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Archive for 'paranormal romance'

FREE READ! What a Wolf Wants
Friday, August 12th, 2022

It’s FRIDAY! I have a FREE read for you to enjoy this weekend. Be warned! It’s an erotic paranormal! So, it’s mostly sex. It was originally published by Avon Red eons ago. Get your copy while this offer lasts! Enjoy!

Dani’s dreams are anything but restful. Each night, a wolf waits in the moonlight to lead her into the forest for a rendezvous with a mysterious man. Like a choreographed dance, they repeat the same words, the same actions, which lead inevitably to a sensual frenzy that ends too soon. Tonight, Dani’s determined to change the course of her dream, slow the pace and find the rapture she’s sure awaits her…

Get your FREE copy here!

Other stories in the series…


Dark Legacy Dark Seduction

Short Stories

Sleeping with the Enemy

Anne Rainey: Another Chance at Love (Excerpt)
Friday, July 15th, 2022

I love a tortured hero, don’t you? In the latest installment in my Zenarians series, I deal with the trauma of loss. My battle-scarred hero Zadoc lost his beloved ofelia (soulmate) to the war with the Mordaines. Murdered right before his eyes. Doomed to live without her, each day is a new torment for him. I honestly cried a few times while writing his tragic story. He loved his Jasmine with all his heart. So, when unassuming Laura St. Claire comes into his life and he finds himself drawn to her, Zadoc is torn. It’s a betrayal to Jasmine’s memory, and yet there’s just something about the dark-haired human female that tugs at him. Even her scent is somehow familiar. Is he being given a second chance at love?

When you pick up this novel you can expect to read about an immortal alien hero, an introverted bookworm of a heroine, love scenes that will knock your socks off, and edge-of-your-seat action. Have tissues handy because you just might shed a few tears!

Other novels in my Zenarians Series include Zar, Kade, and Dyre. All can be read on their own, but you won’t want to miss these over-the-top alphas! To get you started you can read the first chapter of all four books on my website:

Zadoc: Zenarians Series, Book Four

She awakens the beast in him…

Zadoc has known happiness when he met his beautiful Jasmine. His ofelia. His soulmateShe was his whole world. Only to have her ripped away from him when she was murdered during the war with the Mordaines. Her death was a knife to his heart. As a centuries-old Zenarian immortal, Zadoc is aware that he will never love another. Never feel the soft caress of a lover’s hands upon his wings. The physical scars he bears are a constant reminder of all that he’s lost. Until he meets Laura. Sweet, shy, and Earth-born. Her presence brings light and joy to his soul—and his creature isn’t immune to her innocent allure either. After so many years of cold emptiness, Zadoc will go to extreme lengths to keep Laura by his side.

Laura enjoys a simple life. A good book on a stormy night. Sunday dinners with her family. Her life is as modest as it gets and she’s happy with the status quo. When she meets Zadoc, co-owner of Zenarian Industries, she’s instantly drawn to him. His commanding presence and the deep, gravelly tone of his voice sends tingles of awareness along her nerve endings. Everything feminine in her stands up and takes notice. Until she glimpses the black wings sprouting from his back. Wait, wings? Before she can wrap her mind around what she’s seeing, she’s kidnapped by a disgruntled co-worker and tortured, marking the beginning of Laura’s crazy adventure into a world she never knew existed.

Buy Zadoc on Amazon Kindle Unlimited:

You can also join me on Rainey’s Readers for exclusive peeks at upcoming books and contests:

Excerpt from Zadoc: Zenarians Series, Book 4…

Laura couldn’t look away. She suspected she was frozen in terror. Or maybe she was having a crazy and intense dream and she couldn’t wake up. Sleep paralysis was a thing, right? People suffered from it all the time. You think you’re awake, but you aren’t. Either way, nothing in her life could’ve prepared her for what was sitting next to her. Zadoc has wings. Giant black Lucifer-type wings. She watched as the gorgeous man shifted around on the sofa to get more comfortable. She had to scoot away from him to keep from being hit in the face by the right one. They were spread out on either side of him. A twitch of his shoulder and the left wing flexed, knocking into the table lamp. For a few worrisome seconds the metal base teetered back and forth before it steadied.

Oh, God, it couldn’t be real. “Touch him,” she mumbled to her cowardly self. “Just find out if they’re real.”

Taking a deep breath, Laura reached out with her right hand and stroked a feather near the top bend. It was as soft as velvet beneath her fingertips. Zadoc’s entire body went rigid and his eyes flew open. His gaze snared hers. “Ofelia,” he murmured in a voice so deep and hoarse that Laura felt it coast along her nerve endings.

