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Archive for 'Texas Cowboys'
Friday, August 24th, 2018
UPDATE: The winners are…Kris, Colleen, Tamara, Katherine, Misty Dawn, and Buttons!
I have tons of series! I know it’s possible you might have missed one. Texas Cowboys is a sexy one, filled with those alpha-male, Texas men—six stories, so far! All are interconnected, so you get to see the characters you’ve met along the way. And they are available in print editions!
For a chance to win your choice from among the Texas Cowboys stories, answer me this…
Have you read any of the Texas Cowboys or Lone Star Lovers stories?
Which series would you like to see more of?

Click on covers to learn more!
Soldier Boy
Just home from war, Mac McDonough is in a world of hurt only a woman can cure. Suki’s jealous stalker doesn’t stand a chance…
Fresh from war, “Mac” McDonough wants just two things: whiskey to drown the pain in his damaged leg and a woman. But one look into Suki Reese’s haunted eyes, and he knows she needs the kind of muscle only an ex-soldier can provide.
Mac’s brooding gaze and hard body leave Suki Reece breathless and disturbed. The rugged ex-soldier won’t listen to a word she says until Suki distracts him with a sexy striptease. That gets his attention. Suki may have gotten the upper hand, but Mac is going to be on top.
Get your copy here!
Excerpt from Soldier Boy…
Mac McDonough’s body ached with the need to sink into soft, wet woman.
An escape, no matter how brief, from the constant, throbbing in his shattered leg.
Like an answer to his prayer, a familiar SUV crawled up the rough gravel road. His body tightened. Tara Toomey had offered the last time she paid him a visit, for old time’s sake, but he’d turned her down because he’d still had just enough pride and just enough affection for his old friend not to want to use her like that.
Today, she wouldn’t make it past the door. The thought of her blonde flyaway curls wrapped around his dick made his heart thud with anticipation.
As she slowly made her way up the winding, rutted road, Mac McDonough closed his eyes, turned his face into the gusting, humid air, and inhaled the fresh scent of the coming rain—a fierce reminder of just how far he’d come.
Over seven thousand miles and another lifetime.
The cabin nestled high on a ridge overlooking hills covered with live oak and cedar seemed as far removed from his version of reality as the face of Mars.
Sure, the ground was a bed of sand and rock, but the sand was grittier, the grains larger than the wheat flour a Hummer could kick up into the air, leaving a trail that could be tracked for miles across the desert floor.
The air was almost as hot but filled with so much moisture it felt thick as he dragged it deep into his lungs.
Mac curled his fingers around the porch rail and leaned into it, savoring the solitude he’d needed to heal his soul that no amount of therapy or medicine could compare with.
Only thing missing from the picture was another case of whiskey to help him sink into a stupor to ease the pain-filled tension in his body and shut out the memories that haunted his dreams.
And a woman. Not that he was willing to leave the cabin to go on the prowl for one, but the longer he remained in his self-imposed isolation, the more urgent became the need. Any woman would do—so long as she didn’t want to talk or be wooed. He hadn’t the time or the heart left for either. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: cowboys, erotic romance, excerpt, Lone Star Lovers, Texas, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books..., Contests! | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Tamara Kasyan - Katherine Anderson - Misty Dawn Cecil - ButtonsMom2003 - Delilah -
Saturday, June 30th, 2018
UPDATE: The winner is…Peggy Harrington!
Thought you might like to see what I’ve released so far this year—just in case you missed it! I published the last three Texas Cowboys stories, the entire Triplehorn Brand series, three more Montana Bounty Hunters, a couple of Colorado cowboy stories, one multi-author anthology, and just one short story! I have to pick up the pace for the rest of the year! Think I can do it? I don’t know, I did just hit 60… 🙂
1. 01/02/18 – BOUND & DETERMINED, Texas Cowboys series
2. 01/23/18 – SLOW RIDER, Texas Cowboys series
3. 02/13/18 – NIGHT WATCH, Texas Cowboys series
4. 02/27/18 – PIRATES, A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology
5. 03/06/18 – LAYING DOWN THE LAW, The Triplehorn Brand series
6. 03/08/18 – DAGGER, Montana Bounty Hunters series
7. 03/20/18 – IN TOO DEEP, The Triplehorn Brand series
8. 04/03/18 – A LONG, HOT SUMMER, The Triplehorn Brand series
9. 04/05/18 – REAPER’S RIDE, Montana Bounty Hunters series
10. 04/27/18 – THE BOUNTY-2, short story
11. 05/11/18 – TRUE HEART
12. 05/22/18 – LONE HEART
13. 06/26/18 – COCHISE, Montana Bounty Hunters series
I have favorites among these stories for differing reasons…
My favorite covers? In Too Deep is just gorgeous! Cochise is sexy as hell!
My favorite characters? Reaper is a grumpy hard-ass, who can show a surprisingly tender side to his wife, Carly. I made him suffer in Reaper’s Ride! And then there’s Lacey Jones from Dagger… I haven’t had that much fun writing an introduction to a story in a very long time. If you want to read that intro, head here. My “Bounty Hunter Barbie” is unique.
My favorite stories? What can I say, I love writing bounty hunters. I love writing the action-packed takedowns of stupid criminals. They are a blast to write. My bounty hunter stories are chock-full of action!
My sexiest story? Hands down, it’s The Bounty-Part 2, because for the shorties, I let the “dirty girl” out to play!
What’s coming?
Coming soon, I have two more bounty hunter stories in the works, Hook (I’m shooting for August), and a crossover with my SEAL stories, S*x on the Beach (coming in September). I’m revising the hell out of a fantasy story, Gargoyle’s Embrace (coming in July). All three are up for pre-order. As well, I’ll be writing a new shorty, Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Client. So sexy times are coming. This fall, I’ll give you the next With His SEAL Team installment. So, be sure to check back in with me!
The projects I have listed above aren’t going to keep me busy, so I was wondering what else you might like to see from me. Want more bounty hunters? Texas cowboys? Witches, vamps, or werewolves? More SEALs? Comment below for a chance to win one of the stories I’ve released so far this year. Your choice!
Tagged: bounty, cowboys, Montana Bounty Hunters, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books..., Contests!, News | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jennifer Beyer - ButtonsMom2003 - Jessica - Delilah - Peggy Harrington -
Thursday, February 15th, 2018
The guest I scheduled to appear today is a no-show. So, lucky for you!
For just 24 hours, this book—the first in my Texas Cowboys series—is free! It’s available in Kindle, ePub, and pdf! Download your copy today and share this with a friend! Just click on the picture and enjoy!

