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Archive for 'paranormal'

Elizabeth Andrews: Romantic Gifts & Presents for You! (Contest)
Thursday, July 28th, 2016

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen1!

* * * * *

Hi!  Before I get started, I want to thank Delilah for being so generous with her blog space.  I always have a good time when I come to visit here, and I appreciate that Delilah lets me.

So it’s my birthday month, and more specifically, my birthday week.  I remember as a kid how much I looked forward to my birthday–it was about halfway through the year from the other big kid present holiday, Christmas.  Each one seemed so far away from the other when I was a kid.  Do you remember, too?  I always thought it would be worse, though, to have my birthday too close to Christmas and then have to wait even longer for gifts.  Funnier, though, when I think about it as an adult, is that gifts when I was a kid were a lot of useful things and a few fun things, plus the dinner of our choice and whatever kind of cake we wanted (my mom was a really great baker).  I had a lot of siblings, so huge wish lists weren’t the norm in our house.  And we were okay with that.

Even when I got older, birthdays were more about the cake than the gifts.  I’m still a huge fan of the birthday cake, actually.  Something decadent and delicious, with icing.  There has to be icing, or there’s no point in the cake, unless it’s cheesecake, and then it still needs something–fruit sauce, or chocolate, or something.

I haven’t written a character yet whose birthday happens during the course of their book, until now.  I’m working on a shifter story, and the heroine has a birthday and Christmas during their story, and neither of those has ever been a big deal in her life up until this point.  Seeing things through her eyes that I’ve taken for granted is kind of eye-opening, and a little sad for her.  The hero does some very romantic things for her, too, which makes the whole thing even better.

But there is still something to be said for a good birthday gift from someone special, whether it sparkles, or maybe it’s just a good dinner at your favorite restaurant.  So I wondered what some of your favorite romantic birthday gifts have been.  From your spouse, or maybe a previous significant other, I want to know.  Everybody who shares in the comments below by noon EST on Sunday, July 31, 2016 will be entered into a giveaway drawing (via–I have a box full of books, including a signed copy of Hunting Medusa.  I can’t wait to hear these!

Hunting Medusa


Hunting Medusa

The Medusa Trilogy, Book 1

Ever since the original Medusa ticked off Athena, her cursed daughters have been paying for that mistake. To this day, successive Medusas play cat and mouse with the Harvesters.

When Kallan Tassos tracks down the current Medusa, he expects to find a monster. Instead he finds a wary, beautiful woman, shielded by a complicated web of spells that foils his plans for a quick kill and retrieval of her protective amulet.

Andrea Rosakis expects the handsome Harvester to go for the kill. Instead, his attempt to take the amulet imprinted on her skin without harming her takes her completely by surprise. And ends with the two of them in a magical bind—together.

Though their attraction is combustible, her impending PMS (Pre Magical-Curse Syndrome) puts a real damper on any chance of a relationship. But Kallan isn’t the only Harvester tracking Andi, and they must cooperate to stay one step ahead of a ruthless killer before they can have any future, together or apart.

Get your copy here!

About the Author

Elizabeth Andrews has been a book lover since she was old enough to read. She read her copies of Little Women and the Little House series so many times, the books fell apart. As an adult, her book habit continues. She has a room overflowing with her collection, and still more spreading into other rooms.  Almost as long as she’s been reading great stories, she’s been attempting to write her own.  Thanks to a fifth grade teacher who started the class on creative writing, Elizabeth went from writing creative sentences to short stories and eventually full-length novels. Her father saved her poor, callused fingers from permanent damage when he brought home a used typewriter for her.

Elizabeth found her mother’s stash of romance novels as a teenager, and–though she loves horror–romance became her very favorite genre, making writing romances a natural progression. There are more than just a few manuscripts, however, tucked away in a filing cabinet that will never see the light of day.

Along with her enormous book stash, Elizabeth lives with her husband of more than twenty years and two young adult sons, though no one else in the house reads nearly as much as she does. When she’s not at work or buried in books or writing, there is a garden outside full of herbs, flowers and vegetables that requires occasional attention.

