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Archive for 'sports romance'

Genevive Chamblee: Open Your Heart
Friday, February 14th, 2025

Happy Valentine’s Day! This post is a different take on the hearts holiday that people seem to either love or detest. There isn’t much gray area toward it. I’ll begin with a question. Who is your favorite romance author? Second question: why?

Of course, there’s no right or wrong answer to those questions. So, why would I pose the question? Oddly enough, a commercial and shopping for the Super Bowl. Let me set the scene.

It had been a while since I hosted a Super Bowl party, and this felt like the year to do it. After commandeering my best gal pals, we headed to a craft store for decorations. Now, we knew this particular store (which I won’t name because I don’t have much positive to say about it) would have slim pickings, and we had prepared to let our creative juices flow once we saw what we had to work with. The instant we stepped in front of the automatic doors we were overwhelmed with the commercialism of Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t a shock because this store had begun stocking its shelves with chocolate hearts and lovey-dovey knickknacks a week before Christmas when they felt people wouldn’t purchase any more ornaments or tinsel. So much for after-Christmas sales, and heaven bless anyone who buys Valentine’s chocolates that early.

As we made our way down the aisle, I asked a friend to visit Instagram or Pinterest for decorating ideas. When she opened one of the apps, an ad immediately opened. It was a Hallmark Channel commercial for a V-day rom-com based on a best-selling novel. It sparked my friend to ask if we could remember a time before Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, Sandra Brown, and Nicholas Sparks. These authors are heavy hitters who are staples in the romance genre. But at one point, they had been unknowns.

The writing world has changed substantially since those writers’ beginnings. Then, agents and traditional publishing dominated, and breaking onto the writing scene was practically impossible without going that route. However, most big publishing houses did not accept unsolicited manuscripts, and many agents didn’t take on new/unknown writers. Now, some may argue this wasn’t the case, but all that is needed to give credit is a scrutiny of the increased popularity of self-publishing.

Self-publishing has been around a lot longer than most people may think. In its infancy, however, it was mostly viewed as “second-rate” or an avenue for “unworthy” books to get published. At one point, the Romance Writers of America (RWA) would not consider indie books for many of their awards. The “system” at that time prevented many good writers and good books from being published. It is no industry secret that many manuscripts sat in what was termed “slush piles” for months without being read but the authors sent a formed rejection letter as if they had been. Authors grew weary of waiting and rejection and more and more began self-publishing (which is no easy feat.) But as eBooks grew in popularity, self-publishing methods became easier—still not easy but easier.

With it being easier to publish, one may assume it’s overall easier for new authors. Not really, unless that author has a massive social media presence or is a celebrity. The reason: there are more books out there than ever. This is wonderful for readers—choice, choice, choice. But it makes it more difficult for new authors to be noticed. Well-established authors still have big publishing houses to pour lots of effort, resources, and money into marketing. Many newer and lesser-established authors are not afforded that luxury.

But what about social media? Well, back in the day (yes, dating myself), there used to be social media groups that would push out (by posting) release announcements and advertisements for free. However, most of these groups were shut down for “spamming.” Most writers recognize that as a red herring dismissal so these social media sites could charge for ads. And let me just tell you about paid ads. It was my experience with one site (and no, I again won’t name names) that my ad was sent to bot accounts. Basically, wasted money. How do I know they were bot accounts? Well, I can’t be 100% certain, but when I went to the majority of these accounts, they had no profile picture, no personalized user name, no or few posts, and no followers. I did not see an increase in generated sales. All I could see was how many times the ad was allegedly viewed—again, bots.

The point is, even paid advertisements do not guarantee a growth in exposure. That is why authors are so very appreciative when readers who do run across their pages, posts, and/or ads share them. It is why leaving a review can be so helpful to authors. It’s not only the words left but the engagement that helps. So, on this Valentine’s Day, it’s a heartfelt please to open your heart and spread the love by leaving a like, comment, post, or review for those new and upcoming romance authors. Even if their books aren’t your personal cup of tea, maybe you know someone who it is. Besides, authors love hearing from readers. It’s a way for them to learn what readers want.

This isn’t a call to abandon mainstream authors. The writing space is infinite, and there is more than enough room for everyone. It’s just that lesser-established authors often need a little more help to get themselves out there.

And that’s all I got for today. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. Let me know your thoughts below in the comment section. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. And if you like this post, consider clicking the like button and sharing.

Demon Rodeo

If Brokeback Mountain, 8 Seconds, Poltergeist, and Supernatural had an orgy, Demon Rodeo would be the lovechild.