She slowly got to her feet. “I don’t—”

Sheer terror prevented her from finishing the statement. She backed up a step, stumbling over the heels that she’d kicked off earlier, then ran toward the door. She heard Zadoc calling her name, but adrenaline was pumping hard and she ran for all she was worth. She saw her purse on the table near the door and grabbed it, then gave the knob a vicious twist, shoving the door wide. She hauled ass down the sidewalk to the street beyond. “Help!” she screamed. A porch light came on a few houses down and she ran toward it. She could hear footsteps behind her, but she didn’t dare look back. Suddenly a car came barreling around the corner, headlights momentarily blinding her. Brakes screeched and a passenger door swung open. She stared in horror as Eddie sat behind the wheel holding a gun.

“Get in,” he shouted. “Now, Laura, or I’ll kill you and your boyfriend.”

Laura looked back and saw Zadoc running toward her. The wings were gone. As if they’d never been there. Had she dreamt the whole thing? Jesus, maybe. A combination of too many hours at the office and not enough sleep. She’d had freaky dreams plenty of times. Zadoc yelled her name and Laura started in his direction, but Eddie’s words pulled her to a halt.

“He’ll die first,” Eddie snarled. “I have nothing to lose, thanks to you.”

Her stomach churned and her knees nearly collapsed. If she didn’t get in the car then Eddie really would shoot. Zadoc would be dead and it’d be her fault. And all because she’d had a nightmare and imagined things that couldn’t possibly be real.

Cara North: Big Box of Paperbacks! (Contest)
Thursday, June 16th, 2022

I love recipes, and I am terrible at cooking! This summer, I am sharing my two favorite quick and easy treats that anyone can make in a pinch! 

First: Strawberry Fruit Dip

What you need: 1 jar strawberry preserves or jelly, 1 container of whipped topping such as Cool Whip. 

Mix, keep cool, serve with assorted fruits!

Second: Chocolate Pie

What you need: 1 chocolate crust such as Oreo, 1 instant chocolate pudding, milk, whipped topping, chocolate sprinkles. 

Mix the pudding and milk per directions, put in pie crust, let set, put whipped topping on, add sprinkles, serve!

If you are in a pinch and have limited time, these are 2 easy recipes that are party favorites. 

💜Check out this HUGE #giftaway!💜

🎁You could snag a BIG BOX OF PAPERBACKS, sponsored by the Rituals & Runes authors!🎁

#charmedmagic #shiftersunleashed #ritualsandrunes


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📘Be sure you have your copy of Rituals & Runes reserved so you can get lost in over 25+ ALL NEW stories by your favorite bestselling authors including Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri, Bella Roccaforte, C.A. King, Piper Stone, J. C. McKenzie, J.E. Taylor, Serenity Rayne, Cara North, and so many more!📘

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N.J. Walters: The End of an Era — Wolf in the Night (Excerpt)
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

It’s always hard to say goodbye.

As a writer, I love all the characters who’ve shared their stories with me, but the Salvation Pack holds a very special place in my heart.

When I met them a decade ago, I’d planned a five-book series. Nine books later I was done. Or I thought I was. All the original pack members had their stories, along with new members we met along the way. What else was there to write about?

You know what they say about the best-laid plans, right?

I couldn’t stop thinking about the next generation, the kids of the original pack members. And I wasn’t the only person with questions. Readers kept asking me for more, so I dove back into that world and created the Salvation Pack: The Next Generation series.

While there may be more stories to tell in the future, Wolf in the Night is the last one I’ve planned for this series. The original pack is aging. I need to stop while everyone is happy and vibrant and loving life. It’s my happily-ever-after for a wolf pack I’ve loved for almost a dozen years. They’ve brought so much joy to my life.

I’ll be forever grateful to Jacque LaForge, Armand LaForge, Cole Blanchard, Gator Rollins, and Louis LaForge for changing my life forever.

I hope you enjoy Wolf in the Night as much as I do.

Wolf in the Night
Salvation Pack: The Next Generation, Book 5

Driving home from a trip, Emma Matheson is run off the road in an abduction attempt. Seems the alpha of her father’s former pack never forgave his defection. To settle the old score, he plans to force her to mate with a male of his choosing—his son, Dmitri.

Dmitri Gribkov wants no part of his father’s revenge. A loner by choice, nothing has prepared him for sexy, stubborn Emma. He’ll do whatever it takes to protect her—even if it means losing her.