Augustina Van Hoven: Spirits
Sunday, June 26th, 2016

avhTina smallAccording to the Merriam Webster Dictionary the simple definition of a spirit is “the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power”.  The full definition is “a supernatural being or essence”.  These two definitions show that there is more than one kind of spirit.

The common belief is that the spirit of a living person is called a soul and the spirit of a dead person is a ghost.  There are many thoughts on what happens to a person after they have died.  Most talk about a life after death, but what happens to spirits who do not move on but linger here on earth.  All cultures have stories about the spirits of long dead loved ones appearing and helping their families.  There are also tales of spirits haunting places where a tragedy or a battle has occurred.  These stories have one common point; the spirit has something that tethers them here rather than allowing them to pass over to the other side.

There are many people who actually hunt for ghosts.  They call themselves paranormal investigators.  These ghost hunters often use electronic equipment to help them find and record spirits.  There is even an application for the Android phone that helps search and record paranormal activity.

The full definition speaks of supernatural beings.  In most cultures this refers to angels and demons.  Many cultures and even the Bible talk about angels who appear to men and giving them advise and guidance or demons controlling people and using them to further their own goals.

Belief in these things is a personal matter, but there is a lot of evidence that suggest they really do exist.

The second book of the Rose Series, THE THORN OF A ROSE, continues the tale of romance in the world of politics, complicated by ghosts, angels, and demons.

Have you ever had an experience with a ghost or supernatural being?

Augustina Van Hoven
Proving Love is Strange
THE THORN OF A ROSE – Available June 30th

Twitter:  @augustinavhoven

We are all chess pieces on a board … in a game played by supernatural forces.

avhTheThornOfARoseFINAL1400 (2)


Newly elected state senator Ashley Halliday is over her failed engagement and ready to help make Idaho a better place to live and work. She has no time for romance … until she and Richard, a handsome state representative, take their friendship to a new level. But then there’s John, an aide to the governor of Idaho. Both hold power … but only one is a good man. The other is on a mission to destroy lives. Will she learn the truth in time to save lives and keep her friends safe from dark influences?

Sports bar owner and state representative Richard Fowler is happy for his best friend Stephen and his bride, Rose. He knows their secret–Rose came back from the dead to save Stephen from his lofty ambitions. Richard himself has no time for any supernatural goings-on or for romance, not with his work to save state education funding. Until he sees the vibrant Senator Halliday through new eyes, that is. But to win Ashley, he must keep her safe from a rival who wants her for darker reasons.


A villain has returned from the dead, summoned by a demon, and given another chance to do what he failed at the first time. He’ll gladly take down anyone else who gets in his way. And his new post in the halls of state government? A devilish chance to play corrupt lobbyist, and foil the plans of those with loftier goals.

Claire Davon: Fire Danger (Contest)
Sunday, June 12th, 2016

Hi all and welcome to my blog takeover. Many thanks to Delilah Devlin for allowing me and my characters to invade her website.

My name is Claire Davon and I love to write romance, primarily paranormal and contemporary. Starting from a young age I always loved to read the happy ending romances, which in my day were the short Harlequin novels. There was a store at the end of my trolley line in Brookline, Massachusetts that used to stock the slim 180 page Harlequins on a carousel outside for 25 cents a book. I read lord knows how many before I discovered the saucier versions in Rosemary Rogers and the like. I wrote for a lot of years before giving up after being shot down by Harlequin (and I thought it would be so easy) and putting away my pen for a time.

Fast forward several years to more recent years when my stories simply wouldn’t let me alone and I went back to writing. I am proud to say that on June 21st my paranormal romance novel Fire Danger, the first in the Elementals’ Challenge series, is being released by Samhain Publishing. This novel is truly a labor of love. It started ten years ago when I had this idea about four immortal Elementals who were once human trying to save the world. It evolved to what it is today with the basic premise intact. This is the first of five books with each book having a happily ever after. What is romance without that promise of bliss (with a whole lot of spice)? These Elementals have unique powers specific to their station and have to save the world one Challenge at a time, all while facing the most baffling mystery of all—the opposite sex!

cdFire Danger Samhain Cover

All her life, a faint memory of her parents and fire has glowed at the back of Rachel Quinn’s mind. With her parents long dead, there is no one to clarify what it means.