Demon Rodeo is available now on Amazon. For video book trailers, visit my TikTok page. The full blurb is on my Instagram and Amazon.

Demon Rodeo is the first book in the Chasing the Buckle series but can be read as a standalone. It’s a friends-to-lovers romance set in the rodeo world. These are not your typical cowboys. It’s a widely diverse cast of characters and a mashup of genres that aren’t always seen together. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser, this may be a book for you.

⇨ Amazon:
⇨ All Stores:

*Note: All of my books can be purchased from brick-and-mortar bookstores (e.g., Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million, etc.) as well if requested at the checkout counter.)

Locker Room Love

 Locker Room Love Series

Are you searching for a sexy book boyfriend? You’ve come to the right place.

  • Out of the Penalty Box (book #1) One minute in the box or a lifetime out.
  • Defending the Net (book #2) Crossing the line could cost the game.
  • Ice Gladiators (book #3) When the gloves come off, the games begin.
  • Penalty Kill (book #4) Let the pucker begin.
  • Future Goals (book #5) The future lies between a puck and a net.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Genevive, and I am a contemporary sports romance author. My home is in South Louisiana. If you like snark and giggles with a touch of steamy Cajun and Creole on the side, I may have your poison in my stash of books. Drop by the bayou and have a look around. The pirogues are always waiting for new visitors.

Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

If you’re not following my blog, Creole Bayou, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click here and sign up today.

Want to chat about writing, mental health, Cajun cuisine, Creole culture, or just spill some tea? If yes, let’s get connected. Follow me on one of my social links. There’s plenty to choose from.

Genevive Chamblee: The Importance of Identifying Genre
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Sometimes, one of the most difficult things to do as an author is to categorize a story correctly. Yet, it is tremendously important. In fact, it may be the most important thing an author does aside from writing the story. Now, one may think an author should easily be able to identify the genre since he/she wrote it. On the surface, that is an accurate assumption. However, there are a few factors that complicate the issue.

Some genres have overlapping elements. Fantasy and science fiction both include world-building. Romance and love stories both involve deep emotions and relationships. Thrillers and suspenses both include scenes that increase adrenaline and keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Second, some writers have stories that intentionally blur lines. Consider a book that has a magical system as its main setting. For example, a magical school that houses mythological creatures (e.g., dragons, elves, and witches) and only a specific group of people have the ability to use this magic. In this world, there are things that exist that are not explained by any type of science, and the government is run by the Mount Olympus Greek gods and goddesses. Readers would easily classify this story as fantasy.

But what if in that same world, it is explained that some species exist because artificial intelligence and genetic engineering have altered the biology of humans and animals; Earth has become so inhabitable that people have relocated and formed colonies on Mercury; and space travel has advanced to a level that allows traveling from planet to planet to be as common as crossing the street. Additionally, it is set in the year 3056. This second part is clearly science fiction.

Now, I don’t know how something like this would be possible, but suppose this world exists. It has elements of both fantasy and science fiction. Which should the author choose? How is it measured? A reader who wants fantasy may dislike the book because it includes in their opinion too much Sci-Fi. The opposite of that can be true as well. A Sci-Fi reader may complain there’s too much fantasy. It comes down to opinion.

This is where subgenres come into play. Simple, right? Try doing an internet search for the definition of subgenre and tell me how that goes. See, subgenres tend to be one of those things that people know what it is when they see it but can’t tell you what exactly it is—sort of like the mystery meat served in the school cafeteria. A very generic (and I should say useless) definition of a subgenre is that is a smaller and more specific genre within a broader genre. (Yeah, clear as mud. Didn’t teachers always say never use the word to define its definition?) But a subgenre isn’t necessarily a niche, nor is it considered a hybrid or mashup of multiple genres. Here’s my answer. (Don’t take it as being correct, exclusive, or exhaustive. It’s an opinion.)

A subgenre is two major genres blended, and each plays a significant role in the story. If one of the genres is removed, the story would not make sense. Notice that I said “significant” and not “equal.” One of the genres has to be the primary. And yes, it makes a difference. For example, you can have a romantic comedy (romcom) where the romance is highlighted (e.g., A Merry Little Meet Cute: A Novel by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone) or a comedy with lots of romance. But who decides which is primary? One would think the author, but are they?

Many authors have been dragged for mislabeling their books, and quite frankly, incorrectly categorizing a book can kill it. In the past, some authors have been guilty of mislabeling books for one reason or another, but I don’t think that is the standard. Authors want to put their books in the hands of the readers who want to read them. A writer wouldn’t want to market an erotica to sweet romance readers. That’s a huge powder keg waiting to explode. But what how an author conceptualizes a book may not be the same as readers.

