Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'puzzle'

Saturday Puzzle-Contest!
Saturday, September 2nd, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Shirley Long!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what this couple is waiting for!

Tarot Sunday & Open Contests
Sunday, August 20th, 2023

I own several tarot and spiritual decks of cards. Most of them I don’t know well enough to read without referring a lot to the books accompanying them. I know it’s a matter of familiarization, of using them, and committing to memory the meanings of the images. The Mythic Tarot deck is my oldest, and the book’s spine needs to be re-glued. It appeals to me most because I’ve always loved mythology, especially Greek, Sumerian, Norse, and Egyptian. I know the Greek stories better than any other mythologies because of my 3rd-grade teacher.

Our reading books were progressive pamphlets that you worked at mastering one volume at a time. I flew through them weeks before the rest of the class finished. She had a personal copy of Edith Hamilton’s Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes on her desk and would hand it to me when the others began their daily work with the readers. The stories were written for adults, in adult language, so I kept a dictionary at hand, which I didn’t refer to all that much as I read.

Tarot and divination have always fascinated me. I have dabbled with it over the years. I don’t believe or disbelieve, but I do think the cards help me reveal my own mind and inclinations. So, enough about why I love my Sunday “drawing the card” ritual. Let’s get to today’s card…

Before I open the book, I know this is Jason of “Jason and the Argonauts” fame—you know, the guy who stole the Golden Fleece. Jason’s story is really cool. He was the son of King Aeson, but he was stillborn, so his father sent him to Chiron the Centaur to be raised. (It doesn’t have to make sense. 🙂 ) Anyways, when Jason reached adulthood, he returned to his kingdon, but his uncle had usurped the throne from his father and didn’t want Jason around causing problems. So, he sent him on an impossible mission—to steal the Golden Fleece from another king.

Jason didn’t argue. He accepted the mission then gathered friends to accompany him on his journey. Here in the picture, you see the twins, the guy in the lion skin, Orpheus with his instrument, and another king friendlier to his cause. They are carrying torches (the wands) and are celebrating the fact that his ship, the Argo, has been completed. He’s ready to begin his journey.

What does the card mean to me? He’s accomplished a lot, gathered his support, built the vehicle he needs to continue. This moment is one to celebrate. So, I’ve completed a set of edits, and am deep into two other sets of edits, plus I’m a third of the way through my next book. It’s time to pause today to celebrate my accomplishments, but also to get ready to plunge back into the “mission.”

Now, I’ll check the book: The four of Wands “augurs a time of reward for efforts made. A creative idea has yielded early fruit, and the individual has every right to celebrate…” Woot, so I will. Today only.

Open Contests

  1. Flashback: Strokes, Vol. 2 (Contest–Two Winners!) — This one ends soon! Win a FREE book—two winners!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: What’s he doing here?This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Story Cubes: Tell me a story… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Meet Carleen Crossley from HARD KNOX! (Contest & Snippet) — Win a FREE book!
  5. Hollywood Heartthrobs (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Saturday Puzzle-Contest–What is happening here? — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest–What is happening here?
Saturday, August 19th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown!

Today, I searched for an image for the puzzle on my favorite photo site by just typing in the word “romance.” This odd photo popped up in the top row, and I thought how fun would it be for you all to tell me what you think is happening here.

So, solve the puzzle and tell me what’s goin’ on for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: What’s he doing here?
Saturday, August 12th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown!

It’s Saturday! The Saturday before school starts! The kids are ready! They’ve met their teachers, have all their clothes and supplies. Now, the nerves have set in. They’re planning their first day’s outfits, putting in their orders for their lunchboxes, etc. Our little town is having a “Back to School Blowout” tonight in the town center, complete with bouncy houses, facepaint artists, etc. Hopefully, there will be food trucks, too, for the parents as they herd their kids through the stations.