When a gorgeous winged man rescues her from a pack of werewolves, something flares to life inside Rachel. Suddenly she can see the paranormal world around her, a world unseen by mortals. And far more complicated.

Here is an excerpt:

“You’re not serious. Elementals are supposed to save the world.”

Phoenix squared his shoulders and shook his head. His mind was blocked from her, and she had no idea what he was thinking.

“It’s unimportant. What is important is finding out the truth about you.”

The stiffness of his body told her this was not the time to pursue this line of questioning. Unsure whether she should believe him, Rachel filed the comment away for future attention. Then the memory of the car accident drew her back. “Why don’t I remember? Why don’t I know?”

He turned to look at her and his big body almost filled the window, blocking the view.

“Why don’t I have wings if I’m what I saw in that vision? Why don’t I have more…power?” Her body heated again, and part of her wanted to be that winged  creature with the power of fire at her command. She yearned for it, like it was a part of her she hadn’t known was missing until this moment.

Phoenix shrugged, his shoulders flexing. “There was something there, interfering, maybe protecting. I’m not sure. As to your wings, not all Ifrit have them.”

“Shouldn’t I look more…different?”

Another shrug.

Heat warmed her face as her temper started to fray. The visions Phoenix had teased from her mind made her feel off-balance, like a wobbling top. She dashed across the room to him, her face heating with anger. “I am so confused.”

Rachel did the only thing she could think of. She kissed him.

Phoenix reacted, his arms immediately closing around her. His tongue sought hers, probing, demanding a response, which she gave, meeting his desire with a hot, burning need of her own. It flared like fire between them, passion that came to life instantly.

He broke off the kiss only to nibble on her ear. His breath was warm, and she shuddered with wanting him. She had to have him. She was projecting desire and she didn’t care.

He chuckled. “Come, Rachel. I want you so much. This Phoenix is hungry.” His hips thrust against hers, leaving her no doubt of his fierce arousal.

“Yes. Now. Now.”

“Hungry Ifrit too.” His laugh was fierce and possessive, tinged with hunger. Phoenix lifted her and kissed her. His lips moved over hers until she let out a breath and opened her lips to his.

With Phoenix she was a queen. All the pent-up passion inside her could finally be expressed without fear. But her desire, her needs, were so intense she thought maybe even an immortal Phoenix couldn’t deal with it.

“I can deal with it, Rachel. Give me everything. I need all you have. I have to have it,” he said on a fervent whisper.

“Aleric.” She leaned against him. “What I feel, it scares me.”

He gathered her body into his arms, pulling her legs around his waist, and started kissing her neck. “It should scare you. I should scare you.”





Want to win a $10 Amazon egift card? Just like my Facebook page between now and June 21 and let me know you have done so. I will draw a name on release day!

Also, if anyone would like to review Fire Danger, please email me and I can provide you with a free review copy in exchange for an honest review.


As a change of pace, I have a sweet fantasy novella that draws from the Elementals world but with characters completely outside of the four main characters in that story arc. This story focuses on a Spanish water woman and the African two-horned mythical beast who needs her help. The story, titled Water Woman was included in Roane Publishing’s “Masked Hearts” anthology released on May 21st, 2016.

Here is an excerpt:

maskedWalking to the front door, she opened it. Concentrating, Isidora bade the lock on the outside gate to release and swing open. When it did so the intruders plunged through, their unshaved faces split with smiles at this unexpected piece of good luck.

Their delight turned to frowns when they saw the woman standing in the doorway. She knew she was not imposing to the untrained eye. All Alojas were small women. Their power did not come from height or strength of their human bodies. It came from within and from the ability to command water.

Hoping that Kimoni had stayed behind to protect his grandfather, Isidora smiled at her intruders.

“Looking for me, tontos?

The men looked at each other. They appeared to be common street thugs, hired to find a brute force way into her place. Her opponent had underestimated her.

“You are Isidora Marin?” the bigger one asked, moving toward her. Isidora smiled thinly and nodded.