For example, I mainly write sports romance. Readers can expect to get a huge dose of both romance and sports. In the past, I’ve received feedback that there’s not enough sports, not enough romance, too much sports, and too much romance all for the same book. It’s not really upsetting. It just proves how difficult the process is. The balance is fragile.

Here’s the bottom line. In the writing world, there are very few rules and lots of opinions. Most everything is subjective. One reason self-publishing became popular is because traditional publishers for a long time tried to shove writers into narrow boxes, and writers grew weary of either having to conform or having to wait until a new box was formed. With few definitions, writers sometimes struggle to find the most accurate labels because they do not neatly fit into any mold. But also, each reader has his/her definitions. Just look at book reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads to see the scatter. And while looking at those numbers, really look at those numbers. Math matters. The fewer the readers the worse one negative review impacts the rating. It’s easier to pull a rating down than it is up.

And that’s all I’ve got for today. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. Let me know your thoughts below in the comment section. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. And if you like this post, consider clicking the like button and sharing.

Demon Rodeo

If Brokeback Mountain, 8 Seconds, Poltergeist, and Supernatural had an orgy, Demon Rodeo would be the lovechild.

Demon Rodeo is available now on Amazon. For video book trailers, visit my TikTok page. The full blurb is on my Instagram and Amazon.

Demon Rodeo is the first book in the Chasing the Buckle series but can be read as a standalone. It’s a friends-to-lovers romance set in the rodeo world. These are not your typical cowboys. It’s a widely diverse cast of characters and a mashup of genres that aren’t always seen together. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser, this may be a book for you.

⇨ Amazon:
⇨ All Stores:
*Note: All of my books can be purchased from brick-and-mortar bookstores (e.g., Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million, etc.) as well if requested at the checkout counter.)

Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

If you’re not following my blog, Creole Bayou, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click here and sign up today.

Want to chat about writing, mental health, Cajun cuisine, Creole culture, or just spill some tea? If yes, let’s get connected. Follow me on one of my social links. There’s plenty to choose from.


Locker Room Love Series

Are you searching for a sexy book boyfriend? You’ve come to the right place.

  • Out of the Penalty Box (book #1) One minute in the box or a lifetime out.
  • Defending the Net (book #2) Crossing the line could cost the game.
  • Ice Gladiators (book #3) When the gloves come off, the games begin.
  • Penalty Kill (book #4) Let the pucker begin.
  • Future Goals (book #5) The future lies between a puck and a net.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Genevive, and I am a contemporary sports romance author. My home is in South Louisiana. If you like snark and giggles with a touch of steamy Cajun and Creole on the side, I may have your poison in my stash of books. Drop by the bayou and have a look around. The pirogues are always waiting for new visitors.

Krysten Lindsay Hager: Pick Up a YA Second Chance Sports (& Soap Opera!) Romance that’s Completely FREE December 28-29th
Saturday, December 28th, 2024

Do you like YA contemporary novels with second chance romances, soap stars, college basketball players, strong female friendships, cinnamon roll heroes, and cute banter? Plus, there’s the added high stakes of a soap opera star up for an award and her first love, Davis, playing in a college basketball tournament. If this sounds like your kind of book, then pick up Stars in the City for free from December 28th-29th on Amazon.

Check out the blurb here:

Valeria Joseph seems to have it all: career as actress on the soap opera, Charmed Lives, and everyone wants to be her. Her so-star, Cecily Taylor, fixes her up with a rising pop star named Dex Doyle and suddenly Valeria has a bigger spotlight on her.

Then, on the busy streets of New York City, she runs into her first love, Davis, who she never got over. Davis is a college basketball player who is dealing with high pressure stressors of his own and they find themselves supporting one another and falling back in love.
​            But, just like being on a daytime soap is full of drama—so is the publicity that surrounds Valeria. Throw in a pop star who’s crazy about her, an award show event that trends on social media for all the wrong reasons, and tons of swoony moments. Can Valeria find true love in the big city?

Read an excerpt here:

Davis was sweating and not having his best game, but he managed to put up twenty points.

“The other team is not letting up.” Paige clutched one of my throw pillows.

“I’m sweating.” Cecily pulled her shirt away from her body. “I don’t even follow the sport

much, but I’m dripping like I’m on the court right now.”

I nodded. “I have so much adrenaline going through my body that I think I could play. Put me in, coach.” They cracked up.

