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Archive for 'short story'
Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Pamela Reveal!

If you didn’t already know, the next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology will release on July 30th! It’s filled with intriguing stories. So, I thought it would be fun to use the themes for the stories inside this upcoming volume for our puzzle today. And if you haven’t pre-ordered your copy, remember, it’s only $0.99 for 14 sexy stories you won’t want to miss! Here’s the link: Secret Identities
In the meantime, here’s a little contest! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me which of the themes intrigues you most!
Tagged: anthology, Bad Boys, game, puzzle, short story Posted in Contests! | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sharon Landry - Sandra Marlow - Beverly - Mary McCoy - Pamela Reveal -
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…BN!
Hello Delilah! Thank you for letting me visit today. I’m here to share another charity anthology (big surprise), but this is not like my other ones. Deity Bound: A God and Goddesses Paranormal Anthology is about, well, gods and goddesses. Norse, Greek, Indian…gay, straight, lesbian…we’ve got it all! And proceeds for Breast Cancer Research, no less.
When I signed up, I had no idea what I was going to write. Often, I don’t. Another writer was contemplating doing a Native American god, so I knocked the Canadian version off my list. I have an Aussie friend and I asked about their Aboriginal gods. My friend, though, had a different idea. She asked me for a trait that could be either a negative or a positive. I was like…? Uh, stubbornness. I related it back to myself. I’m stubborn in that I never give up with my writing. Okay, sounds great—I never abandon a story—I finish everything. Except, sometimes, there are projects that should be abandoned. They’re not working. They’re taking up too much brain space for little or no reward. While I was contemplating this, she took to Googling.
Enter Pertinacia—the goddess of, essentially, stubbornness. Daughter of Nix, Granddaughter of Chaos, sister to Chronos and a bunch of other gods. Nix really got around (good for her!). Anyway, my Aussie friend and I (I call her the plot whisperer) came up with a story set in North Vancouver, Canada, and involved Pertinacia being knocked out of time by Chronos and sent to a park on Earth in 2024.
From there, I flew with writing my story. I had Dani, a woman who’d just had her heart broken by her long-term girlfriend. I had Pertinacia the demigoddess. And, for fun, Pertinacia’s family came to visit. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the closest to a rom-com that I’d ever written. My beta readers and editor love it. I’m hoping readers will as well. All that from stubbornness. Who knew!?!?
As a gift, I’d like to give one commenter a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Is there a God or Goddess whose story you’d like to see? Or a favorite movie? I saw Hercules as a child and Medusa still gives me nightmares. Comment and you might randomly win! Thanks again, Delilah!
Deity Bound

Eternity breaks the smallest souls, but a god will never be ruined…except perhaps by the one who holds their heart.
The one who can rip at their soul or soothe it because it was always theirs.
But after an eternity alone, can a god give back the love given them, or wreak havoc upon a mortal’s soul?
Read the best USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors in a spicy gods and goddesses collection for charity curated by The New Romance Cafe, with all proceeds going to the fight against Multiple Sclerosis.
Chele MacCabe
Francis Black
Lily Kindall
V.V. Strange
Katey Tattrie
Niki Brazen
TL Hamilton
Emmy Dee
Cecelia Conway
Jane Poller
Kataya Moon
Alexa Santi
Nicole Sondelle
Cameron J Quinn
Serafina Jax
Michaela Brent
Mikayla Rand
Tati B. Alvarez
Raven Hush
Kathleen Ryder
Niki Trento
Sonja Flowers
Ariel Dawn
Kathia Iblis
Christine Ashworth
Annee Jones
Gabbi Grey
Glori Medina
The anthology will only be available for a limited time.
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/TNRC2024DeityBound
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Deity-Bound-Goddesses-Paranormal-Collection-ebook/dp/B0C7NXZWCP
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/176294379-deity-bound
Deity Bound features my story, My Fair Goddess.
In the ominous light of the coming storm, the disheveled petite woman I rescued seemed helpless and in need of protection. Big miscalculation. Tina’s a demigoddess—a pint-sized powerhouse stranded in the twenty-first century—but far from a damsel in distress. Still, first impressions linger, and I can’t be in awe of someone I taught to use a toaster and to make microwave popcorn. I’m falling hard for her when her grandfather, the god of chaos, demands her return. Can our love and courage stand up to the old gods, or will we lose each other to an ancient land and powers I can barely understand?
About Gabbi Grey
USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, Greek mythology, Guest Blogger, paranormal, short story Posted in Contests!, General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary Preston - Diane Sallans - flchen - BN - Delilah -
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
Although the concept of motherhood has, in times past, been fairly narrow—and binary—I believe in a more expansive definition. We can have “mothers” in our lives who didn’t give birth to us. Aunties or grandmothers who raised us, foster parents who took care of us, or trans moms who might’ve had a different role as we grew up.
This new anthology of drabbles is a celebration of motherhood in all its many forms. Of moms in their many forms. Some stories will make you laugh, some will make you cry (yes, even me), and some will make you reflect on how we all view motherhood.
What’s a drabble? It’s a form of microfiction. 100 words. Exactly 100 words. No easy feat – trust me on that. I love this project so much that I submitted stories under three different pen names. I’ve had three maternal figures in my life: the woman who gave birth to me, the woman who adopted me, and the woman who guided me into mature adulthood. My birth mom, my adopted mom, and my step-mom. All hold pivotal roles in my life. All mean the world to me.
So from funny anecdotes to touching moments to poetry, there’s something in here for everyone. And the book has been published in paperback and hardcover – so it’s the perfect gift for the mother in your life – whomever that person is. (Or for yourself, to enjoy the reflections of all kinds of motherhood…)
Flowers for You