“You have been sent on a fool’s errand,” she said. “Turn around and leave now and no harm will come to you.” Yet. Nobody could try to break into her home and not pay a price. That would come later. Let them think they could walk away now.

The other man grinned, his smile missing a tooth. Poor souls had no idea what they were getting into.

“Come with us and no harm will come to you, bruja,” he countered.

Witch. Well, they knew who she was. That made them twice the fools to come here.

“Why are you here?” she asked. “What do you want of me?”

The bigger man shrugged. “We weren’t paid to ask questions. Just to get in. Come with us and we get a bonus.”

In the distance she heard pounding hooves. They were loud in the quiet early morning of the new day. At this hour the only thing stirring were night creatures, criminals and Kimoni. She could handle these men but her senses stirred at the idea that he was galloping to her rescue. Were the other men following him? She was sure of it. She hoped they did not find his grandfather but it was too late to worry about these things. He was coming. No other horse would be on the street now.

Kimoni, mane flying and eyes wild, plunged through the open door and pivoted to a halt, his hindquarters spinning as he stopped between her and the would-be thieves. Flanks heaving, he snorted, his body across the path of the others. He pawed at the ground with one hoof and lowered his smaller nose horn to the men.

Roane Publishing:

About Claire

cdclairedavonWhile Claire Davon’s novels focus on romance, Claire likes to write across a wide variety of genres when it comes to short stories. Many of her shorts are set in her Elementals world, a world that will see its first full length novel released on June 21, 2016 by Samhain Publishing. She also has a novella in Roane Publishing’s Masked Hearts anthology and has had over ten short stories in many genres released in the past year. Before signing with Samhain Claire self-published two contemporary romances and a series of urban fantasy novellas. She is a member of RWA as well as her local chapter LARA.

In her spare time Claire likes to read, help animals, enjoy the sunshine and pretend to clean. She moved from Brookline, Massachusetts to Los Angeles and now calls it home.

Want to learn more about Claire? She can be found at the following links and she always loves to hear from people so feel free to sign up for her newsletter on her website or just drop her a line!


Nancy Corrigan: A look inside an author’s head…
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

Did you ever wonder how an author takes an idea and develops it into a story? Me too, and I’m fascinated by the different approaches authors take. You have your pansters who write by the seat of their pants, the plotters, and those who combine the two. There is no right or wrong way to pen a novel, but I’m happy to say I’m a plotter who embraces epiphany when it strikes.

This method works for me for two reasons. One, I don’t write full-time. If I want to write, edit, and polish four or more 100K books a year and still have time for my family, I need to be organized and focused when its “writing time”. I just don’t have time to deal with plot holes or the dreaded writer’s block. And two, I can’t jump from project to project. I get too caught up in one world to be able to switch back and forth. Each series—Wild Hunt, Royal Pride, Kagan Wolves, and Sander’s Valley—has its own set of rules and a unique “feel” that I lose by jumping around. If I do, everything takes on the same tone and characters start to merge. Other authors thrive by doing this. Not me. I can’t do it.

After my idea sparks, I let it play out in my head, working the kinks out of it and fitting it into the series arc. This can take days or weeks, and this usually happens while I’m editing another book. When I reach the professional editing stage, my current story is usually solid and only needs to be tightened and proofed.

Plotting often involves working on profile sheets for characters, looking for inspirational pictures for scenes to give me a visual nudge, and sketching out the book, chapter by chapter. I even go so far as to write a loose synopsis before I type a single paragraph of the book.

Once all that’s done, it’s time to write. Since I work full-time, the bulk of that is done on the weekend, and I use my lunchbreaks during the week to read over what I wrote and do a first pass edit. Then it’s off to one of my wonderful editors.

The culmination is release day, and I celebrated one yesterday! Hunter Forsaken is the newest installment in the Wild Hunt series. Check it out below and if you haven’t read the free prequel, Hunter Sacrificed, you should. It’s available everywhere.


Hunter Forsaken
Wild Hunt, book 2

A vow to the dead…the mark of the Hunt…a love with one chance to survive.

