UPDATE: The winner is Lisa B.!
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Thank you, Delilah, for having me. Delilah is delightful to authors and runs an online critique group that’s pretty darn awesome. And today, she’s letting me take over her blog to talk about my upcoming release.
Forbidden Royal Links:
Amazon: https://hyperurl.co/i4oumu
Apple Books: https://hyperurl.co/z5dvet
Barnes and Noble: https://smarturl.it/qvk0ou
Google Play: https://smarturl.it/4uee6g
Kobo: https://smarturl.it/u9ujfj
I’m so excited. So, I decided to share all about Forbidden Royal, my new release this week and let you get to know the characters Amy and Lucio, the heroine and her handsome prince, where they meet and fall in love. These are questions I asked my characters BEFORE they re-met. Amy knew Lucio when she was a freshman in high school, but she didn’t dare talk to him then. So, these are their answers to some fun questions.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Amy: Living my life without parental pressure to be what they weren’t. I’d love to just get away, maybe sit on a beach, under an umbrella and do absolutely nothing for once. When I go to work, it’s often rainy or foggy. When I leave, it’s the same. I’d like to see the sun and breathe free air.
Lucio: To not have to get married before I turn 30. As a prince, I can do anything I want, but I can’t stop time.
What is your greatest fear?
Amy: That I’ll somehow transform into my mother or my sister and suddenly find myself caring about titles and bank accounts of a man I meet, instead of true issues, like politics, that can affect our lives.
Lucio: That I’ll get kicked out of my family because I refuse to marry a woman
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Amy: I always give in to my parents. I don’t know why or how, but they know how to apply the pressure and get me to do what they want. So I’m like their wind up toy still seeking affection when we all know I was the nerdy, backup to my sister’s perfection. I don’t know why this bothers me as an adult. I have a job. I pay my own bills. I shouldn’t care what my parents tell me anymore.
Lucio:  That I hide myself, perhaps too much. The tell all book of complete trash writing was total fiction, but millions of people believe I could be that much of a jerk because I don’t open up to people.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Amy: I earn enough money at my job writing my reports to pay for my flat and I don’t have to ask anyone for any money, ever. I love the freedom!
Lucio: Completing my training with the CIA, Interpol and British Intelligence where I am able to help discover subterfuge and lies before enemies attack my parent’s country.
Which living person do you most admire?
Amy: Living. This is hard, but I’m going to say the Dalai Lama. He seems to peaceful and honorable and trustworthy. I wish my own head was half as calm as the man seems, and that I could help bring peace to the world simply from prayer.
Lucio: Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos I guess. I was born a prince so I never had to prove my worth, but men like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos get to create their own image and company and build who they are from the beginning. I absolutely admire that in American businessman.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Amy: Drinking wine out with my mates on a weeknight and not worrying I don’t have money. I mean I don’t drink every night or anything, but just being with my friends, in a nice restaurant, and that I can buy my own bottle of wine… this means life is pretty good.
Lucio: I suppose I should count but I’ve dated countless women and never had issues. Reports say I’ve dated over a 1000 women but that’s clearly a miscount. It wasn’t that high and most people lie because they want to be associated with a prince.
What is the quality you most like in a man/woman?
Amy: Honesty and being comfortable in their own skin.
Lucio: I’d say honesty as well. In a woman it would be almost refreshing.
What is your most treasured possession?
Amy: My collection of photographs. I’ve been printing and creating photo books since I was a teenager. It’s so much fun to go through old photos. Most people my age are all digital but I have my printed out pictures and albums that I like to pull out and see.
Lucio: My mind. I always try to keep up on science and breakthroughs so I can find something of use and value to help my country.
On what occasion do you lie?
Amy: To my parents on why  I can’t come and visit them and that I’m happy to see my sister. The truth is I’d skip her wedding next year if I could, but that doesn’t make me sound very nice. Of course I’ll go, but I’ll do whatever I can to delay the inevitablility.
Lucio: I’ll do whatever I can to protect my country, including lie to get to the truth. I’ll infiltrate any organization and lie to really rout out the truth.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Amy: My thighs. I’m not heavy in most places but these thunder thighs actually jiggle if I’m not careful.
Lucio:  I’m a guy. I go to the gym daily because I need to work out. I dislike being flabby and work hard to ensure I stay in the best possible shape I can.
And you can read the first three chapters of Forbidden Royal now! Please go to https://dl.bookfunnel.com/802j3fwjj9 (Book Funnel) or https://instafreebie.com/free/qGimq (Instafreebie).
Also I’m running a giveaway this week if you’re interested in winning pearls just like Amy wears in the book.
a Rafflecopter giveaway