Tagged: Texas, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books..., Free Read | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sandra Rodriquez - ButtonsMom2003 - ronnie c - Michelle Duhon -
Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

I have another story out today. This one’s fun. My hero is a cop, who is also a Dom. My heroine is an awkward schoolteacher, who’s intensely curious… Yeah, they find love in the little town of Paraiso, Texas. I hope you enjoy it! And for those of you who love your books in print, I’ll be publishing two volumes with all of these stories this month! ~DD
Night Watch

Night Watch
Texas Cowboys, Book 6
Deputy Logan Ross knows good and well he’s got someone watching him at night, not that he minds one little bit. Still, for a lawman who wants to keep the peculiarities about his lifestyle under wraps in this small Texas town, the consequences of her ever spilling what she knows are too damning to risk. Better to seduce her…
Schoolteacher Amy Keating never intended to become a voyeur, but one innocent glance into Logan’s window opened up a world of sexual play she’d never envisioned. However, when she finds his attentions turned on her, she can’t help but reciprocate. She’ll do anything to spend one night in his bed. One night is all she can aspire to, because a man as handsome and worldly as Logan could never fall in love with a tall, gangly, Plain Jane like her…
Get your copy here!
For a chance to win a free copy from among Texas Cowboys #1 through #5, tell me whether you still love cowboys, or what you’d rather see…

Click on the covers to learn more!

Check out what’s coming next!
This trilogy is coming out March through early April!
They’re all ready for pre-order now!