In the slice of a moment, Ian Callahan lost everything he cared about—a deed done by his own hand. He awakens on the edge of sanity, chained in his own personal hell. He is to be the newest rider in the Wild Hunt, if he can learn to control the rage and guilt that consume him.

Then…a whiff of vanilla. The face of a lover he’s seen only in his dreams. He doesn’t know her name, only that she stirs the hungry beast within him.

For a millennium, Tegan and her sibling riders of the Wild Hunt were imprisoned, suffering under a curse meant for the Unseelie Court. Though her body is free, she carries the curse with her—and the additional burden of finally knowing the name of her destined mate. A human named Ian Callahan.

He’s her Trojan horse, the only one who can heal her heart. Just one last challenge stands in the way of claiming each other, once and for all. Failure means facing eternity the incomplete halves of a whole.

Warning: Contains a hero who’s more than just the total…package. And a daughter of the Underworld who thought she knew what Hell was…until she fell in love. Boundaries of monogamy pushed, pulled, stretched—but never broken.

Praise for the Wild Hunt series…

RT Book Reviews on Hunter Forsaken—“With underworld intrigue, a daring rescue of innocents from the fairy realm and a demon-fueled plot twist, there’s a lot of action, but at its heart, this is a story about the redemptive power of love.”

The Library Journal on the Wild Hunt series— “…intriguing and original… Recommended for those whose traditional sexual values just need a little boost.”


“You’re Calan’s sister?”

She slid her fingers to the column of his neck. “Half sister, yes. All the riders of the Hunt were fathered by Arawn.” She grinned, showing off straight white teeth. “Besides you, of course.”

He swallowed hard. The mention of the Lord of the Underworld put a whole new spin on Tegan’s heritage. “You’re a demigod.”

Not just any lesser god either. She’d been fathered by the black-skinned, winged creature he’d seen when he joined the Hunt. Arawn’s image had appeared inside his head, much like Tegan’s had over the years they’d visited each other. The sight of him hadn’t bothered Ian. Knowing his dream lover carried Arawn’s genes did.

“Yes, I—”

“You knew me before I joined the Hunt, didn’t you?” He had to be sure she’d participated in his dreams, that it wasn’t only his imagination.

Her nostrils flared. “I don’t—”

“Yes or no, Tegan. Have you invaded my dreams for the past three years?” Making me yearn for you? Read the rest of this entry »

Erzabet Bishop: Wicked For You
Thursday, January 21st, 2016


True love awaits. Passion burns bright…

Carrick is an Alpha werewolf preparing for the annual Pack Gathering. Pack law dictates he must have a mate by his thirty-sixth year or forfeit his rule. But what if he’s already found her and lost her in a swirl of cinnamon-scented dreams? Can this Alpha brave a sea of single wolfy females to find the one woman who enchanted his heart?

She’s a kitty girl, in a wolfy world…

Sage is the curvy owner of the Hot Whips Café. Bound by pack law, even as an adopted cat, she must attend the Gathering for the Alpha to select a new mate. Heading to a wolf ball isn’t high on her list of fun activities, but damned if she can’t get the image of a certain amber-eyed wolf out of her head.

Release date: February 1, 2016
Publisher: All Romance

Buy link:
Amazon —
All Romance:


Carrick stood with his back to his second in command, his wolf pacing beneath his skin. He wanted to break the double doors open and bound into the woods rather than face the torment waiting for him in the grounds outside. Women. Hundreds of single wolfy females. All vying for the privilege of putting his cock and balls into their handbags like some godforsaken trophy.


Ever year he’d dodged the bullet, but this year one of the hungry piranha circling his house would become his mate.

Double fuck. He’d been through this before. He already had one. He just needed to find her, but the elders wouldn’t listen.

“You have to make a choice, Alpha.” Reid crossed the room and stood in front of him, blocking his view.

Carrick growled and spun away. “I’ll find her.”

Reid’s lips flattened, his dark eyes flashing in his anger. “You know the rules. Thirty-six is the last year an Alpha can rule without a mate by his side. The pack needs an Alpha female to be whole.”

“The pack is stronger than it’s been, or are you forgetting how I got here?”

Reid swallowed and backed up a step. “No. Justin was a horrible Alpha. You were right to destroy him. He was wrong for the Westmore Pack. Evil.”