Determined to control her destiny, she does her best to escape, even as the attraction between her and Dmitri sizzles. Doesn’t take long for her to realize this huge, sexy wolf is a protector at heart.

Tracking and killing are what he does best. Before this is over, he’ll have blood on his hands, but winning her love will be the hardest battle.

From Wolf in the Night

Fear had a taste, something she’d never realized until tonight. It was metallic and nasty. Her shirt, damp with sweat, clung to her torso. Some of her hair had escaped her braid and fell into her eyes.

She’d thought she was going to die.

Her throat throbbed. Her ribs ached. And tears filled her eyes.

Not yet. She couldn’t break down until she was safe. She sucked air into her starving lungs, unable to remember ever being so winded. Exhaustion, along with an adrenaline dump, was making it difficult for her body to heal.

It was the first time in her life anyone had intentionally tried to harm her. Growing up with an overprotective father and overprotective siblings, she’d lived a charmed existence, filled with love and acceptance.

None of it had prepared her for this … hatred. Ivan despised her, had enjoyed hurting her. Now he was gone, driven away by this mountain of a male.

She blinked several times, but he didn’t disappear, wasn’t a figment of her oxygen-deprived brain. The wolves of her pack were the deadliest she’d ever known. This one, the one Ivan had called Dmitri, might be the most dangerous she’d ever met.

Shaggy black hair fell around massive shoulders. The lower half of his face was covered by a thick beard. His eyes were the same color as the dark amber honey she used to sweeten her tea. Every muscle was sculpted and rippled when he moved. There wasn’t a spare ounce of fat on him anywhere.


If you’d like to read more of Emma and Dmitri’s story, you can find Wolf in the Night here:

About the Author

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, assassins, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

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Cameron Allie: .99 Cent Sale and Cover Reveal! Plus, a FREE story!
Monday, June 13th, 2022

Hello lovely readers, I’m back again, this time with a limited-time sale AND a cover reveal!

Today I’m raving about my new cover. I’m thrilled to have such a lovely, and colourful cover for my upcoming story, The Siren and the Water Witch.

If you aren’t already familiar with the Clayridge Chronicles, this story will be part of that universe. It will include some characters from Love Spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets, as well as introduce new ones that we can look forward to reading about in future books.

The Tails from the Clayridge Fountain, will be a series of novella-length stories with a primary focus on the fountain in the middle of the town that houses the sirens. These ladies are basically the town prostitutes, so you can imagine what the emphasis will be on!

Fair warning, The Siren and the Water Witch has a HFN for the couple but ends on a cliffhanger. Don’t worry, we’ll see Ezra and Misty again in the next Clayridge Chronicle novel.

Check out the blurb for The Siren and the Water Witch…

Ezra is about to discover just how much one night of pleasure is really worth.

Star athlete and academic wizkid, Ezra Graves, is acing his classes at the Barrett Academy, all except botany. After scoring a passing grade on the midterm, Ezra considers ways to celebrate, and nothing sounds more appealing than a trip to the Clayridge fountain to indulge in the forbidden with a siren.

Ezra doesn’t need to vie hard for female attention as the Academy’s golden pupil, but he’s dying to shed his good boy image and taste the forbidden. Visiting the fountain could damage his reputation and academic career—even get him kicked out of the Academy. More could be at stake, as he receives a gentle reminder that half-blood witches have been disappearing lately. Being away from the protection of the school grounds—particularly at night—could prove deadly.

Armed with enough gold coins to pay for a night with one of the fishy seductresses, Ezra ignores his better judgment and heads for the fountain. But little does he know something dangerous is lurking in the shadows, with Ezra’s name and the promise of a significant paycheck if the witch can be caught and delivered to the notorious vampire, Nixon Castor.

You can preorder The Siren and the Water Witch today!

Now, onto the sales!

I have three ebooks on for .99 cents each!

Playing with Michael is a contemporary short novella. It’s a cute, but steamy friends to lovers story. It kicks off a series of novellas that all focus on different couples.

Drew, my paranormal romance novella, is my first ever wolf shifter story. It was featured in the Shifters Do It Better Anthology, which is available in KU, and for this month it’s also on sale for .99 in the U.S. and the U.K. through Kindle. It’ll be unpublished at the end of the month, so grab it now before it’s too late. It’s got 19 sexy shifter stories inside! Note: This sale is in effect from June 23-29th 2022.