“Yeah, I feel I could go in right now and take the game-winning shot. Somebody stop me

before I try out for basketball down at the university.” Paige shook her head as she reached for

the popcorn.

I put my hand up. “Do not put popcorn in your mouth right now because you keep shrieking each time somebody does something. You’re going to choke on that popcorn, and I’m sorry, but I need to watch this game, so I can’t be calling for help or performing CPR or the Heimlich maneuver, which I don’t even know how to do. I’d probably end up breaking all your ribs anyways because I’m so pent-up with adrenaline and nervous energy.”

She put the popcorn bowl down as we continued to watch.

Cecily bounced up and down on the coach. “Why am I more nervous for this than I was my first audition?”

Paige started yelling then. “That guy pushed Rashad.” She stood up and yelled at the screen. “Get in there and rip his head off and bring me his skull to use as a ladle.”

I laughed and threw a pillow at her. “Didn’t Walker write a song about you called, ‘The

Sweetest Whispers?’”

She laughed. “Shh, no talking about Walker in front of Rashad. I don’t want to distract him.”

The rest of the game flew by.

“You guys, this is it. We’re almost out of time.” Paige jumped up from the couch. She put her hands over her mouth. “Oh my goodness, Rashad, you can do this. You can do this, baby. I love you so much right now, Rashad. I know I’ve never met you, but right now you’re my very best friend in the whole wide world, and I think you might be my boyfriend.”

Time was running out, and it all came down to one time-out. Davis got ready for the tip-off. He took a big, deep breath in and exhaled slowly, and I knew he was doing the breathing exercise I showed him. I watched as he slowed down his breathing and focused. I clasped my hands together and continued praying. I prayed that he’d know he did his best no matter what happened. That he’d have the strength to carry on feeling good about what he did and how he supported his teammates. Then I prayed he wouldn’t get hurt, and that he’d come out of this a stronger person who was able to be more compassionate to his teammates.

The referee blew the whistle and threw the ball up. I saw Rashad go up in the air and come down hard. He started to fall, but he tossed the ball to Davis. Davis tore down the court, and I saw him pass the ball. It went whizzing so fast I didn’t know how the other guy even saw it, but he caught it. The next thing I knew it went sailing toward the basket just as the buzzer went off. Paige sucked in her breath as we watched the ball like it was going in slow motion toward the basket.

What readers are saying: “Amazing YA Romance. This is a fast-paced story, that will have you on edge with your feelings. Great story line and the characters are on point. This one has it all drama, love and friendships, that will engage you to the end. I recommend for all readers young and old, who likes all the drama.”

Sweet, charming YA romance perfect for summer. A lovely, sweet book about missed and second chances! Valeria has everything a girl could want, except the one that got away…

Written with a strong voice in the very popular first person, this book is a breezy, easy read with a sense of humor that keeps the pages turning. You care quickly about this cast of characters. I wanted the entire group to find happiness, including the antagonist. I would’ve loved this series in my late teens – it has all the gilded drama of Sweet Valley High without falling on too-adult themes. It’s a simple story of a second meet-cute that actually lasts.”

Get it here FREE Dec 28-29th:

Amazon US:
Amazon CAN:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AUS:

About the Author

Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of YA and contemporary romance. She writes romance because she loves bringing people swoony moments and hope-filled happily ever afters. She writes about falling in love, fame, fitting in, frenemies, first loves, and finding your way in the world. She loves reading, watching movies, and lipstick.


Genevive Chamblee: St. Nick, Santa, and Papa Noël — Who Dat?
Monday, December 16th, 2024

Many people may not know the name, Clement C. Moore, but I’m willing to bet most know his famous poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas. Or perhaps, many do not know the poem by that name. How about The Night Before Christmas? Did that ring a (sleigh) bell? (See what I did there?) And who doesn’t recall these verses?

“But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer, With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick. Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”

Saint Nick. Saint Nicholas. Kris Kringle. Santa Claus. Santa. Father Christmas. Are we sure this guy isn’t in the Witness Protection Program? That’s a lot of aliases for one man. Of course, he has been breaking and entering across the globe for centuries and is on plenty of news forecasters’ watchlists. But that’s not the point. Have you ever heard of Papa Noël?

Papa Noël is Louisiana’s version of the man mentioned previously. And no, there wasn’t a mistake in using the term version because there are differences. Let’s start with his mode of transportation. Reindeer, right? Eight of them plus the most famous of them all, Rudolph? Yeah? Well, forget them. Papa Noël doesn’t fly in the sky in an extravagant sleigh with jingle bells and gold trim. Nope. Papa Noël travels down the Mississippi River and Louisiana bayous in style in a pirogue pulled by a team of alligators.

