Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'puzzle'

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: While the cat’s away…
Saturday, July 27th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Margaret!

My daughter and the three girls are on vacation. So, my SIL and I are the ones taking care of the animals and existing in the silence. The girls add a level of chaos that charges the air, so right now, it’s restful but also…boring.

I spent yesterday ticking off things on my To Do list. It was a productive day, but then I finished my planned work and had to find something to occupy the rest of my day. The weather was too cool for a swim—just 80 degrees, so that was out. So I turned to this list of movie titles I’ve collected and rarely get a chance to watch to remove one. Well, yesterday, I watched a rom-com with Russell Crowe—yes, I said a rom-com. Because the idea of it was intriguing, I had it on my list, so I ticked off A Good Year. It was decent. I’d recommend it. It’s not glowingly the best thing ever, but it’s a nice escape. I might try The Holdovers if I get through today’s list. The fam wouldn’t be interested, so it’s a good time, while they’re gone, to check off my list.

So, yeah. Another slow day in front of me. Right now, the temperature outside is a cool 76, with a projected high of only 81, so while I’ll go out and clean the pool, I’m going to wait for the weather to improve before I gird my loins and jump in. I hate it when the weather cools. 🙁

Enough rambling. I know you’re bored. I’m boring myself. Being bored inspires boring posts. I’ll shut up now.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me what you’d watch while the cat’s away…

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: A Grizzly Beginning (Contest)
Saturday, July 20th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Eileen McCall!

CyrusYes, I’m pitching another book—meaning, I have a new one coming out on Tuesday that I hope you’re going to love. I certainly do.

Cyrus and Milly were so much fun to write. You’ll think it’s crazy writer fantasy stuff when I say that characters reveal themselves to me rather than I create them. I wait for inspiration to tell my fingers what to type. Often, I see the story appear like a movie reel in my head, and I’m simply the person typing as fast as I can to capture what I see and hear. I pay attention to the clues, as they appear, about what makes my characters unique. I don’t like writing the same book with the same hero and heroine, just changing the names. And I may be starting a new Montana Bounty Hunters series, but I’m hoping the stories inside the stories are just as unique for every book as the two main characters.

Cyrus wrote himself. In the beginning, we meet him, and he’s not much of a team player. He’s irritated that MBH is moving into West Yellowstone and contemplating moving on to the greener pastures. Working with MBH doesn’t really change him. It’s meeting the one woman in the world who was meant to be his other half that convinces him to stick around. You’ll see. Milly is… You’ll see.

The adventures they both have together and apart keep the story moving along and add a lot of the humor and excitement. This story is stuffed with stupid criminals doing criminal things. That will be familiar to you if you’ve read other MBH stories. The takedowns are always fun.

I knew the day when I sat down to write the “meet-cute” scene, that Cyrus and Milly were going to meet. *duh* However, I didn’t know how they’d cross paths until this guy appeared. And yes, I had to find the words very quickly to describe this facial expression.

That’s all I’m going to say. The scene didn’t end the way I thought it would. Let’s just say, Milly made quite the impression on Cyrus. 🙂

That’s all I’ve got for today, folks. I hope I piqued your interest enough you’ll go pre-order Cyrus. Here’s the link to make it even easier: PRE-ORDER CYRUS HERE. See that? Super easy.


Solve the puzzle then tell me about any memorable wild animal encounters you’ve had for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card. If you can’t think of one, make one up! Your story does not have to be long or even any good. Just have fun.

Saturday Puzzle Contest: I’ve been through the desert…
Saturday, July 13th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Debby!

I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name…

I don’t know why that song is playing through my mind today. Okay, so maybe because it’s so dang hot in this house. I’ve stopped looking at the thermostat. Only, this heat isn’t desert-like. It’s swamp-like. I should’ve hunted for a swampy picture for the puzzle.

Since I’m still whining today, you know that our AC hasn’t been fixed. The repairman tells us it will likely be Monday. He’s not my favorite person right now.

I’m tired of the slumber party every night in the 20-year-old’s room. The girls are lovely—my favorite people and wonderful chaos, really. But I’m ready to be a hermit and retire at night to my own bedroom. I was up at 3-ish this morning and tried to go back to sleep, but everyone, including the 20-year-old’s cat, was snoring. So, I snuck downstairs to my office, turned on every fan, and pointed it toward my desk, and here I shall remain until the heat fogs my mind, and I have to throw in the towel. Probably just after noon.

