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Archive for 'sports romance'

Ann Jacobs: The Making of a Series
Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

The 2017 NFL draft is just weeks away, and OTAs are kicking off next week, so I decided the time is ripe to run a super sale on my 4 ½ book series, CALLING THE SIGNALS.

I love football. More accurately, I adore hot signal callers, quarterbacks whose stars have shone over three generations of fandom!

Be they fresh out of college or inductees into the Hall of Fame, they’re all my idols, so I decided to write a series about four fictional stars whose careers overlapped my youth, my young adulthood, and my middle age. These highly sensual/mildly erotic romance ideas became Calling the Signals, and a short introductory story sets up a fictional small Texas town that produced all four heroes.

Born in the dog days of Ellora’s Cave Publishing, these books started life as The Gridiron Lovers series there, but they underwent major changes as well as getting new titles and covers. I’m proud of them, and I hope readers will take advantage of the very special prices beginning this very week.

Happy reading!

Ann Jacobs

A passerby could miss it if he blinked at the wrong time, this tiny west Texas town that had only one claim to fame—its amazing record of having produced not one, not two, but three MVP

quarterbacks in the past thirty years. Rumor had it that Bobby Anthony, now a senior at Tulane, would soon become the fourth one.

Some folks said it was something special in the water that bubbled up from a spring outside the town limits, but Bobby’s mom, Melanie, knew better.

Hedgecock was a brawling blue-collar town full of roughnecks and cowboys. Over the years, a dedicated, talented coach had molded a ragtag assortment of boys into teams that won state championships in spite of the school’s small size. Those teams had provided the town with pride—an identity neither drought nor dry holes could take away from its residents

Melanie stared out at the field, the rotting bleachers where so many of her memories had been made, hoping the committee she’d been asked to join would be able to find a way to raise the money to spruce up the fields, and maybe put a spark of life back in a town whose sources of income had all but dried up.

In “Hedgecock, Texas: Home of the Signal Callers,” school secretary Melanie and bank president Cal Tate conceive a moneymaking reunion of the four past, present and future NFL stars—and discover their own second chance at love in the process. Here are snippets from the four novels that tell the stories of each man’s career—and his discovery of lasting love.


Bobby…fresh out of college, multi-million dollar contract in hand, ready to show what he can do on the field—and off

Melanie…football fan, cheerleader, ready to hitch her star to the promising, super-hot Gamblers rookie

After he’d gotten to camp and spent a few minutes thumbing through the biggest playbook he’d ever seen, Bobby decided the chicks would have to wait. He’d have to spend most of his waking hours studying, not checking out the incredibly hot young women who were on one corner of the second football field, trying out for the Gamblers’ cheerleading squad. He noticed one, though. A gorgeous girl with a hot body, creamy skin, big brown eyes and long black hair that looked so soft he wanted to run his fingers through it. And he couldn’t resist making a point of running into her on the training center parking lot.

“Hey there!” he called out, and she turned and shot him a thousand-watt smile.

“Hello to you, too.” She stepped over closer, close enough that the sweet smell of her perfume wafted into his nostrils. “Good luck making the team, rookie.” Her gaze slid slowly up his body, and it was all he could do to resist pulling her close and seeing if he could rest his chin on top of her head.

“Thanks. I’m Bobby Anthony. And you are?”

“Marly Ragusa. Gamblers fan forever.” She paused for a minute, her pretty mouth gaping open. “Omigod, you’re the new quarterback the Gamblers took in the first round.”


Keith…NFL MVP, unbeatable on the field, his private life has known tragedy and disappointment

Tina…hometown girl signed on as nanny to Keith’s motherless baby, knowing he’s way out of her league

Something was bothering Jack’s dad. Tina sensed it, though Keith was going through all the right motions, playing with the baby on the carpeted nursery floor and riding him piggyback before helping feed him an early supper. She hoped it wasn’t something she’d done to upset her moody employer.

Of course it wasn’t. Tina scolded herself for her lack of self-confidence. If Keith was angry with her, she was certain he’d have said so. It must have been something that had happened while he was at practice. And she’d guessed from his silence and his scowl last night that he’d come home unhappy about yesterday’s game. If she hadn’t watched most of it on TV, though, she never would have known he’d thrown two or three interceptions or that the Gamblers had lost, because he hadn’t uttered a word about the game while helping tuck Jack in his bed.


Dave…beat-up, playboy quarterback at the twilight of his storied career, who’s hot in the clutch in his final swan song

Diane…Keith’s older sister, victim of an abusive marriage but open to a fling with playboy Dave

Diane knew Dave Delaney, the Savannah Rebels’ quarterback, from way back. Despite being past forty years old, Dave was holding on to a lead in the tight game. Or at least he had been until a minute ago when two Gamblers defenders turned him into the filling for a human sandwich. Without his helmet, Dave looked a lot like she remembered from long ago. Older now, obviously, he still had the wavy black hair and electric blue eyes that proclaimed his Black Irish ancestry. Pain registered on that handsome face as two of his teammates helped him off the field.