“Den out on de by-you, ‘Dey got such a clatter, ‘Make soun’ like old Boudreau, ‘Done fall off his ladder.’ Santa uses a long pole to steer his pirogue, a small, shallow boat, pulled by eight alligators through the bayou. He calls to the ‘gators: ‘Ha, Gaston! ‘Ha, Tiboy! ‘Ha, Pierre an’ Alcee! ‘Gee, Ninette! ‘Gee, Suzette! ‘Celeste an’ Renee! ‘To de top o’ de porch, ‘To de top o’ de wall, ‘‘Make crawl, alligator, ‘An’ be sho’ you don’t fall.’”

And since gators pulling a pirogue is more realistic than flying reindeer pulling an enchanted sled, it’s only logical that instead of an LED-nosed reindeer, there’s an illuminated neon snout gator. Just joking. Whoever heard of a gator with a glowing snout? That’s ridiculous… more so than a halogen-endowed stag. Actually, there is a discrepancy with Papa Noël’s gators. It’s always been said that he has eight pulling his pirogue. However, Nicollette, a gator with extremely glowing green eyes, is said to lead the team. So, either, one of the gators has a double identity/ fake ID or someone can’t count. Honestly, my money is on the ladder. However, I’m not going to be the one trying to figure it out because a gator is a gator, and they all have lots of teeth—extremely sharp teeth. Just leave my gifts by the tree please and thank you. Merci.

Glowing eyed-gator or no, Papa Noël’s way is lit by lighting bonfires along the river. Beginning early in the evening, around 700 PM, bonfires are lit. These bonfires are approximately twenty feet tall and burn all night. Tourists are invited to visit the bonfire celebrations along the levees. St. James Parish has some of the most popular ones. For more information on the bonfire celebrations, visit

And there’s no need to leave Papa Noël milk and cookies. Instead, Papa Noël takes a cold, frothy draft with his boiled shrimp and crawfish. And if draft isn’t available, he’ll have anything that’s on tap or a tumbler of an adult beverage. (Hey, this is the bayou! What do you expect?)

Now, there is some grumbling about where exactly Papa Noël hangs his hat for the other 364 days of the year. The first theory is one that most would expect: the North Pole. But have you ever seen an alligator in the North Pole? Gators are more cost-efficient than reindeer, and who couldn’t use that in this economy? Reindeers do not hibernate and would need to be fed year-round. Alligators, on the other hand, stop feeding when the temperatures drop. Besides, couldn’t you just see them feasting on all those elves? How messy. And yet, another reason the kiddos shouldn’t wait up on Christmas Eve. Gators be hangry. That’s a tad more problematic than the Grinch wrecking the Who’s meal.

“He took the Who’s feast, he took the Who pudding, he took the roast beast. He cleaned out that ice box as quick as a flash. Why, the Grinch even took their last can of Who hash.”

The second theory which makes far more sense is that Papa Noël resides deep in the Louisiana bayous. And if it’s where I’m thinking, this girl won’t be trying to find it. Cos anyone who knows anything about the bayous already knows that if something moves you better be prepared to run. There are plenty of things (on the ground, in the trees, floating beneath the water) that snack on walking people-kabobs. What better place to avoid prying eyes than where the Swamp People dare not venture? Papa Noël definitely wouldn’t have an issue with solicitors or anyone peddling propaganda pamphlets. There would be no need for grocery shopping because supper would be fished straight out of the river. And he’d never have to worry about rezoning mandates or annexes that would increase the taxes on his toy factory. (As a bonus, the elves wouldn’t know about minimal wage increases. Just saying.)

Now, let’s talk about the Grimm twist. For this part, adults might want to turn the kiddies’ eyes away from this. The Brothers Grimm weren’t known for their…uh, should we say…sensitivity? Case in point:

  • In the original Cinderella, the stepsisters chop off their toes and heels to fit into the boot.
  • In Hansel and Gretel, their parents willingly abandon them in the forest.

Most people are familiar that if a person is on Santa’s Naughty List, Santa will leave that person a lump of coal in their stocking. Papa Noël doesn’t make that threat. “Why?” you ask. Because after Papa Noël finishes leaving presents for all the children on the Nice List, Papa Fouettard arrives to whip and beat the rotten out of the bad ones. Yes, you heard correctly. He shows up with a belt in hand. He doesn’t waste time with timeouts or grounding. It’s the strap… or a switch if you’re way out in the woods. Complain about a lump of coal now. I dare you. Call CPS if you want to, but he’ll spank them, too.