One hundred perfect words. A thousand heartfelt emotions.
For Mother’s Day and all year-round, we at the Romance Café are shouting about this collection of perfect, bite-sized celebrations of moms, mums, mas, mothers and other caring figures in your life.
These 100-word stories celebrate the many different ways that carers show their love, from the everyday acts of kindness to the sacrifices they make for their children.
Warning: may cause a sniffle or three.
Gabbi Powell
Gabbi Black
Trinity Wood
Kaje Harper
Tami Winbush
L Mad Hildebrandt
Hannah McKee
Lisa Gwizdala-Cody
Alexa Santi
Cara north
Sonja Flowers
Michelle Mars
Tori Fields
Rhianon Ruby
Elaine Reed
Danika Bloom
A. Boss
Niki Brazen
DL Gallie
Mila Chase
Debra Deasey
Susan Horsnell USAT Bestselling Author
Jeanna Louise Skinner
Cecelia Conway
Suki McMinn
Annee Jones
Gabbi Grey
J.E. Feldman
Kathleen Ryder
Sarah Stein
Angela Kady
Heather Osborne
Harper Michaels
Sofia Aves
Bonnie Poirier
Ryleigh Sloan
Niki Trento
Yolanda Olson
Sera Taíno
Kat Long
Katherine Moore
Melissa Kendall
LoLo Paige
Aurelia Foxx
Vanesa L. Perillo
G.R. LeBlanc
Jade Glas
Brianna Malotke
Tori Fields
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/TNRC2024FlowersForYou
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Flowers-You-Drabbles-Microfiction-Collection-ebook/dp/B0CH3GBY4K
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198359414-flowers-for-you
About the Author
USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, drabbles, Guest Blogger, short story Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom - Gabbi Grey -
Friday, April 26th, 2024

