I didn’t make huge word counts on anything. But I did make progress on some things I probably wouldn’t have tackled…um, this year…or maybe ever. We’ll see how those “things” pan out.
In the meantime, I hope you noticed that I re-released Four-Gone Conclusion. Yes, I know, we all NEED more cowboy-brothers who love to gang-bang the love of their lives stories, right? I hope I met your kinkiness requirement. There are three more refurbed stories to release. When I’m done, be sure to let me know if you want more new stories. If you’re silent, I’ll move on to something else you might love. I take requests, you know. Why else am I writing stepbrother SEAL installments?
As I settle back into my office, do my laundry, visit with the kids, I’m gearing up to finish the first of the Montana Bounty Hunters stories. I loved introducing the agency in my two recent Uncharted stories, Big Sky SEAL and Head Over SEAL—same couple featured, by the way! (Love those covers! Thanks, sis!)

I see bounty hunter stories everywhere. I’m like that. I get stuck on a theme, and I can’t let go! Here’s hoping you get stuck on my bounty hunters, too!
And because I’m back home, catching up on mail, laundry, playing with my cat and babies, and getting pruny in the pool, because I’ve missed it so much, I want to run a contest. It’s simple. All you have to do is comment below and tell me what you’re most wanting to see me write. Have fun with it. You can suggest silly things or serious things. I don’t care. I just love your input and our interactions. Have a great weekend! ~ DD
Tagged: Lone Star Lovers, Montana Bounty Hunters, SEAL, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests!, Real Life | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - Gayle Lazur - ButtonsMom2003 - Madelina - Delilah -