That’s all I got. I hope you had a few giggles. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. Had you ever heard of Papa Noël or Papa Fouettard? Do you think Papa Fouettard is too politically incorrect for present day? Where do you think Papa Noël lives? Have you ever visited one of the Louisiana bonfire celebrations? If so, which ones. Let me know your thoughts below in the comment section. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. And if you like this post, consider clicking the like button and sharing.

Demon Rodeo

If Brokeback Mountain, 8 Seconds, Poltergeist, and Supernatural had an orgy, Demon Rodeo would be the lovechild.

Demon Rodeo is available now on Amazon. For video book trailers, visit my TikTok page. The full blurb is on my Instagram and Amazon.

Demon Rodeo is the first book in the Chasing the Buckle series but can be read as a standalone. It’s a friends-to-lovers romance set in the rodeo world. These are not your typical cowboys. It’s a widely diverse cast of characters and a mashup of genres that aren’t always seen together. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser, this may be a book for you.


⇨ Amazon:

⇨ All Stores:

*Note: All of my books can be purchased from brick-and-mortar bookstores (e.g., Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million, etc.) as well if requested at the checkout counter.)

Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

If you’re not following my blog, Creole Bayou, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click here and sign up today.

Want to chat about writing, mental health, Cajun cuisine, Creole culture, or just spill some tea? If yes, let’s get connected. Follow me on one of my social links. There’s plenty to choose from.


Locker Room Love Series

Are you searching for a sexy book boyfriend? You’ve come to the right place.

  • Out of the Penalty Box (book #1) One minute in the box or a lifetime out.
  • Defending the Net (book #2) Crossing the line could cost the game.
  • Ice Gladiators (book #3) When the gloves come off, the games begin.
  • Penalty Kill (book #4) Let the pucker begin.
  • Future Goals (book #5) The future lies between a puck and a net.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Genevive, and I am a contemporary sports romance author. My home is in South Louisiana. If you like snark and giggles with a touch of steamy Cajun and Creole on the side, I may have your poison in my stash of books. Drop by the bayou and have a look around. The pirogues are always waiting for new visitors.

Krysten Lindsay Hager: Cover Reveal for a YA Pop Star Fake Dating Book
Monday, November 25th, 2024

I’m excited to share the cover for my upcoming young adult novel, When Stars Collide in the City. It’s a standalone book that’s part of an interconnected series about teens in the entertainment (and college sports) field who are trying to figure out life and love in the big city.

Check out the blurb: From the outside, Olivia Macomb looks like she leads a charmed life. She’s an up-and-coming influencer who is an heir to the Macomb family fortune and is about to start a lifestyle brand with her childhood sweetheart, Jeff. Then her world gets blown apart by her longtime boyfriend leaving her the morning of their website launch. Not only has he left, but the business she created is all in his name, and she’s been left with nothing to show for all her hard work. Now she has to pick up the pieces and find out who she is on her own.

Enter Walker Vinton, the indie pop star who used to date Olivia’s close friend, Paige. When their school throws a big event, Paige asks Walker to be Olivia’s date to give the gossip bloggers something else to talk about other than Olivia’s broken dreams.

Walker ends up coming to Olivia’s rescue in more ways than one at the party, and a twist of events leads to the two embarking on a fake relationship. Walker and Olivia wind up becoming best friends, and she realizes he’s the boyfriend of her dreams. He helps her build both her brand and her self-esteem back up. Walker even helps her start a new business. However, the lines begin to blur as Olivia’s feelings for Walker are very real. The two share intimate conversations and dreams, but what’s real and what’s fake in this starry world?

You can pre-order the book (it releases on December 14th) here:

Amazon US:

Check out the rest of the series!

Like second chance romance and sports romances? Book one in the series features a teen soap star named Valeria who runs into the ex she never got over who happens to be a college basketball player who transferred to a university in the city.

Like hockey romance? Book two has a soap star named Paige who winds up doing a TV sports internship and meeting a college hockey star while she’s trying to get over her pop star ex (who is featured in book three).

Find the whole series here:
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A Note from the Author

I write YA and contemporary novels with hope, humor and happily ever afters, as well as dealing with self-doubt and finding where you belong.

Keep up with Krysten here:

Genevive Chamblee: DEMON RODEO is out!
Thursday, September 5th, 2024

Salute et bonjour. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

In the words of Kool and the Gang, “Celebrate good times. Come on.” Today is a celebration. It’s finally here. Today is the release of my newest novel Demon Rodeo.

