Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'puzzle'

Sliding-Puzzle Challenge: Woman Fleeing Dragon (Contest)
Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Becky Byers!

I’m coping with the hand. I’ve been doing a ton of edits. Yesterday, I finished another chapter of Mica! So, while I’m slow, I’m also steadily getting the work done.

I also decided not to throw in the towel for the #The100DayProject—that annual art challenge I so love. I decided my weakened, hobbled right hand could be an asset and tried this…

They are “twinchies”—two-inch squares—and used a dip pen (plus a blower bulb on the second one) and acrylic ink to draw these squiggly, shaky flowers. So, Day 1 is done! Woot!

I decided I’d give another kind of puzzle a try. Just to switch things up. And it’s easy-ish to operate, but challenging like a Rubik’s cube to move the puzzle pieces to the right places. See the grayed square? If you tap on any regular square around it, those two pieces will change places. The numbers tell you the order the pieces should be in. So, good luck. I got three in place before I had to take a break. I’m leaving that screen open so I can come back to it and not start all over again!!

So, today’s contest? Play with the puzzle. Then in the comments, 1) tell me how many pieces you got into the right place before you threw up your hands, and 2) whether you want me to give you this kind of puzzle again sometime. I’ll choose a random commenter to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Have fun!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest! Happy World Pangolin Day!
Saturday, February 18th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Eileen Airey!

Don’t know what a pangolin is? It’s a medium-sized mammal that looks like an anteater wearing armor. They live in Asian and Sub-Sahara Africa. Why do they have a day all to themselves? Their numbers are dwindling, and conservationists want to shine a light on these homely little creatures. Don’t know what one looks like? Solve the puzzle!

Solve the puzzle then tell me how you’re going to spend this very special day for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift certificate!

Puzzle-Contest: New family additions…
Sunday, February 12th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Sara D!

Typing one-handed is such a PITA!!!!

But I’ll do it for you. Yesterday, after my daughter brought me home from the ER, she and her hubby headed to the farm store to pick up a batch of chicks! In a few months, if the snakes, raccoons, and possums can be kept out of their pen, we will have eggs!

In the meantime, chicks are in the cage my SIL built, in the craft room next to my office, where we can keep them warm while they are so young. There are 18 of them, so their constant chirping is cute. I’ll let you know how that goes as they grow…

If you’d like to see them in their new home under their heat lamp, solve the puzzle! Offer suggestions for names for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Word Search: Rain by any other name… (Contest)
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

It’s a dreary, gray day here in Central Arkansas. It’s not like I had big plans for today anyway. Maybe the rain is a good thing because I won’t be distracted by the sunshine outside. It’s cool and the rain is pretty heavy. Yesterday, I thought I’d have to run a hose to the pool to top it off, but now, I may have to dump some water because it’s reaching the rim. So…the rain is dreary, but the pool is full. Glass half full, you know.

I had a guest scheduled for today, and she may yet show up, but in the meantime, here’s a puzzle for you to play. Let me know how you liked it and tell me what the weather’s doing where you are for a chance to win a painted bookmark! ~DD

Puzzle-Contest: It’s in the genes… (Contest)
Saturday, February 4th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Shirley Long!

I’m posting late today. Honestly, I nearly forgot to post at all. My daughter and I headed out with the 9-year-old this morning to spend time at the flea market and then eat a meal out. I bought junk I didn’t need—according to her.

I bought a tin with lemons painted all over it that will make lovely cut tin earrings; a vintage yellow enamel soap dish; a white and charcoal-grey flowerpot that will be perfect for holding more paintbrushes; a stack of music books with yellowed paper that will be perfect cut up for collage fodder; and three small, framed prayers that will be disassembled so I can use the matching frames for my art.

Before we left for our flea market jaunt, my dd shot her monthly “senior pictures” of the 18-year-old. I can’t get over how gorgeous my baby looks or how well my older baby works her iPhone camera. Check this out!

The background’s red for the Valentine’s Day theme, but baby girl didn’t need to dress up to look fabulous.

I used another photo for the jigsaw. Wait until you see it!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you’re up to this weekend!

Word Search: Things to do or consume on a cold winter’s day… (Contest)
Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Linda Rhoden!

Schools are closed today due to the good possibility of icy roads today. The kids loved lying in on a Tuesday and are hoping the “snow days” stretch into Wednesday, too. It’s quiet in the house. One child’s reading in her room. Another has her school laptop open while working on an assignment. I’ve been under the weather for two days now. Headaches, fatigue, chills. I’m a weenie when I’m sick. I completely shut down. I binge-watched Abbott Elementary. It’s not my kind of show (no aliens or ghosts), but it’s funny and real. I was a teacher for a couple of years in a poor district and can relate to their struggles. There’s some really good acting there, too (Sheryl Lee Ralph!). Anyways, I’m moving away from the TV because…headache, ya know.

I decided to share a puzzle today. The theme is “things you can do or consume on a cold winter’s day.” For a chance to win a downloadable book from my backlist, offer another suggestion!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Will you be my valentine…?
Saturday, January 28th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is Mary Ann Dean!

I hope you love the puzzle! I found this image and knew it would make a great puzzle! Very inspirational—cool and creepy! We are getting close to Valentine’s Day, and I have a ton of cards to make. Or maybe just a couple. Depends on my inspiration. Now, I feel like Santa making his nice and naughty list. Anyways, it’s Saturday! I got to sleep in, it’s cold outside, and I’m wearing fuzzy socks, so you know it’s the beginning of a great day!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, have you ever made a homemade valentine card for someone special?