I’ve finished selecting the stories that will appear in SECRET IDENTITIES: A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY ANTHOLOGY!
Congratulations go out to the following authors!
A.J. Harris “Secret Garden”
Ava Cuvay “What Alien D Do”
Brent Archer “Masquerade”
Cameron Allie “Claimed by her Naga Bodyguard”
Cindy Tanner “Mayday”
D.S. Dehel “Matsuri”
Darah Lace “Most Wanted”
Gabbi Grey “Though You Were the One”
M. Jayne “Baby Take My Hand”
Michal Scott “Her Heavenly Phantom”
N.J. Walters “Perfect Stranger”
Reina Torres “In the Dark”
Of course, there will also be stories by Elle James and myself, too. I’m super-excited about this book! ~ Delilah
Tagged: anthology, erotic romance, short story Posted in About books..., General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anna Taylor Sweringen - Stacey Kinzebach -
Friday, March 15th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!
Hello Delilah! Thank you for inviting me to share my new release!
When I saw the call for femme fatale flash fiction pieces, I dropped everything and ran to my computer.
My editor was shocked when I sent her not one but two pieces. I asked for a quick turnaround time – which she generously did for me. I even got the two stories submitted early! What mostly surprised my editor was that, at the beginning of our acquaintance, I maintained I couldn’t write short. That I was only capable of writing stories over 70,000 words. She’d send me different calls for short pieces. I even submitted one for a Delilah anthology (she didn’t pick it and that was good because it wasn’t that great). Eventually I wrote a couple of short stories that got published. Then I wrote my first short story for a charity anthology, and I’ve done almost a dozen since. I’ve also written more than a dozen novellas. So yes, apparently, I can write short. The last few submissions have been 5,000 words or less. In this case a lot less.
One piece of flash fiction I submitted for this anthology was a BDSM short story about a Domme. That story was under my Gabbi Black pen name. It didn’t get picked, but that was okay. I plan to expand that story and release it myself. Kat’s Claws, however, did get selected.
That acceptance letter put me over the moon. Most of the anthologies I join involve me signing up and submitting the best story I possibly can. Rarely do I submit to curated anthologies (or get personally asked to join a charity anth). I just don’t have time. I’m so glad I did for this one. My flash fiction (667 words – and yes, I should’ve found one to trim…) is about a lioness shifter who interferes with her best friend’s love life. Her best friend is an owl shifter. From the first shifter book I read about ten years ago, I wondered what kind of shifter I would write. Now, I never had any intention of writing a shifter book. I’ve only written one other paranormal story, and it’s about a ghost. To me, that’s just a love story, not a paranormal. Well, apparently if ghosts are involved, it falls into the mystical sphere.
I’ve signed up for a shifter anthology in September, and I’ve written the story of the owl shifter (the lioness’s best friend) and the human woman she loves so much. A lesbian, owl shifter, reality show, short story. Man, I can’t wait to share that with the world. In the meantime, when I saw the femme fatale call, I knew I needed to tell Kat’s side of the story. The prologue, as it might be. Why she did what she did and how her friend reacted. That’s the basis for Kat’s Claws. I hope readers pick up this anthology and read all the great stories. The editor prepared sketches for each one, and I’m thrilled with what she did for me. So yeah, the email I received telling me that I made the cut really was a great day.
I would love to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commenter. Have you tried reading or writing flash fiction? Or do you prefer longer stories? One randomly chosen comment will win the prize.
Thanks, Delilah, for letting me visit.
Femme Fatale Flashes

Welcome to the shadowed corners of intrigue and peril. Wicked Shadow Press presents “Femme Fatale Flashes”, a captivating anthology of flash fictions, each one casting the spotlight on the elusive femme fatale, a figure at once dangerously seductive and imbued with an undeniable strength.
Dive into narratives where mystery and malice dance closely, as these women tread the fine line between morality and desire. From the straightforward journeys of beguiling yet sinister characters whose beginnings are as veiled as their intentions, to the intricate tales of those sculpted by the harshness of society, the sting of betrayal, or the tumultuous twists of love, this collection delves into the myriad hues of what it means to embody the femme fatale.
“Femme Fatale Flashes” beckons you to explore the complex realm of these mesmerising women through stories that are as concise as they are profound. Brace yourself to be captivated by the lethal allure of the femme fatale, in a collection that promises to enchant, entangle, and ultimately, redefine your perception of power, vengeance, and seduction.
This anthology features 56 stories, penned by 49 authors from around the world.
FEATURED IN THIS COLLECTION: Albert Tucher, Angela Tang, Anna McHugh, Armand Rosamilia, Arun Hariharan, Barlow Crassmont, Bissme S, Chad Anctil, Christopher Ryan, Crystal Red, D.A. Cairns, Dale Parnell, Daniel DiQuinzio, David Rae, Dawn DeBraal, Destiny Eve Pifer, Emmanuel Maduabuchi Titus, Gabbi Grey, Grant Tracey, Hannah Marchildon, Ian Gielen, Ivy Wilde, James Dorr, JB Wocoski, Jeremy Gadd, Joshua Vise, Kevin Hopson, Kris Blackburn, Kylie Doyle, LaVern Spencer McCarthy, Linda M. Crate, Madhu Mehrotra, Nelly Shulman, Olivia Arieti, R.W. Hartshorn, Rachel Loertscher, Rina Palumbo, Robb T. White, Sarah Das Gupta, Sarah Mayo, Sharon Frame Gay, Shayde O. Brown, Sheldon Woodbury, Soter Lucio, Susan Temple, TC Phillips, Toshiya Kamei, Val Roberts, Warren Benedetto
eBook link: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/femme-fatale-flashes/ebook/product-579e6jr.html
Paperback Link: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/femme-fatale-flashes/paperback/product-579e6yr.html
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/209492846-femme-fatale-flashes
Kat’s Claws by Gabbi Grey