What is Demon Rodeo? It’s a genre mashup. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser from the traditional straightforward genres, this may be a book for you.

  1. Romance: The love story and romance take center stage.
  2. Contemporary: It is set in modern times. It is not a western.
  3. Sports romance: Bull riding and rodeos are sometimes overlooked as being a sport.
  4. Cowboy romance: The MCs are bull riders, and the setting is the rodeo circuit.
  5. Gay romance: This is a M/M romance and has LBGTQIA+ representation.
  6. Spicy romance/Steamy romance: This book isn’t “smut,” but it does have some mature themes and language. It definitely is not for the kiddos.
  7. Multicultural: The MCs as well as supporting characters all have diverse backgrounds. Many are Creole and Cajun. Multiple racial and ethnic groups are represented (including their language. A glossary is included).
  8. Paranormal romance: This story contains elements not explained by science. However, given the expansive definition of paranormal, some readers may describe the story as supernatural or the occult.
  9. Trope romance: Some tropes seen in Demon Rodeo are friends-to-lovers, small-town vibes (set in multiple places but some are small towns), forbidden romance, and workplace (rodeo circuit) romance.
  10. It is not a romantic comedy (romcom), but it contains humorous scenes. It contains a lot of sass and sarcasm.
  11. Southern storytelling romance: This isn’t an official romance category, but I include it because it may be important to some. In the South (although not all southern locations and not every southern person does this), it is not uncommon to hear stories relayed with anecdotes and “roundabout” talk. If you don’t like chatty characters, then Demon Rodeo may not be your cup of tea.
  12. It is the first book in the Chasing the Buckle series, but it is written to be read as a standalone.
  13. It is told with a dual point-of-view (POV).

Basically, if Brokeback Mountain, 8 Seconds, Poltergeist, and Supernatural had an orgy, Demon Rodeo would be the lovechild.

As part of my celebration, for the last thirty days, I have uploaded a post on my blog. These posts are all related to a theme or subject depicted in the story. These posts do not contain any spoilers or describe any scenes. But it can give a feel for the type of storytelling.

I had planned to do a giveaway. Well, I am doing multiple giveaways. Unfortunately, I will not be able to host one exclusively here at this time due to time constraints. But if you’re interested in winning a mystery box, head over to my TikTok account for entry. While you are there, you also can watch videos about Demon Rodeo.

Demon Rodeo

In the cutthroat rodeo world, Cajun bull rider Easton Faucheaux harbors a secret crush on his best friend and rival, Royal Guérin. As they grapple with their forbidden attraction amidst mysterious occurrences in the arena, they must choose between concealing their feelings or risking it all for a love that defies convention.

Cajun rodeo star Easton Faucheaux wants to win another bull riding championship but has three problems. First, he hasn’t completely healed from an injury, and his sponsors aren’t convinced he’s still competition material. Second, strange things are happening in the arenas that no one is acknowledging. And third, Royal has inundated every nuance of his thoughts. Not only is Royal his best friend and biggest competition, but he’s also the sexiest man Easton has ever seen. The mere thought of screwing up their friendship is enough to keep Easton’s lips clamped.


Royal Guérin has always confided everything to Easton—well, almost everything. He does have one secret that he’s never shared despite wanting to. However, with the finals nearing, protestors picketing, resurfaced feelings of his father’s abandonment, and other bizarre happenings that can’t be explained by natural occurrences, now isn’t the time for confessions.

Life is complicated without lopping more onto it. So, whose idea was it to visit a psychic? Oh, that’s right—a new competitor has popped up out of nowhere. Now, there’s another secret to conceal. Remaining silent is a struggle, but Royal will do anything to protect Easton.

Both athletes figure it’s best to remain silent—that is until silence isn’t an option anymore. The strangeness just got dangerous, and they find themselves embroiled in a deadly game of survival—mentally, emotionally, and physically.


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So, that’s it. Come celebrate with me. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.  If you like this post, please click the like button and share. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read.

Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

If you’re not following my blog, Creole Bayou, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click here and sign up today.

Want to chat about writing, mental health, Cajun cuisine, Creole culture, or just spill some tea? If yes, let’s get connected. Follow me on one of my social links. There’s plenty to choose from.