Lastly, for this week only, I’ve put Love Spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets on sale for .99 on all ebook platforms. This is the first story in the Clayridge Chronicles, and is a whooping 115K. It’s a big book.

So take advantage of these sales while they last, and as always, if you sign up for my newsletter you’ll receive a FREE short story. It’s a contemporary cop romance called, Arrested Valentine.

About Playing with Michael:

When his long-time crush Nikki gets dumped, Michael decides to make his move. She’s the perfect girlfriend — so perfect so that she’s never single for long. Michael knows his window of opportunity is limited. It’s now or never.

When her best guy friend Michael breaks all the rules and kisses her at the bar, Nikki’s stunned. Michael’s the guy Nikki always turns to when her heart is broken — again. He’s a friend, a confidant, and, best of all, he’s safe. She can tell him anything. But once the shock wears off and she has time to sort out her feelings, she decides he’s worth the risk. Time to find out just how compatible they really are!

About Drew:

Her scent changed everything.

Alyssa Mayer’s scent is intriguing. It’s sweet, sensual and ignites Drew’s blood like nothing before. His body burns for her, his mind is occupied with thoughts of her, meaning only one thing. She’s his fated mate.

The problem? He doesn’t recognize her from a local pack, nor any pack he’s ever smelled before. Is she human? She is his fated mate, but if she’s human will he dare to break the species barrier? It wouldn’t be the first time a wolf shifter mated with a human, but such a bonding brings its own mess of troubles, and that’s before considering a neighbouring alpha wants Drew to agree to an arranged mating.

After spending her youth drifting from one foster home to the next and spending her adolescent and adult life homeless and alone, Alyssa wonders how long she’ll be able to stay in the small town. She can’t risk anyone discovering her secret. All she wants to do is paint and find a forever home, but as an oddity, a freak of nature, she knows that can never be, no matter how much she’d like to stay.

When she meets Drew, her instinct tells her to run, but for the first time she might just have a reason to stay, but pack pressures and hidden foes are threaten to keep them apart.

About Love Spells, Full Moons, and Silver Bullets:

What do you do when your ex’s werewolf boss wants to feast on the mortal you’ve sworn to protect?

Quinn was unaware of the love potion her meddling cat dumped into her tea, so when Ian Hannigan ends up injured on her property, she thinks she’s dealing with another mortal, not the man who can help mend her heart. Her life becomes a balancing act as she attempts to keep him safe while hiding secrets better left buried with the dead.

In a realm filled with things that go bump in the night, Ian didn’t expect to find security and happiness in the arms of a green-skinned witch, yet for the first time since his parents’ tragic car crash, he’s found some measure of peace. The rumors he hears in Clayridge aren’t pleasant, but Ian knows there’s more to Quinn than what people would have him believe. If he’s placed his trust in the wrong hands, he’ll be paying with more than just his heart. He’ll pay with his life.

Cara North: 10 Free Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors (Contest)
Thursday, June 9th, 2022

10 Free Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors:

  1. Write a review. Seriously, even a few words about being excited to get the book or looking forward to the next one matters to the algorithm. Note: Even bad reviews count as reviews and push those books to the top of search feeds. 
  2. Share what you are reading on social media. This is one of the most awesome things to see as an author. We love it when people share that they are reading our books! 
  3. Have a print book and limited space? Gift it to a friend, put it in a free library, and share it with someone rather than sending it to the recycling or landfill. 
  4. Join their Facebook reader groups. You get all the details, the opportunity to interact with the author(s), and other readers reading the same books you are. 
  5. Like their social media pages. 
  6. Comment on social media posts. Even emojis can make their day. 
  7. Send a message or comment about your favorite book. Sometimes authors feel like giving up, like no one wants their books, so little comments, if you like a book, may be the difference in a series you love getting completed or pushed to the back burner in favor of another book in the author’s mind that they think people will like. 
  8. Be kind. A lot of indie authors are not making 3 much less 6 figures on their books. It may take a bit of saving to get better covers, more detailed editors, etc. Everyone starts somewhere. 
  9. Don’t return books. Again, most indies are not rolling in the cash. Every return hurts. Use your local library to get digital or print copies of books. It costs the time it takes to get a library card and ask the librarian to add it to the digital or physical shelf. 
  10. Join an influencer, street, or advance review copy (ARC) team for your favorite authors and volunteer to read the books first in exchange for sharing on social media or leaving a review. 