I am a temptress, a seducer, and a lioness shifter. When my best friend, an owl shifter, is about to make a terrible mistake, I use my prowess to bring her relationship with a human to an end. That might make me a bitch, but I did it for the right reason. Or so I believe…
About the Gabbi Grey

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, shifter, short story Posted in Contests!, General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom - flchen - Debra - Steph - Jennifer Beyer -
Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

This is just a reminder that next Monday is the deadline to submit your stories. However…if you are working on a story and need a few extra days, please contact me to let me know it’s coming! I’ll be starting to read the stories I have, so there’s plenty of time still. If you have any questions at all—email me!
Editor: Delilah Devlin
Deadline: January 15, 2024
SECRET IDENTITIES is open to all authors.
Editor/Author Delilah Devlin is looking for stories for a romantic erotica anthology tentatively entitled SECRET IDENTITIES: A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY ANTHOLOGY.
Why write a short story for this collection? Well, it’s certainly not about making a lot of money, so why do it at all? I’ve said this before, many times, but here are my thoughts…
Writing a short story for a call for submissions is a chance to flex your writing muscle! It can be a chance to experiment with a genre you’ve never written. If you’ve never written a story in first person but don’t want to begin by writing an entire novel using it, start short! For myself, I’ve written stories in new genres or with fresh themes that ended up being so much fun to write they’ve spawned entire series.
You have a deadline! I don’t know about you, but I have trouble keeping my butt in the chair without one!
It’s a promotional opportunity! If selected, you’ll be joined by 12-15 other authors for the launch, sharing your audiences and, hopefully, picking up new readers along the way. Having your story in the collection is another chance to be “seen.”
And remember, you retain the rights to your story, so you can republish it for individual sale or give it away to attract subscribers to your newsletter. You might even decide there’s more story to tell and expand your short story into a novel.
Here’s what I’m looking for…
SECRET IDENTITIES: A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY ANTHOLOGY will include stories that satisfy the reader who craves stories about mysterious, enigmatic men. Perhaps, they’re the new next-door neighbor with a mysterious past that finds him just as he’s meeting a woman he doesn’t want to leave. Maybe he’s an alien from a far-away galaxy looking for his fated mate. Could he be a spy setting up surveillance on another suspected spy? An assassin scouting his target who discovers his handlers lied about the reasons for targeting a particular individual he’s intrigued by? Is he a werewolf living in the human world? Yes! So many ways to go.
SECRET IDENTITIES will seek stories with varied settings here on earth—present, past, or future—or on another planet or moon in this solar system or in a galaxy far, far, away. Heroes and heroines might be more than human—supernatural creatures or even aliens and cyborgs.
I’m open to any subgenre of erotic romance you want to write. I’ll accept contemporary, historical, science fiction, or paranormal stories, and I won’t be picky about whether the stories are hetero, LGBT, ménage… Basically, you, the author, can go anywhere your imagination takes you so long as 1) the story is a romance, and 2) you have a bad boy somewhere on the pages!
The anthology will be sold at a low price—my intent is exposure for you and your writing. The more readers reached, the better! You will retain the rights to your story so that, at a later date, you can republish your stories individually.
I’m seeking hot and inventive stories from authors with unique voices, and above all, I’m looking to be seduced by tales filled with vivid imagery and passion.
Published authors with an established world may use that setting for their original short story.
This is erotic romance, so don’t hold back on the heat. Stories can be vanilla or filled with kink but don’t miss describing the romantic connection between strong-willed individuals learning to trust and love one another. A deep sensuality should linger in every word. Keep in mind that there must be a romantic element with a happy-for-now or happy-ever-after ending. Strong plots, engaging characters, and unique twists are the ultimate goal. Please, no reprints. I want original stories.
How to submit: Prepare your 2,500 to 5,500 words story in a double-spaced, Arial, 12-point, black font, Word document (.doc or .docx) OR rich text format (.rtf), with pages numbered. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing; do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). U.S. grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.
In your document at the top left of the first page, include your legal name (and pseudonym, if applicable), mailing address, email address, and a 50-words or less biography, written in the third person, and send to bbbsecretidentities@gmail.com. If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Authors may submit up to 2 stories. I will try to respond no later than March 15, 2024, with decisions. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: anthology, BDSM, erotic romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, Science Fiction Romance, short story Posted in Call for Submission | Comments Off on AUTHORS! DEADLINE APPROACHING! CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: SECRET IDENTITIES! DEADLINE: 01/15/2024 | Link
Sunday, November 26th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Elaine Bishop!
Hello Delilah! Thank you for inviting me to share my new release!
When I signed up to join a box set of Christmas Market stories, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I just knew I hadn’t written anything for this Christmas this year (busy with Single Dads and Rockstars). This box set provided me with the opportunity, also, to delve back into my Love in Mission City world that I love so much. The imaginary small town is located in Southwestern British Columbia — just an hour outside Vancouver in the Pacific Northwest, although not on the Pacific directly. I love immersing myself in this small town where tolerance is the norm and people love who they love. I also adore the opportunity to bring in characters from my Love in Cedar Valley series, written under my pen name Gabbi Powell.
In my mind, these characters are real people. So, when I created Johnson and Henry, I imagined two men I would want to be friends with. The shy Henry, who makes fairy figurines, and the gregarious Johnson, who runs an apple farm and is still nursing a broken heart over his longtime partner abandoning him. I took these two men — complete opposites — and found a way to make the relationship work. This is about as close to a sweet romance as I’ve ever written (except the sex scene at the end). I wanted something soft and sweet — no angst or drama. I think I’ve delivered that with this story, and I was so thrilled to be included in the box set.
I would love to give one lucky commenter a $5 Amazon Gift Card. What’s your favorite part of the holiday season? I admit walking my dogs on a crisp night air down the main street in town and enjoying the lights. Oh, and spending time with my nieces and nephews. One randomly chose comment will win the prize.
Thanks, Delilah, for letting me visit.
Mistletoe & Markets