And the bastard had been. He’d abused his power as Alpha to enslave his pack rather than uplift it. The amount of victims he’d unearthed in the days that followed would disturb him for the rest of his days. He could still see the faces of the women Justin had taken against their will and the shivering form of his sister and the strange girl who stood up to a monster.

Hers was the face that haunted his dreams. Her need reached out to him and made him into who he needed to be to overcome a near impossible situation. He had been up against a being far superior in strength but what he lacked in brawn, he’d more than made up for in sheer bullheadedness. And the electricity he felt when he touched her. His wolf recognized his mate and so did he. Now all that remained was to find her. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been looking. No one knew her name and, with her face partially shifted, her image was only a fleeting ghost in his mind.

“You’re damned right.” Carrick leaned back against his desk and rubbed the bridge of his nose. His father would be proud of the work he’d done. He’d turned the Westmore Estate from a near financial ruin to a lucrative operation centered on the newly formed security company owned by him and his second, Reid. Where people had once feared shifters for their propensity for violence because of Justin and his henchmen, he’d turned the tide and people paid for their protection. Handsomely. So much so that when the media had heard about the weekend’s festivities, he’d been dubbed the Ultimate Bachelor.


It made him fucking nauseous.

The one person he needed to find and he couldn’t and it made him crazy. Now, in a matter of a few days, he would either have to relinquish his role as Alpha or marry a gold digging piece of arm candy. The closest person he’d found was a barista at the coffee place he frequented but she didn’t look anything like the girl in his dreams. And now whenever she saw him coming, she hightailed it for the hills.

But she had popped a whisker.

Just like his goddess.

Jesus. He was losing his shit. Completely.

About the author:

ebErzabetfloweryErzabet Bishop is an award winning author who loves to write naughty stories. She is the author of Lipstick, Crave, The Science of Lust, Wicked for You, Arcane Imaginarium: Spirit Board, Holidays in Hell, Mallory’s Mark (upcoming 2016),The Devil’s Due (upcoming 2016), Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming 2016), Sigil Fire, Glitter Lust (upcoming 2016), Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, A Red Dress for Christmas, The Black Magic Café, Fantasies in Red, Sweet Seductions: The Erzabet Bishop Collection, Holiday Cruise, Fetish Fair, Temptation Resorts: Jess, Temptation Resorts: Marnie, Taming the Beast, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation along with being a contributor to many anthologies. Erzabet has been a finalist in the GCLS awards for 2014 and 2015, winning the Goldie for her spot in two anthologies. She has been nominated for the Golden Flogger Award for Crave. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies. When she isn’t writing, she loves to review music and books.

Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.


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Beth Caudill: Enchantress’ Destiny (Contest)
Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Writing for me is like have split personality disorder-everything is the opposite of the way it should be.  I am an organized person. I live by post-it notes, check lists and my calendar.  This is great, theoretically I should be plotter.  Outlines and structured plot points should be no problem.

Yeah right.  I get hives at character sheets and when I tried to plot a story ahead of time, I never wanted to write it. My muse was like “What’s the point? It’s all there in black and white.”

I love not knowing what will happen until I’m writing a scene. But I feel something is missing because writing wise, I’m not very organized. It gives me the heebie-jeebies not being in complete control.  So how do I cope?  Mindmaps!

My husband isn’t into fantasy like I am but he is the one who suggested I try organizing some of my timelines with mindmaps.  I couldn’t get a timeline to work but I love mindmaps for organizing my notes.  I keep everything in a mindmap now – characters, plotlines, places (maps, floorplans, names of cities), research and sometimes a glossary.

This is a screenshot of my mindmap for the current WIP tentatively titled Merman’s Curse, which is novella three in my Paranormals of Arilase series. I’m not sure this will be the published title but it works for now.  The program I use is a Mac only software called Curio. (You can do similar organizing with Microsoft OneNote)


I don’t have a lot filled in yet. Not even images for the hero and heroine. But that is what is so great with the mindmap and display board…it grows when I need it to. I always start with a story blurb and the main characters.  This story I had problems getting to know the heroine Kaycee, so I took a break from the mindmap and wrote a prologue.  It helped me figure out her powers and understand her better.