Tagged: cowboys, lawman, Texas, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books..., Contests!, New Release, News | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ronnie c - Debra Guyette - Jana Leah - ButtonsMom2003 - Monica Lemmers -
Saturday, February 3rd, 2018
So, I know you don’t come here to hear from a “Debbie Downer”. However, these days, it’s getting tough for me to hold onto my normally sunny disposition.
Maybe I’m just tired. I mean really, really tired. My dd and I are taking shifts to cover grandma’s personal care, here at home, 24/7. Yes, we’re getting hospice to come in and provide things like a hospital bed and bed table, an aide to give her baths, a nurse to visit to ease the impossible burden of bringing her to the doctor for checkups… But everything else is on us.
So, I steal moments to post a blog, check my mail, edit a story, etc., all the while glancing constantly over my shoulder to make sure grandma isn’t trying to climb out of bed to “go to the dance.” Yes, she’s out of her mind more than she’s in it. It’s sad for us, but she’s having very interesting conversations with friends and family who have been long gone.
In the meantime, my productivity has been hammered. I had to postpone the release of Dagger, the sequel to Reaper, which caused its own horrible consequence. I’ve lost my ability to set up pre-orders on Amazon—something that all authors need in order to get books into readers’ hands. Readers don’t normally hover over their computers, waiting for a book to drop. They read a story, see what’s coming out next, place that pre-order, then move on to the next author, knowing they won’t miss a thing, and don’t have to think or remember that they will need to make a future purchase. So, yes, losing pre-order privileges—for a year—is killer. But what can I do?
For those of you waiting for the next Montana Bounty Hunters story, my goal is to have a shorter story, Reaper’s Ride, ready to release as part of a mini-launch in my sister Elle James’s Brotherhood Protectors Kindle World at the end of this month. Of course, I am having to fit in the pages for that story as I can, while I plug along on Dagger for a March release.
If you’ve been reading the Texas Cowboys stories, another is coming soon—Night Watch! I’m also working on getting the first three books of the series into print. That could happen as soon as next week!
In the meantime, I’ll offer one commenter a chance to win a free copy of their choice from among the Texas Cowboys stories #1 through #5.

Click on the covers to learn more about the stories!
Tagged: Montana Bounty Hunters, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books... | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Michelle Duhon - Colleen C. - Jana Leah - Pat Bohn - Kristi Robbins -
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

The Latest from Texas Cowboys – Slow Rider

When Joe Chavez and a fellow sheriff’s deputy pull over a speeding motorcycle in the middle of the night, neither is particularly shocked to find Paraiso’s wild child, Sarah Michelson, riding bare-assed naked, nor are they surprised when she invites them to join her in a sexy threesome.
Talking her way out of an embarrassing date with the county judge, who just happens to be her daddy, Sarah promises the officers the ride of their lives. Having the men turn the tables on her and introduce her to some scary D/s play, she learns some things about herself she never suspected. Too bad Joe will never see her as anything but a sexy hell cat in need of taming…
Get your copy now!
Coming in February!

Tagged: BDSM, contemporary romance, cowboys, erotic romance, Texas, Texas Cowboys, Western Posted in About books..., New Release, News | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -
Saturday, January 20th, 2018
I’m on grandma duty today. She’s resting in the background, while I steal some time to work. Thank God, for my MacBook Air—a gift from my sister. It’s light as a feather to lug up and down the stairs as I need. Today, Grandma saw me coming with a bowl of ice cream (really, just a spoon), which she now always suspects has her crushed-up pills mixed in (sometimes it’s apple sauce, sometimes crushed pineapple). She called me a wicked witch and held up her hand to say she wasn’t going to eat a bite. She also called me Mother, so I’m not taking any of this personally. 🙂
So, while she’s dreaming about buggies and cold Montana winters (she was born in 1919, so horse and buggy were still a thing on the prairie back then), I’m taking a minute to post.
I just wanted to remind those of you who love the Texas Cowboys that the next installment releases on Tuesday. Slow Rider is very sexy. There’s some menage elements. So be warned! Not very long after Slow Rider, the next story will be coming your way. Check out the cover below! It’s HAWT!
Slow Rider

When Joe Chavez and fellow sheriff’s deputy, Logan Ross, pull over a speeding motorcycle in the middle of the night, neither is particularly shocked to find Paraiso’s wild child, Sarah Michelson, riding bare-assed naked, nor are they surprised when she invites them to join her in a sexy threesome.
Talking her way out of an embarrassing date with the county judge, who just happens to be her daddy, Sarah promises the officers the ride of their lives. Having the men turn the tables on her and introduce her to some scary D/s play, she learns some things about herself she never suspected. Too bad Joe will never see her as anything but a sexy hell cat in need of taming…
Pre-order your copy here!
Night Watch, coming February 16th!

Deputy Logan Ross knows good and well he’s got someone watching him at night, but catching his sexy neighbor in the act has proven an elusive quest. For a lawman who wants to keep his D/s lifestyle under wraps in this small Texas town, the consequences of her ever spilling what she knows are too damning to risk.
Schoolteacher Amy Keating never intended to become a voyeur, but one innocent glance into Logan’s bedroom window opened up a world of sexual play she’d never envisioned. However, when she finds the spotting scope turned on her, she can’t help but reciprocate, luring him into a sexy game of one-up-man-ship that can only lead one place, his bed…
Pre-order your copy here!
Tagged: BDSM, contemporary romance, police, Texas, Texas Cowboys Posted in About books..., News | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Michelle Duhon -