We’re ready (and NOT) for them to go back to school. Schedules will compress. Timing will be everything. (I’ll get back my quiet “alone time” to write and edit! Woot!) My daughter and I do hate the passage of time. We want to keep them little, but they’re eager to spread their wings. Same ole, same ole, I’m sure for most parents and grandparents.

Today, I had the 19-year-old clean my spaces. It’s such a big help. I can settle in my chair in my clean office and get some s**t done today. I hope. Until the next emergency—hopefully, not a power outage today. I noticed this morning, when I popped into town, that there were new power poles laid out all along the road to replace those splintered old things that keep falling every time the wind blows. I wonder if they’ll give us warning when they have to cut the power to install the expanse. Ha!

Anways, you have a challenge today. Solve the puzzle then tell me what this creature is doing. Or tell me what you would do if you were face-to-face with it! Comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card. Enjoy the puzzle and have a great rest of the weekend!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Flea Market Finds
Saturday, August 5th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

My daughter and I were having a coffee outside in the early morning the other day. During the summer, early mornings are the only times we have privacy for a chat because, you know, kids surround us all day long.

Anyway, we were talking and decided that this year is the first time we’re not eager to have school start so we have some peace. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed their company this summer. No huge blowouts. They’ve been so helpful in caring for the new chickens/ducks/geese, our horse, goats, and dogs. We didn’t take any big trips, but we did fill up the summer with visits to the theme park in Hot Springs, some nighttime concerts, movies, trips to the local water park, and of course, swimming in our own pool and movie/finger-food nights where we just nosh at home. It’s been an idyllic summer, actually. We’ll miss it once we’re in the hustle and bustle of getting them ready for school each day.

One thing I do look forward to doing more of once we’re “free” during the day is hitting the local flea market more often. I don’t ever do the grocery shopping. I don’t clothes shop—that’s what the Internet is for. The one place I do like to “noodle” around is the flea market. I love-love-love that my daughter has the same obsession.

We go with a thought toward adding to our “collections.” She collects ’70s/Mid-Century decor, plus vintage Pyrex. I currently hunt down vintage tins and vintage enamel bowls—especially those on the small side, 4″ to 6″ because they look wonderful, but I use them for organizing projects and storing art supplies. If I happen across a vintage ladies’ powder jar, I’m all over that, too.

I chose today’s image for the puzzle because that kind of display outside a junk shop would catch my eye for sure. I have a ton of vintage tins (mostly in better shape than these), but I’d root through everything, hoping to find hidden treasure.

So, for today’s challenge, solve the puzzle then tell me what sorts of items would catch your eye! Leave a comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Word Seach: Back to School Supplies (Contest)
Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Rachel Blackburn!

Today’s the 1st! The kids go back to school on the 14th. We’re ready, I think. We’ve bought new clothing, and in the absence of a school supplies list (because our district doesn’t publish their lists—you have to wait for orientation!), we have purchased items we’ve bought in the past. All of it’s in a huge tub, ready to be parsed out, with lots of extra items for resupplies.

Our kids are picky eaters. They despise cafeteria food because mom’s a good cook! They love homemade food, and we believe in making enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch bags. So, of course, we also have containers to keep food hot and cold. I’m the meal packer. I love putting lentil soup in thermoses, fruit in baggies, and adding yogurt and utensils. I fill water bottles with ice and filtered water. My mornings are chaos during the school year because not everyone likes the same items, but I know them well enough I don’t make many mistakes. I give apples to the 14-year-old, orange slices to the 9-year-old, for example.

Yes, I’m gearing up for the morning rush.

This year, I’d like to add something special to their lunchboxes. I’d love suggestions. Also, if there is a special school supply that might make them feel special or loved, I’d love suggestions for that. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, share any ideas you have for making their back-to-school adventure a happy experience!

Puzzle-Contest: Make a Wish…
Sunday, July 30th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens!

A day late, but here it is…

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you would wish for once you discover this item. And where did you find it?