💜Check out this wonderful #giftaway!💜

🎁You could win a KINDLE FIRE, sponsored by the Rituals & Runes Anthology authors.🎁 

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(No purchase necessary to enter.) 

📘Be sure you have your copy of Rituals & Runes reserved so you can get lost in over 25+ ALL NEW stories by your favorite bestselling authors including Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri, Bella Roccaforte, C.A. King, Piper Stone, J. C. McKenzie, J.E. Taylor, Serenity Rayne, Cara North, and so many more!📘

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Anna M. Taylor: M is For the Million Things She Gave Me (Contest)
Friday, May 27th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Katherine Anderson!

This month on May 26th, my mother turned 92. As I thought about an African-American woman I wanted to honor in my post this month, Catherine Louise Williams Taylor Phillips came to my mind.

Lately, I’ve been asking her questions from a book/journal called My Mother’s Life: Mom I Want To Know Everything About You. I speak to her every morning and after our check-in ritual, I ask her if she’s ready for the question of the day. She says yes, answers what she can recall then shares anecdotes that have nothing to do with the question. That’s my momma.

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the turn of the 20th-centuryth century song “M-O-T-H- E- R (M Is For The Million Things She Gave Me).” Here’s a vintage recording if you want to give a listen. It’s a schmaltzy ditty that touches my heart because of the mother I was fortunate to have. So today, I want to celebrate a few of the million things my mother gave me.

My mom was born on May 26, 1930 and was sent to live down South with her grandmother when she was a few months old. She shared with me that she didn’t even know there was a depression and regales me with stories of being the spoiled red-haired fox her uncles chided and chastised.

When Alex Haley’s Roots was televised, she wondered what the big deal was then proceeded to tell me about the Pitt family that owned her grandparents. When I let her know I’d decided to pursue a Masters degree two years after graduating from college and having worked in the big bad world of advertising, it was only then she shared that she had been hoping I would go back to school. She even declared, “Why who knows? You may want to go on and get a PhD.” That was the first time I realized my mother wished things for me, but by her restraint showed she respected that what I wanted when and if I wanted it was what was important.

In things small and large, she made it plain—not only to me but to my sister as well—that we were to be who we wanted to be. We weren’t put on this earth to live up to anyone’s expectations. She recalled a time my sister came to her with a picture she had drawn and said, “I couldn’t do it as good as Anna.” To which my mother assured her she wasn’t supposed to do it as good as Anna. She was supposed to do it as good as Muriel. When I felt unconfident or about to settle for less than what I was worth, I recalled her telling me with great vehemence, “You can scrub toilets before you kiss anybody’s ass.” She doesn’t remember saying this but I do, and I will always be grateful for the confidence those words instilled.

As a minister, I’ve helped families in which the relationship between mothers, daughters and sons was strained and far from loving. They can’t sing without reservation as I can the last line of the song I shared above but thanks to the love I have from my mom, I’ve found ways to help honor their struggles and woes.

The last line of M-O-T-H-E-R goes, “Put them all together they spell MOTHER. A word that means the world to me.” I will forever be grateful to my mother who means the world to me. For a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, share in the comments about someone who was a mother to you or perhaps you have mothered.

Haunted Serenade – by Anna M. Taylor

All the women in Anora Madison’s family have lived haunted by the curse of Poor Butterfly: women still longing for but deserted by the men they loved. Determined to be the first to escape a life of abandonment, Anora fled Harlem for Brooklyn, not only severing her ties with her mother Angela, but also ending her relationship with Winston Emerson, her lover and the father of her child.

Six years later, Anora comes home to make peace, but an unseen evil manifests itself during the homecoming and targets not only Anora, but her little girl Cammie.

With nowhere to run, Anora must confront the evil now trying to destroy her life. She vows to protect her daughter at all costs, but if that protection can only be found with Winston back in her life, how will Anora protect her heart?

Excerpt from Haunted Serenade

In September 15, 1963, the one year anniversary of my aunt Diana’s death, four young girls in Birmingham, Alabama died when their church was bombed for its involvement in the Civil Rights movement.

My mother called that evening and inquired after my health and the health of my daughter Cammie – the granddaughter she vowed never to acknowledge.

Fear, anger and sorrow sounded in her voice. Mine too. We mourned those girls, their families and the sister/aunt we both loved. In that spoken grief, I silently mourned what had died between my mother and me.

The following month she called again, this time inviting me to bring Cammie to dinner. Like some sulky child, I felt tempted to ask what took her so long. Instead, I swallowed my hurt and came home.