Now I can complete the initial information in the mindmap and start writing the rest of the story. The prologue won’t be in the final story but some of the information will be included in future chapters. Usually I know my characters before starting a story. This time that didn’t work out.  That’s both the joy and frustration with my writing process.  It’s always changing even when I wish it would stay the same.

So tell me, are you a post-it note, checklist or fly-by the seat of your pants type person?

I’ll randomly select a commenter to receive a notebook with the cover of my werewolf short story Informally Yours.



Enchantress’ Destiny by Beth Caudill


One dark curse, two elves and a destiny neither could escape.

Cursed at his birth by a dark elf, Rowe Calder avoids personal entanglements, especially his betrothal to Caliressa Bellehaven. Circumstances force them together and love won’t be denied. But the dark elf claims his vengeance and only the strongest enchantress can reclaim Rowe’s soul.

Series: Paranormals of Arilase – Novella 2
Genre: Paranormal Romance / Fantasy Romance
Length: Novella – 25,200 words
Heat Level: Spicy

Available for Sale at:
Amazon –
            Barnes and Noble –
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            Kobo –
            Google –
            All Romance eBooks –

About the Author

Although Beth grew up in West Virginia, she currently resides in North Carolina with her husband, two sons and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who makes an excellent lap warmer. Blending the analytical and creative sides of her brain, she delights in creating fantasy worlds for others. Catch her online most days except when NCIS and Once Upon a Time air.

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Nancy Corrigan: Staying in love is harder than falling in it… (FREE READ)
Sunday, October 4th, 2015

Romance authors love to write about falling in love. The rush of newness, the promise of passion and happily ever after, and the exhilarating but sometimes frustrating “getting to know each other” phase are aspects most romance readers love to hear about. Today, I don’t want to talk about any of those. I want to talk about how people in love…stay in love.

It’s hard to keep the romance alive in our busy worlds. We have obligations to work, kids, friends, and our community. What we often forget is we also have a responsibility to the person we love. This is especially important when the world seems out to get us. No matter how good our life is, bad stuff happens. We can’t stop it all. We deal with it, right? It’s how we face our challenges that sometimes gets us in trouble with our partners, but those with a solid base built on love have the best chance of surviving. Yeah, basic. Sometimes that’s easier said than done.

Arawn and Minerva, the characters in Hunter Sacrificed, face those same struggles, only on a more divine and far-reaching level. Their love is challenged, and the Wild Hunt series is their story. It begins and ends with their epic tale of love, betrayal, forgiveness and hope. (And you get to step into their journey for free! Read on for the links.)

For the rest of us, our relationship hardships can be lessened if we take the time to keep love alive. It doesn’t need to be a huge undertaking every day. Little things matter. Here’s my list of the top three ways my husband and I remind each other that we’re in life together:

  1. Taking a few minutes every day to talk about something outside of the three big ones: work, family and money. For the hubby and I, this can be anything from science (yes, we’re both geeks) to the newest action movie.
  2. Silly, random texts. We might not be able to respond, but it’s nice to pick up our phones and see each other’s profile pic.
  3. Holding each other. Hugs are good for the soul.

So what do you do to express your love? I’d love to hear about your special ways!


Hunter Sacrificed, Wild Hunt book 0.5 Blurb

His vow to save mankind turns him into the father of the damned.

Arawn, Lord of the Underworld, is faced with the hardest decision of his long life. Because of his neglect, humans are suffering…but his vow to make things right could cost him everything he holds dear.

Minerva, the Goddess of Love, holds his heart and soul, but the act he must now commit might very well destroy their love.

His sacrifice doesn’t go far enough to end the humans’ agony. It compounds it—and turns him into a pawn. He cannot renege on his deal with the Triad, but he can avenge those he’s wronged.

To do that, he’ll need every one of his Huntsmen to win the greatest game of all time—the Wild Hunt.

Warning: Goodness and light vs. sacrifice and darkness. Seriously, what could possibly go wrong?