Whine-whine-whine. Whine some more. Okay, I’m done.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me something uplifting today. A quote. A funny story. Your choice!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: At the movies…
Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!

Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly AnthologyBefore we get into the contest… 

I just wanted to remind everyone, that we’re doing a “Getting to Know You” thing on the Collections website. We’re running contests and giveaways. You’ll meet authors who might be new to you! Be sure to follow this link to check it out. The posts will continue until the release of Secret Identities at the end of this month!

Now, onto today’s little ramble…

The 19-year-old turns twenty today! Our little college girl/pom squad member/school ambassador/future teacher. We’re so proud of her. So, her mom, I, and the 10-year-old are taking her to the city for a meal and a movie—Inside Out 2. We all love a good animated picture. 🙂

So, I’ll be away from my desk for most of the day. Today will be the one break I’ll give myself until I finish the book due out later this month! I hope everyone has a wonderful day, too. Be sure to catch up on the contests still open here and on the Collections website. Enjoy the puzzle!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you are a fan of animated movies. Do you have a favorite? Any recent favorites? The 10-year-old and I adore Moana and probably watch it once a month together just because. 🙂

What’s Coming Soon & the Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Orange you glad you stopped by?
Saturday, June 29th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Katherine Anderson!

Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology

Before we get to the puzzle, I’d like to say a word about something that’s starting on Monday and will continue through the release of Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology on July 30th! There are 14 authors who have contributed stories to the book, and I can’t wait for you to meet them all! To introduce them, we’ll be starting a “Getting to Know [insert author name]” campaign, where you’ll learn fun things about these authors and compete for prizes! So, if you don’t want to miss any of the fun, be sure to head to the website and subscribe to get the posts sent to your email inbox. Here’s where you can go to sign up: Delilah’s Collections. We’ll see you there next week!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest

Orange you glad you stopped by? Sorry for the cringey pun! I couldn’t help myself. When I think of summer, I remember my summers spent in Florida, the roadside orange stands that weren’t far from my house, and driving past the fragrant orange groves. The scent of oranges is my favorite of all things. (Maybe I shouldn’t post these things before breakfast!)

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, and then tell me what your favorite fruit-scent is + tell me whether you’re planning to join us next week on the Collections site!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Meet me on the bridge…
Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

It’s Saturday, so it’s puzzle time!

I went to my favorite photo site to find an image and typed in “romantic.” Of course, there were lots of couples sitting on park benches or sharing champagne in a darkened restaurant. Then I saw this photo. It’s the perfect place for a rendezvous. He texts and says, “Meet me on the bridge near your work at noon…” But for what? That’s up to you.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell a little story about who is meeting there and why. Or if you have a favorite “bridge scene” you remember from a book or movie, tell us about it here! Have fun!

Word Search: Favorite International Cuisines (Contest)
Thursday, June 20th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie!

Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to the big city for some imaging appointments. Yes, it’s a pain in the ass. However, my daughter and I try to take advantage of the fact we’re out and about to enjoy some shopping and some good food. We’re big foodies and have adventurous tastes.

Last week when we were in the city for another appointment, we hit our favorite Greek restaurant for gyros. There was a hummus appetizer and plenty of tzatziki sauce to slather on the pita bread. Delicious!

We haven’t decided what we’ll have tomorrow, but it will be good!

Since we don’t get away often, we experiment a lot in our kitchen.

Here’s a photo of one of my daughter’s latest entrees, Hungarian goulash. So good!

We dabble in Indian, Irish, German, and lots and lots of Mexican dishes. This week alone, my daughter made Indian Chicken Curry and the 19-year-old made chorizo-potato-egg breakfast tacos with homemade salsa and homemade corn tortillas. My spaghetti with meatballs is to die for, by the way. For Christmas, we toss the traditional ham or turkey and choose an international cuisine then research recipes. We’ve done Mexican, North African, then we circled back to Mexican, again. I’m hoping for Italian or Eastern European this year. Anyone have some good recipes? I know if we do Italian, I’ll have to do my meatballs and my dd will have to make her fantastic focaccia bread, but there will have to be more on the table!

So, thinking about food and tomorrow’s trip, I wondered how adventurous you all are! Do you like eating international cuisines when you’re out? Do you make special international dishes at home? (Spaghetti counts!) For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then share in the comments!