Why was he still punishing himself? Diane shuddered as she watched the coach, a doctor and a trainer on the sideline, looking at Dave’s right knee. If she wasn’t mistaken, that was the same knee he’d had surgery on a couple of seasons ago.


Colin…Hall of Fame golden boy, now retired, he can still sling it with the best of them

Susan…small-town bad girl, has it bad for the smokin’ hot coach who’s up for all the games she has in mind

Colin Zanardi leaned back in his desk chair at the Rebels’ Savannah headquarters. He’d obviously been too damn busy lately. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been half hard, wondering if Susan Anderson were as soft and submissive as she sounded on the phone.

During the last few phone calls they’d shared, the sexy widow had clearly been making a play for him. That didn’t surprise him—a good many groupie types still wanted a piece of him even though he’d hung up his cleats thirteen years ago and moved over to the coaching side of football. What intrigued him was the element of raw need he heard in her voice each time they’d spoken—and a hint of the feminine submissiveness that appealed so strongly to his dominant nature.

For the first time since agreeing to take part in this reunion, Colin found himself actually looking forward to his first return to the tiny west Texas town since he’d graduated from high school almost thirty-two years ago.

Author Twitter:
Buy links for Calling the Signals and all of Ann’s available books can be found at her website: (click on individual book titles).

Kathryn Lively: Cover Reveal – If You Want It
Sunday, March 5th, 2017

I had all these plans. You know what plans are, right? They’re the dreams you want to turn into reality, and before you get started all the drama you never expected comes avalanching on top of you. It’s how my 2017 started, but we actually have to go a bit further back.

I had a nice Christmas, spent with family out of town. It was bittersweet considering it was the first one without my late mother-in-law, but we did our best to stay upbeat. I spent the day afterward relaxing and making my kick-ass 2017 goal list in my journal.

Then I got a call from my boss. Business experienced a downturn, and she decided to close. I got laid off on the day after Christmas. 2016 killed all the cool celebrities and a job I loved.

I spent all of January in a fog, laser-focused on finding work. I took what freelance I could to help us stay afloat in case unemployment didn’t kick in. I basically lost an entire month, and still have little memory beyond tweaking my resume and attending interviews.

During this time, too, I had a book accepted by Decadent Publishing, and now that I have gainful employment I can be happy about it.

A bit rushed, too. It’s time to promo, so here I am to present you with the stunning cover for IF YOU WANT IT. This is my first sports-hero romance, and my second with a BBW heroine. I was inspired by many visits to Central Virginia for the setting, and by small-town romances I’ve enjoyed from Kristan Higgins, Susan Mallery, and Debbie Macomber. I enjoyed being in this world as I wrote, and if you’re looking for a sweet-ish romance with a field goal-worthy kick I hope you’ll give it a try. IF YOU WANT IT comes out later this month, but you can visit my Amazon page at and receive notification when it’s live.


The days when people called Winnie Segal “Sea Cow” are long over. She’s still a big gal, and everybody around her’s gone all PC and “Yay, body acceptance,” but once in a while something dredges up a bad memory. This time, the trigger is Cory Levane, former high school star quarterback and current NFL legend, former high school crush. After a triumphant career he’s come home to show off, so Winnie thinks. She’d rather design and sell her artwork than give a damn, yet the garden in which she grows her damns thrives.

After one month of early retirement, Cory is climbing the walls. He thought coming home would provide cheer and inspire him to plan his future, but people treat him like a celebrity instead of an actual person. He’s happy about one thing, though: Winnie Segal hasn’t changed—she’s still gorgeous and funny as ever, and talented. If he weren’t so damn tongue-tied around her he’d let her know.

The opportunity to work together on a project has Cory anxious to get closer, and leaves Winnie suspicious of his motives. Winnie doesn’t let comments about her weight get to her as much these days, and while Cory never made fun of her in school, he never attempted to start a friendship, either.

Winnie keeps a tight hold on her heart, and Cory knows it will take more than his football skills to get her to pass it to him.

About Kathryn Lively

Things you need to know about me:

I am the author of several novels and stories. Currently I self-publish and have works through Totally Bound and Decadent Publishing.

I have seen every episode of M*A*S*H at least four times. I’ll binge watch it again, make no mistake.

I minored in German in college and continue to learn the language. I aim for fluency but will be happy with a strong reading knowledge.

I knit Doctor Who scarves. I am currently working on a fourth one.

I enjoy reading historical fiction and biographies.

I have seen Rush in concert ten times. Voluntarily.

I am working on my next book. Always.

I enjoy making lists.

You can connect with me on Twitter at @MsKathrynLively and sign up for my newsletter at