‘Tis the season to find trinkets, treats, and love at your favorite Christmas Market.
Will you meet someone special under the mistletoe? Is that a candy cane in Santa’s pocket or is he just happy to see you? Whether it’s the traditional markets of Europe or a small-town winter festival out of a television movie, the holiday market is the place to come together to shop, drink, and make merry. Will you find the perfect gift or the love of your life?
Grab your eggnog and cookies and join USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors curated by The New Romance Café as we celebrate all the things that make this a holly jolly season.
Linda G. Hill
Alexa Santi
Renee Dahlia
Sharon Michalove
Bella Paige
Jill Brashear
Lily Kindall
H. D’Agostino
Sera Taino
Harper Michaels
L.A. Remenicky
K McEvern Lestrade
Jackie Paxson
Sofia Aves
Gabbi Grey
Jewelz Baxter
Juliet Martini
Élodie Garroway
Chele MacCabe
Annee Jones
Hannah McKee
The anthology will only be available for a limited time.
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/TNRC2023MistletoeandMarkets
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSTSL213
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/84279246-mistletoe-markets
Included in Mistletoe & Markets…
“Christmas Courtship” by Gabbi Grey
Three days before Christmas last year, my husband of ten years walked out on me. It’s been a rough year picking up the pieces but now I’m selling fresh cider I make on my farm at the local Christmas Market. I’ve been welcomed into the community, and a shy man who makes the most exquisite fairy figurines catches my attention. I want to ask Henry more about his talent. Something about his artwork speaks to me and I think we might become friends. As Christmas nears, though, and we spend more time together, my feelings are growing. Can a guy with a battered heart and a shy craftsman find new hope this holiday season?
This is a 12k gay holiday romance short story with a quiet artist, a boisterous cider-maker, some nosy matchmakers, the magic of Christmas, and a zany border collie named Zeus.
About Gabbi Grey
USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, Christmas, gay romance, Guest Blogger, short story Posted in Contests!, General | 16 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Beckie - miki - Sandra Marlow - Delilah - cindy -