Excerpt #1

Hands clenched at his sides to stop himself from pulling her into his embrace, he motioned toward her with a jerk of his chin. “Turn. I want to see all of you.”

The order he’d given to her all those years ago brought back the memory of their first time together. He embraced the recollection, allowing it to guide him into what might be their final night together.

She raised a brow.

He growled. “If you have not realized where you are, this is Hell. I rule here, and my commands are to be obeyed immediately. Now, turn.”

With her lower lip caught between her teeth, she dropped her gaze and complied with his demand, slowly spinning on her heel. The ends of her silver hair swayed. A tinkling sound accompanied the move, and the flickering lights from the candles illuminating the room reflected on the strands, making her appear as if she carried her own inner light. The sight entranced him. He allowed the spell she wove to mesmerize him for another moment before shifting his focused stare to her rounded bottom. The ends of her hair caressed her ass cheeks. Soft yet firm, she was made for loving.

Made for me.

She wasn’t. He knew that. It didn’t stop the wonder he experienced in her presence from seizing him.

He closed the distance between them but didn’t touch her. He curled his hands until his nails dug into his palm. Head bent, he buried his nose in the fall of her hair. A deep inhale satisfied his craving for her scent. She smelled of life and goodness.

Everything I am not.

Mouth at her ear, he whispered, “You tempt me, goddess.”

“How? I have not spoken.” She repeated the response she’d given him all those years ago.

Pleased she picked up on his prompting, he captured her earlobe between his teeth and nibbled on her tender flesh until her air escaped on a slow exhale, and her body relaxed against his.

He released her lobe, then pressed his lips to her neck. “You stand before me naked and aroused.”

“You too are naked and aroused, my dark lord. The fact that I am should please you.”

“It does not.”

She turned her head, and her glowing gray eyes filled his vision. “And why not?”

He ran his hand over her hair. His fingers itched with the desire to wrap her shimmering locks around his palm. He dropped his arm.

“You make me want things I shouldn’t.”

Excerpt #2

“Arawn, Lord of the Underworld, it is about time you came.”

The Triad’s voice surrounded Arawn. He cracked his eyelids, but only the endless expanse of white clouds greeted him. “You’ve been expecting me?”

Why he asked, he didn’t know. The answer seemed important, however. Doubt had hovered in his mind ever since Minerva had first appeared to him. Learning about her deal with Lucifer had compounded it. Arawn couldn’t help but feel…played.

“Not played. Led.” The Triad responded to his unspoken thought, proving it could easily read Arawn’s mind.

The deity’s intrusion didn’t anger him. Its words did. Arawn remembered the games among the other gods in the early days of the world. He’d hated it. The isolation of the Underworld had been part of the reason he’d accepted the role he’d been offered. The segregation from the heavens hadn’t offered him peace, however.

He’d entered his eternal hell.

And Minerva saved me from it.

Arawn ground his jaw. “Manipulated, you mean.”

“No. You cannot be controlled. Even the gods have free will.”

“But you can take all my choices away save one, can’t you?”

Silence answered him.

“Well?” He knew better than to argue with the Triad. The tortured look in Minerva’s eyes pushed him to demand the truth.

“You always have two choices, Arawn god of Hell.”

Of course I do. He worked his jaw back and forth. “The right one and the wrong one.”

“Exactly. Which have you chosen?”


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A little about Nancy…

A true romantic at heart, Nancy Corrigan is convinced there’s a knight in shining armor for every woman (or man), but you won’t find damsels in distress in her stories. She adores pairing alpha heroes with women strong enough to match them and bring them to their knees. She also enjoys flipping the traditional roles in romances because her motto is—love and people should never be forced to conform to anyone’s norm.

She holds a degree in chemistry and has worked in research but now focuses on ensuring quality. She considers it the perfect outlet for her as she’s the first to admit she has some OCD tendencies. It carries over into her writing life too. While engrossed in a novel, she has a habit of forgetting to eat and sleep. Fortunately, she’s married to her own knight in shining armor who understands her oddities and loves her anyway. They reside in Pennsylvania with their three children, dog, snake and guinea pigs. Her other interests include tattoos, animals, classic cars and all things spooky and sexy.