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Archive for 'puzzle'

Word Puzzle — Chocolate covered…
Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Rachel!

I struggled with a theme for today’s puzzle. My mind is on the work I have to complete. So, I reached out on Facebook for suggestions, and author A. Catherine Noon suggested chocolate. So, I could have gone with candy bar names, types of chocolate, but my mind when straight to things you can cover in chocolate that are delicious! And yes, a mild cheese coated in chocolate is very, very delicious! 🙂 Have fun with the puzzle.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, give me some more suggestions for yummy goodness! Do you have a favorite combination? I love orange + chocolate.

TV Series Finale Rant & the Saturday Puzzle! (Contest)
Saturday, January 21st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy Bartolotta!

Well, I’m up at O-dark-thirty again. Dratted insomnia. I don’t ever fight it. So, this morning I went ahead and made a cup of coffee and headed in the dark to my computer. The house is quiet; I can Google without feeling guilty. LOL. So, yeah, I’m how old? Self-employed? And I still feel guilty not “working” when I power up.

I went to bed a little early for me last night feeling a little angry. Why? The ending of Star Trek: Enterprise! I’ve been binge-watching the older series for a while now. Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager. All were unique but the same. Know what I mean? I was comfortable with the progression. Enterprise was uncomfortable from the beginning. I liked the idea of it happening before Kirk and was intrigued with the idea of watching “the first” Enterprise begin the star-trekking adventures.


Problems? I didn’t like the captain. Over the seasons, Captain Archer seemed…a bit irritated and sometimes too aggressive. While I’d found Janeway annoying the first season of Voyager, I came to admire her (after the “Rambo” episode, I loved her). Archer never had that moment where I came to accept his personality. I struggled through the first season, but the show caught me in the second. I loved the evolution of the conflict with the Xindi, and it was odd, but my favorite castmate wasn’t a “regular”. He was a frequent guest—an Andorian commander in the Imperial Guard named Shran. Over the 4 seasons, I actually found him and his mobile antennae to be quite sexy. 🙂

He had a fiery temper, was stubborn, but at heart he was an honorable alien male who loved deeply.

And what did they do to his character in the finale? They made him a criminal! I wanted to see him as an ambassador, having moved up the chain of command through his heroism and good deeds. Nope.

And what else did they do in that finale? They killed my favorite regular cast member, Trip. He never got his HEA with T’Pol—even after they lost their child and all the years they yearned for each other. In fact, the finale fast forwarded years and said they’d broken up six years prior. WTF?

Yeah. I’m not happy. And now, I have to start into the newer Trek series and hope the Powers that Be redeemed themselves. Okay, deep breath. That’s the end of my rant.

Tell me, have you ever been fighting mad over the ending of a series? Tell me about it for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! 

Saturday Puzzle

Following my Star Trek rant, here’s a picture of what my imagined first encounter would look like. Enjoy the puzzle!

Saturday’s Puzzle-Contest: All I want is a decent cup…
Saturday, January 14th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Tamye Whitener!

My day starts with a cup of coffee. I need a couple of cups just to get going in the morning. Then I have another around noon because I don’t dare have one later in the day or I’ll be up to the wee hours of the morning.

Coffee is more than just my jumpstart. Always has been. When I was in the Army, we called it “Lifers’ Blood,” and yes, we drank out of an urn of coffee that kept it warm all day, but the coffee had the consistency of molasses by the time the afternoon rolled around. Still, we drank it. Actually, it was a badge of honor to sip a cup of the sludge without grimacing.

These days, my daughter and I sit sipping coffee outside in the morning, rain or shine, warm or cold weather, while the dogs have their morning run. We talk about what we’re doing that day, gossip about family and friends, share news about politics and celebrities—all over our favorite beverage.

I’ve decided that since my daily brew is the center of so much of our lives, that we deserve an upgrade. For convenience’s sake, we both have Keurigs. Truly, it makes terrible coffee. We’ve tried different brands, but they all pretty much taste the same coming out. We do love how fast we can get our cup in the morning, but I’m willing to put in the time to produce a decent cup for our morning “share” session.

Years ago, I had an espresso/cappuccino maker. It was a pain in the ass to operate and clean. However, espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes are my favorites when I go out to someplace that actually makes a decent cup. Hell, I’d also love a coffeemaker that makes a decent plain cup of coffee.

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, help me out. Share your recommendations for improvements. Do you love a particular brand of K-cup? Do you have a coffeemaker you love? Do you have a recipe for a fancy coffee that I could try making with what I have?

Celebrate National Word Nerd Day! (Contest)
Monday, January 9th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Jana!

Here’s the contest: Open a dictionary (they’re online if you don’t have a physical copy!) and find a word you’ve never used before. Your goal is to learn its meaning and then use it sometime today! You can even choose one of the words I have in the puzzle below!

For our purposes (for the contest), share the word you chose, and its meaning, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Enjoy the puzzle, fellow nerds!

BTW, my new word is logophile. It’s someone who loves words and languages! How cool is that?

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: What are we celebrating next?
Saturday, January 7th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Donna Bayar Repsher!

I love gift-giving and our family looks for every opportunity to celebrate holidays with gifts, food, and fun. So, naturally, I’m already turning my attention to the next celebration.

Solve the puzzle, then tell me whether this is a holiday you like to get behind for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Saturday’s Puzzle Contest! It’s New Year’s Eve!
Saturday, December 31st, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens!

Enjoy the puzzle! Then tell me how you plan to spend your New Year’s Eve for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Let’s ring the new year in right!

New Year’s Day Word Search! (Contest)
Thursday, December 29th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Brenda Rumsey!

I love celebrating a new year in big and small ways. Of course, there has to be a party, even if I can’t manage to stay up to watch the ball drop. We have food and sparking grape juice/wine/champagne. I prepare my new year’s work plan in the days leading up to the big day. I’m always optimistic about my plans. I may not accomplish everything I list, but I do fare better if I have a vision for the year. I know some of you treat the passing of the year as just another day. I get that. It really is. But I like celebrating…well, everything. Any excuse for a happy event. New Years? I’m there. The beginning of another season of Walking Dead? I’m there. The summer solstice? I’m there! Yeah. It’s why I list so many obscure holidays on this blog. 🙂

So, what do you have to do to win a $5 Amazon gift card? Easy. Tell me whether you’re planning to do anything to celebrate the passing of another year? Are you making up a resolutions list? Retiring your 2022 calendar? Big or small. List it in the comments and you’re entered to win! Enjoy the puzzle!