 Locker Room Love Series

  • Out of the Penalty Box (book #1) One minute in the box or a lifetime out.
  • Defending the Net (book #2) Crossing the line could cost the game.
  • Ice Gladiators (book #3) When the gloves come off, the games begin.
  • Penalty Kill (book #4) Let the pucker begin.
  • Future Goals (book #5) The future lies between a puck and a net.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Genevive, a blogger and contemporary sports romance author. My home is in South Louisiana. If you like snark and giggles with a touch of steamy Cajun and Creole on the side, I may have your poison in my stash of books. Drop by the bayou and have a look around. The pirogues are always waiting for new visitors.

Genevive Chamblee: Bookversary — Let’s Celebrate! (Contest)
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…BN!

Today is a special day for me. Penalty Kill, the fourth book in my Locker Room Love series turns three today. It’s hard to believe that it’s been three years already. So, I’m celebrating.

Each book that I write is special to me, but Penalty Kill is extra special because it was written and released during the time the entire world broke—ya know, the height of the pandemic. As a result, I sadly couldn’t give it the usual welcome party. The following year, I was in the middle of writing Future Goals (book #5). This year, I’m preparing for the release of Demon Rodeo, the first book in my Chasing the Buckle series—a spicy, paranormal sports/cowboy (bull riding) romance. Thus, despite how much I love it, Penalty Kill seems to always being getting lost in the shuffle. Well, today, it will shine.

Penalty Kill centers on professional ice hockey veteran Timothée Croneau—one of the best players in the league with a garbage reputation. On the best of days, Timothée is crass and grumpy. And who wouldn’t be seeing how he was unceremoniously and unexpectedly traded to a team ranked dead last? The good part is that the team is located near his hometown of Mandeville, Louisiana. The bad part is that it is near his hometown which places him close enough to be a person of interest in a murder. And not just any murder—his estranged parents.

Sports agent Ryker Kitsch wants to make a name for himself. When he learns that Timothée has recently signed with the firm he works for, Ryker sees it as an opportunity. Since the senior agent representing Timothée has her hands full with other problematic clients, Ryker offers to be her assistant. What Ryker didn’t see was how captivated he would be by the dynamic forward. Timothée is not an ordinary client, and despite his gruff exterior, Ryker has a soft spot for him.

As with most of my novels, Penalty Kill is part of a series but can be read as a standalone. Regardless if a reader is a sports fanatic or novice, the sports scenes and jargon is easy to follow. The characters are multicultural and diverse, and the writing is on the sassy side. And if I didn’t mention, it’s spicy; so, not for the kiddies. It also has an author’s note and trigger warning.

If you would like to win a free copy of Penalty Kill, Penalty Kill, comment your favorite sport. One winner will be chosen at random and notified via email. (Please add to your contacts or safe mail list to prevent going to spam.) The contest will close on 8/31/24 at 12:01 AM. The winner will have 48 hours from the time of email notification to claim the prize.

That’s a wrap. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. If you like this post, please click the like button and share. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read.

Demon Rodeo


If Brokeback Mountain, 8 Seconds, Poltergeist, and Supernatural had an orgy, Demon Rodeo would be the lovechild.

My contemporary M/M paranormal sports romance, Demon Rodeo, is releasing on September 5, 2024, and is available now for preorder on Amazon. For video book trailers, visit my TikTok page. The full blurb is on my Instagram and Amazon.

Demon Rodeo is the first book in the Chasing the Buckle series but can be read as a standalone. It’s a friends-to-lovers romance set in the rodeo world. These are not your typical cowboys. It’s a widely diverse cast of characters and a mashup of genres that aren’t always seen together. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser, this may be a book for you. I’m celebrating its release by posting daily on my blog. There will be giveaways and lots of goodies. You can see the videos and PR boxes on TikTok.


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Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

If you’re not following my blog, Creole Bayou, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click here and sign up today.

Want to chat about writing, mental health, Cajun cuisine, Creole culture, or just spill some tea? If yes, let’s get connected. Follow me on one of my social links. There’s plenty to choose from.


 Locker Room Love Series


Are you searching for a sexy book boyfriend? You’ve come to the right place.

  • Out of the Penalty Box (book #1) One minute in the box or a lifetime out.
  • Defending the Net (book #2) Crossing the line could cost the game.
  • Ice Gladiators (book #3) When the gloves come off, the games begin.
  • Penalty Kill (book #4) Let the pucker begin.
  • Future Goals (book #5) The future lies between a puck and a net.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Genevive, and I am a contemporary sports romance author. My home is in South Louisiana. If you like snark and giggles with a touch of steamy Cajun and Creole on the side, I may have your poison in my stash of books. Drop by the bayou and have a look around. The pirogues are always waiting for new visitors.